Chapter 7: Trigger Finger

The peaceful noises of a seemingly normal Monday morning were interrupted by the sound of an engine, roaring as it carried a motorcycle along the road. As the driver's red mohawk fluttered, he fixed his glasses and sped up, eager to reach his destination, which would also be his target's last.

He reached the entrance of the school, and pulled out two ice axes/climbing picks. He stabbed them into the concrete wall, and started his climb up. It didn't take long to reach the top, and in just a couple of minutes, a sniper had been set up on top of the wall, ready to take the shot. This man was...


He observed through the scope, as his objective yawned, trying her best to keep her gear-like eyes focused on the lesson, but unlike her classmate who was eagerly taking notes, she wasn't doing a very good job.

The guy took a deep breath, the weapon steading itself. He placed his finger on the trigger, about to fire...that is, until he sighed and stood up, referring to the crowd of students that had formed behind him.

Tsumugu: What do you want?

The Two-Star student leading the crowd of One-Stars laughed, and presented himself as the Gardening Club General Manager.

With an ugly laugh, he sarcastically thanked Tsumugu for taking care of his batch of flowers, which held a visible trial on them.

Tsumugu simply lit a cigarette and took a puff as if the annoying students weren't even present.

Gardener: No smoking in this area!

Tsumugu: I don't care about the complaints of people who rely on Life Fibers.

Gardener: *shocked* H-How do you know about Life Fibers?!

Tsumugu simply chuckled, taking the cigarette off his mouth. He turned around and looked at the gardener in the eye, as he threw the cigarette directly into the patch of flowers.

Tsumugu: *glaring* You don't have a right to that answer.

Gardener: Y-You! You'll pay for that, bastard!

The group of One-Stars started to water the pot on his back, as a giant plant grew out of the small recipient and lunged at Tsumugu, the flower resembling a mouth ready to bite his head off.

He stood still, as the flora chomped down on him, covering the area in dust from the impact. In a second, he lunged out of the cloud completely unharmed, jumping onto the plant monster and aiming his gun down. He pulled the trigger, as a rain of needles started to fall down onto the students.

As the One-Star students were quickly incapacitated, the Two-Star simply laughed, claiming no gun would be enough to harm a Goku Uniform. More plants started to rise from his back and lunge at the soldier, who kept shooting needles nonstop.

Gardener: Let's see how you like it when I turn you to fertilizer! Hahahahaha!

His laugh was cut short, as his precious plant started to wither, the Life Fibers inside it quickly becoming dull. Mimicking his plant, he felt to the ground, his strength suddenly leaving his body.

Tsumugu: I'll give you two important facts. *lowers gun a bit* One: I smoke where I want-

Gardener: Please spare me!

Tsumugu: *narrows eyes and aims gun at Gardener's forehead* Two: I despise being interrupted!

Gardener: Wait-!

A shot rang through the vicinity, as the now naked body of the formed Two-Star student laid down on his precious batch of flowers, the remains of his uniform scattered around him. Tsumugu held in his hand a glass container, now restraining a squirming Life Fiber.

-Class K-

Y/n stopped taking notes, and started to look pit the window at the Academy's walls. Ryuko looked at him confusedly, as Mako snored peacefully, using her binder as cover to sleep class away.

Ryuko: What'd ya see?

Y/n: *stares for a couple of seconds, before shaking his head and looking at her* It's nothing, I thought I heard something, but it must've been my mind playing tricks on me.

He immediately picked his up notepad, taking notes once again. Ryuko sighed, and gave one last look outside the window before shifting her focus onto class, or trying to anyway.

-Biology Club Classroom-

Ryuko: Life Fiber Synchronize: Kamui Senketsu!

As Ryuko finished her transformation, the One-Star Biology Club members surrounding her fell to the ground, defeated. Y/n was right behind her, holding two bruised One-Stars on his hands.

Mako, who was strapped up to a wall, called out their names happily, as Y/n dropped the students to the ground and walked ahead.

Y/n: Using our friend as a hostage? How original...

???: Shut up! This girl is no hostage! She's the Biology Club's best guinea pig!


Y/n: Rick Sanchez wants his hair back...

Biology Boi: Who? *clears throat* Doesn't matter, once you're finished, you'll make great test subjects for the club!

The remaining students threw scalpels and knives at the duo. Y/n just put up a barrier in front of him, as Ryuko stood there, letting the tools bounce off of her uniform.

Biology Boi: I-Impossible!

Y/n: 'Why does every bad guy scream "Impossible" when the heroes beat their asses? It literally just happened, how would it be impossible?!'

Ryuko: Don't think you'll damage me with tools you'd use on lab rats or frogs, idiots! *grips scissor blade, which transforms into Decapitation Mode* Finishing Move: Sen'i Sōshitsu!

Needless to say, they didn't survive past those words. The attack hit, destroying the President's Two-Star Goku Uniform, and leaving behind a life fiber which was absorbed by Senketsu.

Oh, and the entire classroom exploded. Ryuko and Y/n walked out of the cloud of dust, the former now de-transformed and holding her hands on the back of her head, while the latter shook the dust off his uniform.

Ryuko: *walking off* That's that, I guess.

Y/n was about to follow her, but he instead turned around and ripped off one of the One-Star student's uniform. He looked at it for a bit, before coating his hand in energy and swiping at the fabric, tearing it to pieces.

He narrowed his eyes as a very small Life Fiber strated falling down, squirming in the air as it tried to get away. Sadly it didn't go far, as Y/n caught it and encased it in a small cube of purple energy the size of a thumb. He put it in his pocket and walked back to Ryuko, who was too busy stretching to notice.

Y/n: 'It's not ideal, but it'll have to do...'

Mako: Guys, you saved me!

Mako jumped out of the cloud of dust, wrapping her arms around Y/n's neck and spinning. Y/n, accustomed to it by now, just grabbed her and put her down.

Y/n: *sweatdropping* You really need to stop doing that.

Now sitting down on one of the giant chains of the courtyard, the trio prepared to pull out their homemade lunch. Y/n noticed Ryuko's lack of guitar case, and asked why she decided to leave it home.

Ryuko: *smirking* Watch this.

Mako: *in awe* Whoaaaaaaaaa! You can change their size now?!

Ryuko: *still smirking* It's no big deal, just a little something I learnt not too long ago.

Y/n: How does that even work? It certainly doesn't look like it should.

Ryuko: *shrugs and smiles* Dunno, but it certainly is handy.

Senketsu: *narrows his eye* Hm...Your blood has become salty lately, Ryuko

Ryuko: Huh?

Senketsu: It means you're getting cocky.

Ryuko: And you know that just from my blood?

Senketsu: I can sense all the changes in your physiology, like your weight and BMI.

Ryuko: H-Hey! Stay out of private stuff like that!

Ryuko went on to argue with Senketsu about her weight and the amount of croquettes she had been eating lately, but they stopped once Mako started to laugh.

Mako: Oh, you were talking with Senketsu right? Sorry, sorry!

Y/n: *pulling out a lunchbox from his backpack* I sometimes forget he's fully conscious. Hey, Ryuko, what's his opinion on me?

Ryuko: Eh?

Senketsu: His calm demeanor should be a good influence to you, Ryuko.

Ryuko: *tugging at Senketsu and blushing slightly* And what's that supposed to mean?!

Y/n: *munching on a croquette* So? What'd he say?

Ryuko: *letting go and looking away, still blushing* He said you're cool...

Mako: *pulling out a bento from her shirt* Honestly, that was a close call!

Y/n: 'How in the-'

Mako: If they had cut me open, what I ate in class would've fallen out, and I'd have to eat it all over again! Itadakimasu! *starts to wolf down the food*

Ryuko: You worry too much about your food. One day you'll get wounded and...

Ryuko: Mako?!

Y/n quickly moved behind Mako and caught her before she touched the ground, but as his foot landed, it was quickly pierced by another barrage of needles. Y/n tried moving it, but his leg wasn't responding, nor was Mako for that matter.

A voice rung through the vicinity, making Ryuko and Y/n turn to it. Y/n softly put Mako down and started to remove the needles in his leg, slowly feeling the sensibility and movement come back. Calmly walking out from the shadows, a man with a red Mohawk stared down at the trio, menacingly approaching them.

???: Don't worry about her. Due to the effects of the needles, she'll wake up devoid of any fatigue and sickness she had previously had, along with renewed vigor. *looking at Y/n* Sadly the same won't apply for you, since you dodged that last one.

True to the man's words, a needle was embedded behind Y/n, one that was aimed for his head, but due to his quick reflexes, the teen had managed to avoid.

Ryuko: Eh? Well, Thanks for that I guess...

Y/n: Look out!

He quickly closed in on Ryuko, pushing her out of the way as a metallic sound ringed through the air. Another needle had been fired, but Y/n managed to coat his arm with energy, forming a shield that blocked the projectile.

(Kinda like this)

Tsumugu: 'That doesn't look like life fibers...I gotta be careful' On the other hand, your uniform will get no mercy!

Y/n: We'll see about that, pal...

He dispelled the shield, and charged at the man, who stood in a defensive position. He coated his arms and legs with energy, and aimed a punch directly to the man's head.

He raised his arm, grabbing Y/n's hand and stopping the attack, though he was moved a bit due to the strength of the blow. He didn't have time to think about it too much, as the teen's knee quickly shot up to his stomach, stunning him for a second.

A second was enough for Y/n though, as he used it to pull his arm back and aim a kick to the side of the Tsumugu's head. The kick connected, sending the man away a few meters, but he quickly recovered. Ryuko stood a few feet behind Y/n, ready to transform if necessary.

Tsumugu: *wipes bloody nose* You're strong...

Suddenly, Tsumugu pulled out a button, and pushed it. A device in Y/n's uniform started to beep, before it discharged electricity through his body, making him scream.

Ryuko: Y/n!

Tsumugu: *walking up to him* But careless.

Y/n fell onto his knees, his clothes burned. He didn't take much damage due to using energy to protect his skin at the last second, but it still hurt. He tried getting up, but was shot with a barrage of needles, immobilizing and knocking him out.

Tsumugu stopped him from falling on his front, laying him with his back on the floor. He evaded to the right as Ryuko tried slicing him with her scissor.

Ryuko: Bastard, get away from him!

Tsumugu: *walking towards her* Didn't you hear what I say? He'll be fine, better than before even, so you don't need to worry.

Ryuko quickly tried to activate her glove, but Tsumugu shot a device from his wrist that pinned it to the wall behind her. He closed in on her, pinning her other hand and pointing his needle gun to her chest.

Ryuko: Damn, what club are you supposed to be a part of?

Tsumugu: You won't be able to transform in front of me. Take your uniform off.

Ryuko: *blushing in embarrassment* Eh?! What the hell?! I see, so you're from the Pervert Club! There's no other explanation!

Tsumugu: Let me tell you two useful pieces of information. One: I'm no pervert-

Ryuko: *struggling* Keep telling yourself that, you perv!

Tsumugu fired a bunch of needles into her arm, making it go limp. He aimed the gun at her chest, his finger resting on the trigger.

Tsumugu: Two: You'll die if I fire from this distance. You've got no other options, so take it off.

Y/n: That's where you're wrong.

Tsumugu wasn't quick enough to turn around, and was hit full force by Y/n's hammer, which sent him flying a good 20 meters away until he skidded to a stop, doing a flip to stand up again. He was visibly bruised, but was still standing up.

He aimed his gun once again, readying for combat, until a pin with a small knot tied to it was shot into his hand. He looked at it, then sighed.

Tsumugu: *turning around and walking away* I'll come back for your uniform tomorrow, so be ready...

He quickly fled the scene, leaving the trio alone once again. Ryuko's eyes were covered by her hair, as Y/n sighed and ripped the things that pinned her to the wall. When he was done, he moved on to wake up Mako.

Ryuko: How...I saw those needles hit you, how did you wake up?

Y/n: *while pulling out needles from Mako* Hm? Well, I covered my skin in a thin layer of energy and let the needles get stuck in it, then acted unconscious until I could ambush him.

Ryuko: ...

Mako: *sits up* Eh? What happened?

-In a bar in the slums, later that day-

Mikisugi was in his real attire, drinking some alcohol while people around him chatted and partied. He was about to drink from his cup, but someone placed a pin inside it.

Mikisugi: "I hate being interrupted." That's what you came here to say, right Tsumugu?

Tsumugu: *leaning against the counter* What do you want?

Mikisugi: Don't be like that! Sit down, the Kiryūins don't have eyes down here anyways-

Tsumugu: Why did you call me, Mikisugi?

Mikisugi: ...*sigh* Don't go after Matoi, she's really important.

Tsumugu: Important for you?

Mikisugi: For our goal, Tsumugu.

Tsumugu: I know...but I'm afraid I can't do that, not even for you *starts to leave*

Mikisugi: ...Satsuki Kiryūin's national school conquest is almost complete, with only Kansas standing tall. To "Thwart the ambitions of the Kiryūins through the use of this Kamui". That was Dr. Matoi's goal, a goal Nudist Beach has chosen as it's own.

Tsumugu stopped in his tracks, lighting a cigarette and taking a puff out of it. Mikisugi saw this and smirked, taking out another cup and preparing to fill it with alcohol, but Tsumugu stopped him, grabbing the empty cup.

Tsumugu: That uniform is too dangerous to be worn by anyone. If it ever gets out of control and consumes her, it will become a threat even bigger than the Kiryūins. That's why, I will be getting rid of it beforehand.

Mikisugi: ...I remember something she said some years ago. "People and clothing aren't enemies", is what Kinue said.

Tsumugu's eyes widened, and the sound of something shattering filled Mikisugi's ears. He looked at his partner, who left the pieces of the broken cup on the table, and was leaving, but not before stopping to say one last thing.

Tsumugu: I owe you a debt, anything you ask I'll do it... except when it comes to this thing.

Mikisugi: If HQ were to find out they'd confiscate all your gear...

Tsumugu: That's not a problem, I'd still hunt the Kamui down, as a naked Nudist.

Mikisugi: *sigh* I see you won't stop...then please, do me a favor. Gather as much data on that (F/N) kid as you can. Even back at HQ they don't know where he came from or what he is.

Tsumugu: ...

With that, Tsumugu left the bar, leaving Mikisugi alone once again. He drank the last bit of liquid from his cup and put it down, getting up and leaving the vicinity.

-at the Mankanshoku Residence-

Everyone was enjoying a bountiful meal, since the resident ball of sunshine Mako had woken up with so much energy, she had bought everything from the meat shop, the grocery store and the fish store.

Y/n: *eating some rice* So where did you get so much money?

Mako: *shoving food down her throat* I didn't! I just put everything on Dad's tab!

Bazarō: *turns black and white, before continuing to eat* Oh what the heck, I'll just sell Mataro's organs if it comes down to it!

Bur not everyone was in on the fun family dinner, since Ryuko was just staring down at the family dog eating everything on ver side of the table. Suddenly, she was poked in the face with a piece of meat held by chopsticks, the culprit of this being Y/n who was looking at her in worry.

Y/n: You okay Red? You haven't touched your food at all. Better get to it if you don't want Guts to leave you without any.

Ryuko: *gets up* Actually, I'm not really hungry, so I'll just go to my room.

Y/n: *looking at her leave* Hm...

Mako: Hm?

Now in her room, Ryuko took off Senketsu and hanged him on the wall. She put her bunny PJs and was about to lay down and sleep, until the door to the room opened.

Y/n: You know you can talk to me if something's bothering you, right?

Ryuko: Nothing's bothering me, okay? I just...*looks down* I'm feeling a bit tired, that's all.

But Y/n wasn't buying it, he walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She still didn't look up at him, swatting his hand away.

Ryuko: I told you, I'm fine!

Y/n: You know, we were caught off guard today, no need to feel so down by a loss.

Ryuko: Huh...?

Y/n: Instead of weeping, we should be thinking of a strategy. We know when he's going to attack, and since we're the ones going there, we can also choose the place where it will happen. *smiles* Even if we don't know what he's capable of, we have him beat in numbers, he's just one and we're three.

Ryuko: ...I don't think Mako will-

Y/n: I wasn't talking about her, I meant Senketsu. He's your friend, right? *pats her head* You're not alone against him, so don't worry too much, we'll beat his ass!

Ryuko looked at Senketsu for a bit, who was also looking straight at her, his eye showing no shadow of a doubt. She chuckled and turned to face Y/n, her usual proud smirk once again plastered on her face. She punched Y/n's shoulder, a light blush spreading through her smirking face.

Ryuko: I didn't know you had it in ya to be so motivational!

Y/n: *rubbing his shoulder* Honestly, me neither. *getting up* Well, all this talk made me hungry again, so I'm gonna join the family again. Are you coming?

Ryuko: Nah, I wasn't lying about not being hungry. I'll go to sleep early, so go on without me.

Y/n: Sure, but tomorrow morning we're strategizing for the fight, so be ready.

With those words, Y/n left to join the other's on the table once again. He looked back one last time, smiling at Ryuko, and closed the door, letting the girl sleep.

Our view peels off from the No-Star district, heading off into the forest where a lone cabin surrounded by traps was seen. Inside, Tsumugu was preparing his weapons, when he suddenly jerked his head to the side, an arrow striking the spot where he would've been.

Kiyoko: Ho? So you aren't just talk, I see.

Tsumugu: You avoided the traps, huh?

The light figure of Kiyoko in casual clothes dropped behind Tsumugu, who was gripping his gun tightly. He quickly turned around, aiming it to her head, only to be met with a smirk.

Kiyoko: Why so serious? I just came here to make a deal.

Tsumugu: *glaring* By shooting an arrow at my head?

Kiyoko: That was just a test. *moving the gun away with her finger* So if you'd-

Tsumugu: *pointing once again* Don't get too comfortable. Why should I listen to someone who relies on Life Fibers?

Kiyoko: *eyes turn serious* I can give you information.

Tsumugu: Hm...*lowers weapon* If you tell me all you know about the kid named (F/N), then I might consider your offer.

Kiyoko: *smiles excitedly* Oh, you mean Y/n?!

Tsumugu: *sweatdropping* 'Why do I feel like I just made a mistake...?'

-at the same time, on the Honnōji Academy's tower-

Inumuta: Regarding the intruder that destroyed the Gardening Club today, his data is the same as that of the Anti-Uniform Guerrilla we've had trouble with before.

Gamagōri: Anti-Uniform Guerrilla? So he's the man that's been taking out our affiliated academies...

Inumuta: Analysis on his weapons have shown that the needles he uses are made out of a special alloy capable of severing the connection between Life Fibers and their wearers.

Sanageyama: So a weapon made to combat Goku Uniforms? How obvious...

Gamagōri: So he's with those people then, the fools that dare oppose Honnōji Academy!

Inumuta: Yes, however, this man seems to target Matoi specifically. It is unknown if he's acting under orders, or if he's a rogue, but the motives are unknown either way.

This surprised the other members of the Elite Four, but made Satsuki smile while sipping her tea.

Satsuki: So he's after the Kamui? In that case, it's just a pointless struggle between a sandpiper and a clam.

Nonon: Shall I act as the fisherman then, Lady Satsuki?

(It's supposed to be a metaphor. While the sandpiper, a bird, and the clam struggle in a fight, a fisherman passes by and captures both)

Inumuta: From musician to fisherman, Jakuzure? How odd of you to take such a bold approach.

Nonon: My Biology Club was also destroyed by the transfer students, you know? It's only natural for the Non-Athletic Committee to take action after that. But in the end, the choice is yours, Lady Satsuki.

Satsuki: *stops sipping her tea* Hm...You may, Jakuzure.

-The next day, on the Mankanshoku Residence-

A ray of sunlight entered through the window, hitting Y/n in the eye and waking the teen up. He slowly sat up, stretching and yawning. He slapped his own face, getting serious, and turned to look at her friend.

Y/n: *serious* C'mon, Ryuko. We need to make a...*looks at her* plan...


Y/n: *blushing slightly* ...We're doomed

-Some time later, Honnōji Academy-

Ryuko: So let me get this straight...

The duo had asked Mako to go to school before them, in fear she might get hurt during the fight. Y/n was walking with his hands behind his head, while Ryuko was on edge, looking around for the slightest movement around the courtyard.

Ryuko: You want me to get his attention away from you, so that you can strike him from behind?

Y/n: *eyes closed* Yep

Ryuko: *sweatdropping*...I don't know why I asked you for help honestly...

Y/n: Think about it. He doesn't really know what I'm capable of, so he won't know what to expect.

Ryuko: I guess, but still...

Y/n: If it gets to it, we'll fight him on a two v one, so we'll still have the advantage. Don't worry, it'll be fine.

As they were walking through the courtyard, Y/n suddenly stopped. He looked down, noticing a needle had struck his leg. He pulled it out, and grabbed Ryuko by the shoulder, just in time to dodge three rockets that had exploded right where they stood.

Y/n: And so it begins...

More rockets came from outside the gate, Tsumugu following right behind them, carrying the rocket launcher on his shoulder. From the smoke, Ryuko jumped out, already transformed. She rushed at him, who dropped the launcher and started shooting needles at her.


A metallic sound erupted from the clash, as Tsumugu was holding Ryuko's scissor back with his gun.

Tsumugu: Winning isn't about having the upper hand in strength.

He pulled out a button, making the discarded launcher aim on it's own, shooting more rockets at Ryuko's back. Tsumugu ran away, reloading his gun and shooting once again.

Ryuko: Rockets won't work on...*falls to the ground* Senketsu, what's wrong?

The Kamui couldn't answer, as Ryuko had to dodge sharp paper fans thrown her way. A horde weirdly dressed people started throwing metal-like paper sheets with poems written in them.

The Paper Fan guys presentes themselves as the three masters of the Rakugo Club, while the weirdly dressed girls called themselves the 100 Poems by 100 Poets Club.

Rakugo Club...

100 Poems by 100 Poets Club...

(What the hell are these clubs?!)

Gardening Club: GARDENING!

Oh yeah, the Gardening Club was there too. The Backyard Manager wanted vengeance for the other dude Tsumugu had defeated before. Damn this universe has some weird side characters...

Y/n: I should go help her, I don't know if she can take them all.

Y/n was grabbed onto the wall surrounding the academy, coating his hand with energy in the form of a claw and stabbing the wall. He was about to drop down, but his other hand moved faster than his mind, catching a needle that was aimed for his left eye.

He jumped up, dodging a barrage of needles that stuck to the wall. As he hit the top of the wall, he faced forward, dodging the hundreds of needles coming his way while trying to get a better look at his opponent.

Kiyoko: You've gotten better at dodging~

She stopped firing, and with a quick flick of her hands, she swiftly reloaded another couple hundred rounds into the needle gun. He narrowed his eyes, and pulled out a single needle from his shoulder, snapping it in half with his fingers.

Y/n: And you've gotten a thousand times more annoying. Didn't have enough last time?

Kiyoko: *blushing while pointing her gun at him*, I could never get enough of you, darling~

Y/n was understandably stunned for a second, and Kiyoko took it as an opportunity. She fired more needles, as Y/n snapped out of his dumbfounded state and quickly manifested an energy shield to block all the projectiles.

Kiyoko: *whining* Awww~ It's not fun if you just block them!

She didn't get a response, as Y/n jumped over the shield, his warhammer gripped tightly within his hands. She quickly disappeared from the spot as he slammed it down, lifting up dust and debris everywhere.

Just as her foot touched the ground, Y/n dashed out of the cloud of dust, the hammer now replaced with purple gauntlets that went up to his elbows.

She quickly ducked under the oncoming blow, intending to deliver a kick to the abdomen, but was surprised when his other fist aimed at her face made itself known by striking her cheek and sending her spiraling up into the air.

She quickly adjusted her position, rotating her body to the left to dodge the energy dagger that was aimed at her neck, as it missed it's mark by a hair. She aimed her gun down, taking a smoke bomb from her belt and launching it while raining down more small projectiles.

She fell down, still shooting at the smoke cloud that had covered the spot of their previous clash, in hopes of hitting enough needles to fully immobilize him. Though that hope was cut short when the smoke finished dissipating, and she saw a purple dome covered in needles in the middle.

The dome suddenly disappeared, and she widened her eyes. A purple shine from behind her made her turn around and put up her gun to block, but it was futile.

The strike cut right through the weapon, and only missed her head by a few millimeters, cutting part of her hair off, and only grazing her skin.

Kiyoko looked at the purple blade resting just above her, knowing that if she hadn't ducked down, her head wouldn't be on her shoulders anymore, but rolling on the ground instead.

She didn't have much time to reflect on that fact, as his right hand punched her abdomen, sending her a couple of meters away and scraping her body against the rough floor.

Now facing the sky, Kiyoko saw a shadow loom over her, two eyes glowing a deep purple glaring down at her own gold ones. She saw him lift up his sword, and didn't have the strength to even lift her arms and attempt to cover herself.

Y/n: *glaring down* I told you, didn't I? I said I would kill you...

Without another word, he brought the weapon down, and Kiyoko closed her eyes in anticipation...only to feel nothing but a rush of air hit her skin. She opened her eyes, seeing the blade inches away from her face, and Y/n looking at a part of the school that had exploded in pink smoke.

But the whys didn't matter to her right now, she saw an opportunity and she took it. Aiming the device on the wrist at him, he turned to the sound half a second too late as another smoke bomb exploded right in his face, temporarily blinding him.

Call it desperation, or the instinct to survive, but a sudden burst of strength made it's way to Kiyoko's body as she kicked his chest hard, sending him a couple feet back and making him cough. She jumped away and ran, not even looking back for a second.

She dropped down the wall, and kept running until she reached the school, entering her club room, the One-Star club members turned her heads and shouted in worry at the state of their President.

She looked at their worried faces and finally let her body relax, dropping down onto her knees. She said nothing, as the club members began to tend to her wounds.

With the adrenaline leaving her body, it wasn't long before she felt her consciousness fading away. Her eyes closed, the image of his deep glare burned on her mind forever. As her last thoughts were of him, a smile made it's way onto her face, and remained even after passing out.

-back to Y/n-

Y/n: *wiping his eyes* Damn it...

As he regained his eyesight back, he looked around wearily, expecting another attack. As nothing came, he let out a "Tch", and looked back to the explosion.

He noticed a dark figure leaving the smoke, and narrowed his glowing eyes to get a better look, only to faintly see the Mohawked Man carrying an injured Ryuko and jumping away.

Covering his legs with energy, he jumped away, leaving a crater where he stood. He kept making platform in the air to boost himself forward as he tried to catch up with the figure, clearing the entire courtyard in seconds. He landed in front of him on the other side of the wall, as they both stood their ground against each other.

Y/n: Now, where do you think you're going?

Tsumugu: To an old friend's house to drop her off. He'll heal her, don't worry.

Y/n: You think I'll trust you with her after you attacked us twice?

Tsumugu: I don't care if you trust me or not, but it's better for the three of us if we get out of here before more of those Life Fiber slaves come.

In the blink of an eye, Tsumugu had lost his grip on the unconscious Ryuko, who was now in the hands of Y/n, his hair and eyes glowing with energy. Tsumugu looked at him in slight surprise, as Y/n gestured him to go.

Y/n: Lead the way then.

Tsumugu shook his head, and nodded, quickly taking off as Y/n ran behind him. In less than 10 minutes, they reached a house in the No-Star district, and Y/n laid Ryuko down on a couch to let her rest.

He looked out the window, as Tsumugu and his teacher, Aikuro Mikisugi talked about something that didn't matter to him. He only glared at his teacher, wondering how he knew this guy and who he really was.

He sighed, feeling a headache approaching from everything that transpired today, and looked down at the injured Ryuko. He hadn't let that guy nor their teacher touch her, and had patched her up himself. With her injuries, he expected her to take about 12 hours to wake up...

But she surpassed his expectations once more, as she suddenly sat up, eyes wide as plates, and screamed "Senketsu!". He put his hand on her shoulder, making her turn to him while panting.

Y/n: Take it easy, your body still isn't in the best condition.

Ryuko: Y.../n? *looks around* Where are we...?

Y/n: In Mikisugi's house, that mohawk guy lead me here after he saved you.

Ryuko: I see *suddenly glares at him* Where were you?! I thought we had a plan!

Y/n: *puts hands up* Calm down, I was attacked by a club president before I could help you and spent the rest of the time fighting them. It wasn't my first encounter with them though, and I'm sure it won't be the last...

Ryuko: *looks at him for a second, then sighs* I guess I can't blame you then...*realizes* Wait, Mikisugi knows that guy?!

Y/n: Yeah, really weird...They're right outside-

He pointed at the window, only to find they weren't there anymore. In fact, he couldn't feel their presence at all.

Y/n: They were outside a minute ago...*sigh* We really gotta have a chat with him later...

Ryuko: *balls her fist* Oh, we'll chat alright...

They kept talking for some time, until it got late and they decided to go back home. When they arrived, the family was already having dinner, so they joined right in. Not long after, everyone was already asleep, including Mako and Ryuko...all but one, who was examining something inside of a glass container in his hand

Y/n: *shaking the container* So this is a Life Fiber, huh?

He looked on with interest as the tiny red string wiggled around, trying to escape it's glass prison. He suddenly smiled, his eyes pulsing with energy as he formed a scalpel in his free hand.

The tiny Life Fiber cowered (somehow?) inside the container, as Y/n started a night full of experiments and test, to see how it reacted to his energy.

-Honnoji Academy's tower, Main Room-

Satsuki sipped her tea as she thought about what Gamagōri had told her. That name...she recalled her mother mentioning it, but couldn't put her finger as to why.

She frowned. Something as important as that and she couldn't remember? How pathetic of her. But there was no use on dwelling on it any longer, as she had other things to take care of right now.

She'd check the Revocs Database tomorrow. If he was so important to her mother, then surely he would be a great asset against her in the future. That's what she thought, as she finished her tea and stood up, giving Soroi her cup and leaving to attend to other matter down at the Sewing Club.

-End of Chapter 7-

FINALLY! I am so sorry this took so long, I just went on a holiday trip with my family and couldn't really find any time to write.

To be honest, I don't like how this chapter turned out. It felt like a drag writing it, since the original plot of Tsumugu attacking Ryuko was kinda boring for me.

If it's needed, I'll rewrite it later, though it'll be long before I do since we're getting to the chapters I'm more interested in writing.

Anyways, again, sorry for taking so long and for the poor quality of the chapter, hopefully I'll do better next time.

That's all, see you all next chapter and thank you for reading.
