Prologue: The Start

A boat quickly approached an artificial island in Tokyo Bay, Japan. Under the light of the rising sun, a figure could be seen standing in the deck, leaning over the handrail and staring at his destination.

The boat arrived not long after, and docked at one of the numerous harbours of the city. The captain made a strange sound with his mouth, hurrying the figure to step out.


Y/n: So this is it, hm? Honnō City, and Honnōji Academy...

The teen said, as he looked up at the city, which was divided in 4 different areas, one being less appealing than the others. He took a deep breath, and stepped off the boat, the vehicle quickly speeding off into the distance afterwards.

Y/n: Bigger than the pictures...whatever, this is place will do

He said, as he walked through the straight path that led to the top of the city, where the establishment was located. It'd be a long way up, one he would need to walk alone, as he has done for most of his life.

He passed a sign that read "Glory to Satsuki Kiryūin, ruler of Honnō City", and he looked at it in spite, his eyes glaring as if his stare could be felt by the person mentioned in it.

He didn't stay long, however, as he continued to trek on and on through the worst part of this place. If one would've looked closer, they could've seen the small purple glow that shone in his (E/C) eyes.

-In another place, at the same time-

???: Hm...

A tall and beautiful figure clad in a bathing robe said, sat on a chair in the middle of a room, darkened by the lack of windows.

She was looking at a screen set on a small table to her right, which displayed the photos of the two new transfer students that'll be arriving at her academy. The first one was a teenage girl with black and red hair, though she was not important at the moment. She was more fixated in the other one, a boy with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes.

He seemed so familiar, but she couldn't put a finger as to why. She looked at his name, (Fake/N) (Fake/L/N). She turned to her personal butler.

???: Soroi, bring me some more tea, please.

Soroi: As you wish, Lady Satsuki.

The now known as Satsuki didn't know why, but she felt a sense of familiarity when looking at the boy. His name wasn't one she recognized though, so she pushed the feeling away.

-Back to Y/n-

The teen felt a sudden shiver on his spine, but chose to ignore it, as he continued walking. His hair fluttered in the wind, eyes sparkling in the morning sun.

Y/n: Damn, this is a long ass path...

The start of a new adventure is always exciting to think about, isn't it?

-End of Prologue-

So, what did you think about it?

I don't know if I became better at writing prologues compared to the last time, but I'm kinda happy with how it turned out.

I really don't have much to say. Don't expect top tier writing. I'll try and keep the dialogue fresh, and not just copy and paste it with the protagonist talking in the middle, but I've never done something like that, and I honestly don't know how it'll turn out.

That's all for the prologue of this story, see you when I make the first chapter.
