Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Arturo is waiting for me at six o’clock outside a posh restaurant – just like he said he would be. I can’t help but smile when I see him. God, he is so perfect. He looks like he has just stepped off the runway – although I think that every time I lay eyes on him. How did I get so lucky?

His suit is black, which he wears with a white dress shirt – the material hugs his large body and arms, but it doesn’t look too small or silly. No, he looks perfect. I rush up to him; noticing the chaperone with him. The man is one of the marshals that will watch over us, guaranteeing we won’t run away.

“Bella” Arturo smiles when he sees me. He rushes to my side and hugs me. I have forgotten how good it feels to be in his embrace. I cuddle closer – nuzzling my face into his chiselled chest. He pulls away, before bending down to peck my check. “Oh mi amore, I have missed you”.

“I missed you too” I reply truthfully.

“You look tasty” he comments and I chuckle at his words – even the marshal with us smirks slightly. Arturo pauses, glances between us before he pursues his lips. “Did I say that wrong? Is tasty the wrong words?” he questions. With each slip of translation, I fall in love with him a little bit more.

“I get what you mean” I giggle, standing into my tip-toes to kiss his cheek.

“But seriously, Bella, you are like Aphrodite”. He holds me at arm’s length as his beautiful eyes look over my body. I am wearing the black dress that he brought me; it singes at the waist before falling elegantly to the floor. I have paired it with large black heels, along with a small black shrug.

“Come on, Casanova” I tease, taking his hand and pulling him towards the restaurant behind us. The restaurant is beautiful; dimly lit with small t-light candles on every glass table. I smile when I realise it is an Italian restaurant – it is like he is showing me a part of his culture. Even though I know he’s not, simply because we’re in England not Italy.

“Will you take me to Italy at some point?” I ask him. I have always wanted to travel, ever since I was young girl. “I want to see Rome and Mount Vesuvius” I say, instantly excited for the trip. I want to see the world, and I want to start with Arturo’s home country.

“Take you to Italy? Mi amore, one day you’re going to live it Italy with me” he replies as the waiter come to order food. His words strike me close – the only way I would be living with Arturo is if I reject Flynn. Instantly I am saddened by that thought, but at the same time; I want to live with Arturo.

How can I choose between two people I love? I don’t have an answer. I don’t think anyone has the answer. I am fucked, because I know I won’t be able to choose. How am I to tell Arturo that I choose Flynn? How am I to tell Flynn that I choose Arturo? I don’t even want to think about it – my head fucking kills just thinking about it.

Arturo and I enjoy our meal out. We talk, we laugh, we smile and we fall slightly more in love. We drink a bottle of wine between us, but I am not drunk and neither is he. However, we are both too buzzed to drive. So the marshal drives us home as we cuddle in the back seats.

“You know, Bella, I love you” he whispers. He words make tears swim in my eyes.

“I love you too Arturo” I tell him. It is the truth – of course it is – but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love Flynn. Because I do, I love Flynn just as much. My heart is in two; Arturo owns one half, and Flynn the other. I wish I could have both, but I know I can’t. I just love them both so fucking much.

“Do not cry, mate” Arturo says, cupping my face with his large hands. “I love you so much and I know this is troublesome for you. Mi batterò per te”.

“It’s just so shit you know?” I exclaim, getting angry and frustration. “Why couldn’t I have just been born into a normal Wolf Pack? I could have a normal life, a normal mate. I wouldn’t have dreaded the day I met my mate; no, I would have looking forward to it. I wouldn’t have my heart ripped into two, every since fucking day”.

“Hush, Bella, don’t get yourself upset” Arturo whispers. He presses a sweet kiss to my cheek, and I turn to look up into his large blue eyes. I gulp, the intensity they hold is strong, and I feel my throat drying up.

Leaning down, Arturo’s lips evade towards mine. He is going to kiss me, and I am happy about that. I want him to kiss me – of course I do. I love Arturo; and I want to spend my life with him.

But, just as his lips touch mine the car skids to a stop and we jump apart. It’s odd, but I feel an odd sense of relief. It isn’t as if I would be cheating on Flynn, both of my mate’s understand the situation I am in, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty. However, I would be the same with Flynn; feeling guilty about not being with Arturo.

When Arturo leaves me for the night, placing a lingering kiss on my cheek and temple, I feel saddened. Not just because he is leaving, but also because I feel like life can’t get any worse. I have met two men who I love dearly, but I feel like my life is crumbling around me.

I will lose one of the people I lose, and that makes my heart hurt. I hate the fact that I have to endure this entire situation alone; because I have no one to talk to. I don’t have friends, my family don’t understand and I can’t talk to my mates without them getting jealous and opinionated. I have more people in my life than I ever have before, yet I feel even more alone.

I walk through the territory alone, holding my dress up and making sure my heels don’t sink into the floor. I feel a few tears fall down my cheeks as I stumble back home – and I don’t bother to wipe them away.

When I reach home, it is quiet, and I find a note telling me that everyone is out for the night. I pay it little mind as I head up to my room; I feel numb and cold. I want to be with my mate – but I don’t know which mate.

I know I am being ridiculous. Some people struggle finding one person to love them, yet, I have two people fighting for my attention. I should be grateful to have them – and I am – but I want to keep them both. I am greedy, I am selfish, I am in love.

As I lay in bed, my phone begins to wail. I don’t even look at the name as I answer it; expecting it be my mother or father. “Violet?” Flynn’s cocky voice rings through the receiver.

“Hey Flynn” I breathe out, instantly sitting up in my room. I am shocked he phoned me, but it is nice to hear his voice. It makes me yearn for him, to be in his arms. My thoughts, however, make me feel guilty – since I almost kissed Arturo mere minutes ago.

But, I push the thoughts to the back of my mind; instead, I smile and enjoy talking to one of the men I love. “So, Derek, how can I help you this fine evening?”

“Don’t call me Derek” Flynn groans, and I laugh. “And I am fine, my little PalmaViolet. Now, I have a question for you”.

“And what question is that, Derek?”

“Flynn! And the question is; I have a fight tomorrow and I was wondering if you would want to come be my sexy cheerleading after our date?” His question makes me smile, but then I process his words.

“You have a fight tomorrow, what do you mean?” I am beginning to get worried, and that is obvious from my panicked voice.

“Violet, calm yourself” Flynn chuckles lightly, “I do a bit of cage fighting now and again, nothing major. It makes me a few quid, and I enjoy beating the shit out of people”. His smile is obvious, and I can imagine him smirking smugly.

“Flynn, I don’t like this” I gush out. The images of Flynn getting hurt fills my mind, and I can’t help but flinch. I don’t want him hurt, and I don’t want to see it.

“I never lose, Violet, I promise. Come on, I want you sat on the edge of the ring – cheering me on”.

“I don’t want to see you get hurt”.

“I’m too good for that shit”. Flynn’s confidence doesn’t make me feel any better, but I don’t want to upset him. I can tell from his voice that he is excited for me to come with him.

“Fine, I’ll come” I give in. “But don’t expect me to wear some kind of kinky cheerleading outfit. This ain’t fucking America, so don’t try and get me in that shit”.

Flynn laughs loudly, “now you just completely ruined my fantasy”.
