
Our favorite trio were on their way to school, opting to walk there instead of taking the No-Star transport. Y/n walked next to Ryuko and Mako, the boy having his hands inside his pockets as he glanced at the two girls engaged in conversation. Something about croquettes? He wasn't really paying attention.

"Hm?" Ryuko looked back, seeing that Y/n had suddenly stopped in his tracks, a pensive look om his face. "What's up?"

"I don't...know?" The boy scratched the back of his head, seemingly confused. "Something feels...different, but I can't pinpoint why or what it is."

"Oh, oh!" Mako sprung up, cheerily pointing at him. "Maybe the author of this story made a choice to to change the writing style to something he's more comfortable with!"


Both Ryuko and Y/n looked at her, a mixture of disbelief and concern on their faces. "Mako...what are you even talking about?"

The girl just shrugged with a smile, making the two of them sigh. They continued walking, trying to decipher Y/n's weird feeling.

"Maybe I just didn't get enough sleep?" Y/n proposed. Ryuko chuckled at that, making him shoot a question look in her direction.

"I don't think that's it. You were out like a light yesterday. You didn't even take a shower." Y/n flinched, looking to the side as Ryuko continued to snicker to herself. "Maybe it's because someone hasn't tried to attack us yet. Assholes seem to be doing that a lot lately."

"Maybe." Y/n shrugged.

"Well, whatever it is, it not worth being late to school over!" Mako exclaimed, jumping on Y/n's shoulders and lightly hitting his head. "Go, go, go!"

"Oi, I'm not your vehicle or servant or whatever." And yet Y/n didn't push her off, simply grabbing her legs so she wouldn't fall. Meanwhile Ryuko laughed at their antics.

They continued their walk up at a faster pace, chatting to pass the time. Y/n still had that feeling, but he chose to ignore it. 'Whatever it is, I'll worry about it when the time comes'


Luckily that time wouldn't come as none of that was canon or relevant to the plot in any way, shape or form.

I'm going to ask you all to blatantly ignore my negligence regarding this story. I just got a lot of other ideas and wanted to put them to the test as their own stories.

They've been turning out better than I expected, and I think I have this writing style to thank for that. It's easier to write long chapters like this, it lets me elaborate more on the fight scenes and actions of a character, along with other benefits.

So yeah, I'll be returning to this story, but all the following chapters after this announcement will be written like that small bit at the start. I'll leave the previous chapters as they are for now, for old time's sake.

That is all. Sorry for the disappointingly long wait. I will try to have the next chapter out as soon as possible, but school's been keeping me busy, so no promises.

See you all later, and thank you for reading.
