Chapter 5: Defiance


Thousands of spectators looked on in awe, as Mako cheered loudly, throwing her hands in the air. From a window in the school, Mikisugi smirked.

Mikisugi: So this is the power of your creation,

Ryuko stood between Y/n and Satsuki's path, glaring daggers at the Kiryūin heir while gripping her scissor blade.

Ryuko: (F/N), let me finish what I started before.

Y/n: ...You sure?

Ryuko: Now that we're together, we'll win for sure!

Some seconds passed, until Y/n's chuckling broke the silence. He shook his head side to side, then powered down, making his hair turn back to his normal (H/C), same with his eyes.

Y/n: Don't lose this time.

He dispersed into purple particles, then appeared next to Mako, who stared at him in awe for some time. He looked at her, then back at the battlefield.

Y/n: *sigh* I'll explain later.

Back at the battlefield, Satsuki smirked as she watched Ryuko, her hands still shaking a bit from Y/n's attacks.

Satsuki: Is facing me alone the right decision, Matoi?

Ryuko did not answer, instead she charged straight for Satsuki at a speed way higher than before, screaming a battle cry.

Satsuki: 'Such speed!'

Ryuko assaulted Satsuki with a flurry of slashes, as she pushed the queen bee back with her newfound strength.

Ryuko: This is your real power, Senketsu!

Senketsu: It's ours Ryuko!

She sped up, and started rotating while slashing, turning into a small tornado that left Satsuki no room to counter attack.

Ryuko: The more I rejected you, the more your hunger grew, isn't that right?!

Senketsu: As we are right now, what I drank earlier is more than enough.

Ryuko slashed at Satsuki, who lifted up her leg to dodge, which left her open. Taking advantage of this, Ryuko called out to Senketsu, who activated the hardened life fibers in the scissor blade, changing it's shape.

Ryuko and Senketsu: Scissor Blade: Decapitation Mode!



She swung the blade at Satsuki, who ducked just in time to avoid it. The slash left a curved path along the floor and wall, followed by an explosion. Satsuki landed gracefully, and smiled. She stood straight and gripped Bakuzan.

Satsuki: You've finally become a challenge.

Ryuko mirrored her movements, along with her smirk, and spoke with her usual confident tone showing itself again.

Ryuko: Here I come, Kiryūin!

They used their feet to propel forward, and met in the middle, their clash making dust fly into the air. They swung at each other various times, destroying the battlefield and creating shockwaves that sent some students flying once again.

Mako: Woah!

Mako was sent flying once again, but Y/n caught her arm this time, pulling her down and holding her so she wouldn't be pushed again.

Mako: Thanks again, (F/N)!

Y/n: Don't make it a habit...

Mako: No promises! *giggle*

Back to the fight, Ryuko and Satsuki kept destroying the battlefield, knocking each other back, only to charge right back in and keep fighting. Their sword met once again, and they came to a standstill, the jets in the back of their outfits adding even more force to the clash.

Ryuko: I'll ask again, Kiryūin! Was it you who killed my father?!

Satsuki: *headbutting Ryuko and glaring into her eyes* What would you do with that information?

Ryuko: *pushing her back* Don't know! But not knowing who or what did it, I just can't stand it!

He moved her hand back and punched Satsuki, who blocked it with her arm, which left a bruise. The shockwave created by the punch left a big crater in the academy's wall.

Satsuki: *with a pained expression* Such lack of aspiration deserves an equal lack of response!

She kicked Ryuko in the stomach, who couldn't block the hit. Again, another crater was formed on the wall behind her, as she grunted in pain. She quickly recovered, and gripped her scissor blade with both hands. Satsuki did the same in response.

Ryuko: *charging at Satsuki* God, I'm sick of your voice!

Satsuki: *doing the same* I could say the same.

They charged at each other, bearing their weapons. They met each other, and as light flashed from the clash, destruction followed not long after.

Most students were sent flying from the incredible shockwave thay followed, and even Y/n had to cover himself and jump away while holding Mako, who exclaimed a "Waaah!" in surprise at the sudden movement. The Elite Four had to cover themselves as well.

Inumuta: A Kamui's truly fascinating.

Y/n landed safely, and let go of Mako, who fell to the ground with a small "Eep!". She stood up straight, then started jumping around with stars in her eyes.

Mako: That was awesome! They were like "Fwooooshhh!" and then they went "Boooooom!" and then you- *Y/n places his hand on her head, stopping her* Eh?

Y/n: *pointing at the battlefield* Look...

Their outfits steaming, Satsuki and Ryuko held their blades and glares into each other's eyes still. Some seconds passed, allowing some of the smoke to clear out, but then...

Ryuko: *letting go of the Scissor* G-Gah...

She fell to the ground, supporting herself with her hands and one knee. Y/n and Mako gasped, and the boy prepared to jump into the fight once again, until Ryuko lifted her head up, glaring into the Student Council President, determination dripping from her gear-like eyes.

Ryuko: I'm gonna crush it.

Satsuki: What?

Ryuko: What you said before about ambitions and all that bullshit, I'll crush everything into the ground! Then maybe you'll tell me what I want-

Ryuko was cut off as her opponent pointed Bakuzan at her, the tip nearing her eyes. She grunted and closed her eyes, but Satsuki just pulled the sword back, smirking.

The taller woman turned around, and started walking up the stairs (that were there somehow?) that went up to her tower. Y/n and Mako approached Ryuko, as Satsuki started talking.

Satsuki: *walking up the stairs* Crush my ambitions? A bold claim.

She turned around, slamming her heel into the stairs. The Elite Four, Two-Star Club Presidents, and a One-Star Student army crowded below her, irradiating power as the stars on their uniforms glowed menacingly.

Satsuki: Honnōji Academy is my kingdom! You say you'll destroy it? Then you're dared to try! From tomorrow onwards, all clubs will be after your head. Tell me, do you think you have a chance?

Ryuko: *getting up and pointing her scissor blade at Satsuki* Of course!

Satsuki: Suit yourself. Defeat all and every student after you, only then will you have your desired rematch.

Ryuko: And if I beat you, you'll spill everything.

Satsuki: *smirking* It's a deal, then.

Satsuki stopped smirking, then looked at Y/n, who noticed her stare and glared at her. She slammed the tip of Bakuzan into the stair once again.

Satsuki: And you, (F/N). I take your involvement in our fight as a sign of treason against Honnōji, you'll lose your No-Star housing, and the same treatment as Matoi will be applied to you.

Ryuko and Mako looked at Y/n in worry, who had his hair covering his eyes. He looked up once again, irises glowing purple, and smirked. He formed a purple sword in his hand, and copied Ryuko's motions, pointing it at Satsuki.

Y/n: There's no going back, eh? Then so be it, Kiryūin!

Ryuko smiled, and Mako cheered, as Satsuki smirked once more. She turned around and went up the stairs, the Elite Four following behind. The crowd dispersed, as Ryuko passed out from the fight.

Mikisugi: Sending the students against Ryuko? What is she thinking? And that (F/N)...

He watched as Y/n dematerialized his sword and picked up Ryuko, carrying her out of Honnōji Academy, Mako following behind. He sighed, and got away from the window.

Mako: So you don't have a house anymore?

Y/n *sigh* No, looks like I'll sleep outside again.

Mako being Mako, didn't comment on the "again", and just jumped in front of him, pointing at him and smiling.

Mako: Then, as your best friend, it is my duty to offer you a place to stay!

Y/n: *sweatdropping* I...appreciate the thought, but I don't want to intrude...

Mako: Nonsense! You'll stay with me, and that's final.

Some seconds passed, as our protagonist looked into Mako's eyes, which brimmed with happiness. He sighed, and looked to the side, silently agreeing. Mako cheered and hugged him, which made him almost drop Ryuko.

After leaving Ryuko at Mako's house, Y/n went to his old place, only to find his stuff outside of the building, the door blocked with wooden planks.

Y/n sighed and grabbed everything, surprised no one stole anything in this part of town. He started walking to Mako's house, not noticing the pair of yellow eyes looking at him from the shadows.

He widened his eyes, his senses screamed for him to dodge. As he moved to the right, a crimson arrow struck the spot where he was standing before. The voice of a girl spoke from the shadows as Y/n let his belongings into the ground.

???: Aw, I missed!

The figure revealed herself, standing on the roof of one of the poorly made houses. Her eyes shined in the setting sun's orange light, as her smug smile reflected her tone of voice.

???: No matter, I won't miss again.

Y/n: And who might you be?

???: I guess I could tell you since it won't matter in the long run. I'm the Archery Club President, Kiyoko Sanageyama, the pleasure is yours.


(Art is not mine, I only [badly] edited the colors to match a Two-Star Uniform)

Y/n: *raises eyebrow* 'Sanageyama? So she's related to one of the Elite Four...I better be careful' Why are you after me? Didn't Satsuki say that-

Kiyoko: Yeah, yeah, *imitating Satsuki* tomorrow onwards *back to normal* I don't really care. *smiling smugly* Why would I wait when I have the perfect opportunity right in front of me? She wouldn't mind if I capture you a bit earlier than she asked for.

Y/n: *sighs, his eyes and hair shining purple* Fine, suit yourself.

Kiyoko: *flinches, then glares* What-!

She didn't have time to finish, as Y/n disappeared, leaving purple particles behind. He instantly reappeared in front of her, fist cocked back. He punched in her direction faster than the normal human eye can see, but as his fist reached her, it went right through.

Y/n widened his eyes and turned around, seeing the afterimage of Kiyoko disappear, as a sharp pain struck his back.

Kiyoko: Told ya I wouldn't miss again! Ehe~

Y/n let out a low growl as he pulled the arrow from his back, a bit of blood splashing the floor. He panted a bit as a bit of purple energy covered the wound, healing it instantly.

He looked at the arrow in his hand, then a Kiyoko who was still laughing. He gripped it, then covered it with purple energy. He pulled his arm back, snd then threw it at her, but it just went through the afterimage again.

He jumped away, as another arrow struck the place he was before, but as he was in the air, a sharp pain in his hand made him grunt.

He landed on another roof, and gripped his hand tightly, breaking the arrow that pierced it in half. He healed the new wound, then looked around, while Kiyoko was jumping all around the place at blinding speeds.

Kiyoko: Face it! I have the range and the speed, there's no way you'll be able to hit me!

Y/n didn't say anything, as his eyes glowed even brighter. He moved his head to the left, as an arrow missed him by a hair. He moved his right leg slightly as an arrow passed, grazing his pants. Kiyoko growled as she prepared to charge another arrow, but Y/n had disappeared from the spot.

Kiyoko: 'When did he...'

She stopped thinking as she spotted the shadow of the boy reappear in the distance as the sun finished setting, the night enveloping the city. While she couldn't see him clearly now, even a silhouette would be enough.

With a smirk, she quickly aimed her bow at him, and shot. The arrow cut through the air until it reached the boy.

As the arrow reached him, it blew through the back of his head, destroying it. Kiyoko gasped, as the figure fell from the roof. Unknown to her, the figure turned into purple particles as soon as it touched the floor.

Y/n: *from behind her* Nice aim.

She flinched and jumped off the roof, she turned around in the air and pointed her bow at the place she stood before. She shot at the dark silhouette, which turned into purple particles when the arrow touched it.

She looked on confused, until something hit her in the back and sent her flying higher into the air. She saw Y/n appear on top of her, leg raised and covered in purple energy.

Y/n: You can't dodge in the air, can you?

She, of course, didn't respond, as the boy slammed his foot down on her stomach, and spiked her down into the ground, creating a crater and lifting up a smoke screen.

Kiyoko laid on the ground, unable to move as Y/n pressed his leg into her stomach. She tried moving him, but he just pressed harder, making her loudly gasp in pain.

Y/n: You should never let your supposed advantage blind you in battle, especially when you don't know what your opponent is capable of.

Kiyoko glared at him, but couldn't respond because of the force being pushed into her, which was getting gradually stronger. Y/n leaned down close, his menacing shining eyes looking into hers.

Y/n: Now, I have somewhere else to be, so this is what's going to happen.

He lifted up his foot, and grabbed her by the neck, slowly choking her. She tried to scream, but it was futile, as nothing but a small cough was heard.

Y/n: I'm going to let you leave, mostly because I don't want to pick a fight with the Elite Four. But next time you come back, I won't be so merciful. I'll kill you, understand?

Kiyoko: *eyes rolling into the back of her head, with a weak voice and through tears* Y-Yes!

Y/n scoffed and threw her away, her body hitting the floor. She started violently coughing and gasping for air, grabbing her pained neck while looking at Y/n's retreating form.

She panted as she got up, grabbing her dropped bow and limping back home, the ghost of a blush in her face. She couldn't stop thinking about the guy who beat her. Her thoughts went back to his eyes as he was pressing down on her, how they bore into her soul, it made her heartbeat skyrocket.

She arrived home, thoughts still plagued with the memories of their encounter. She greeted her brother, who lazily greeted back from the sofa, as he was busy playing a mobile game. After reaching her room, she took off her Goku Uniform and went into the shower.

After spending more time in the shower than usual, she came out, dried herself, and started bandaging her wounds.

As the sister of one of the Elite Four, she always got what she wanted. Nobody ever messed with her for fear of angering her brother, and she got to live in a three star mansion. That, and the fact that she was strong herself, had gained her a reputation in Honnōji Academy. A lot of the female student population looked up to her, and the males pointed their lecherous gazes at her body.

But for someone to not only go toe to toe with her, but to treat her so roughly. She grabbed her bandaged neck, feeling the marks his rough hands left through the fabric, and smiled creepily.

Kiyoko: 'He...'

Kiyoko: '♡He will be mine♡'

Back with Y/n, he arrived at the Mankanshokus' residence. He knocked on the door, and it was answered by Mako, who invited him in. The family was eating already, and Ryuko was with them.

Mako dragged Y/n to the table and made him sit down. The Mankanshokus greeted him and presented themselves, as they didn't get the chance to do so when he was there before.

Sukuyo: So you're the infamous (F/N) I've heard so much about huh?

Y/n: *sweating a little bit* You know me?

The reason he was sweating was Ryuko, as she glared at the boy while she ate croquettes.

Barazō: Of course! You fought against Satsuki Kiryūin! I'm sure everyone in Honnō City knows about you now!

Y/n: *under his breath* Great...

Sukuyo: Besides, both our children have talked about you a lot, especially Mako.

Mako: Mom!

Y/n: *scratchings the back of his head, chuckling a little* Is that so? Well, whatever the case, *bow a little* Thank you for letting me stay here.

Later that night, Barazō, Mataro, Sukuyo and Guts were already asleep, while Mako was brushing her teeth. Y/n was leaned against the wall, reading a book after changing into his sleepwear, a plain (F/C) shirt and shorts of the same colour.

Ryuko was still glaring at Y/n, the only change here being that she was in her bunny PJs, as Senketsu was resting on a coat hanger on the wall.

Y/n lifted his gaze from the book, meeting Ryuko's eyes. He sighed, and closed his book, walking up to where she was and sitting down in front of her. None of them talked, as Ryuko glared into Y/n's tired eyes.

Mako: What are you doing?

Mako said as she suddenly appeared, now in her PJs as well.

This kinda startled Ryuko, while Y/n had gotten used to Mako appearing out of nowhere already. He motioned for her to sit next to Ryuko, and the cute girl did so.

Y/n: Now, I'm sure you have your questions.

Ryuko: Oh I do-!

Y/n: *lifting a finger in front of his lips* Shhhh! Don't wake those guys up.

Ryuko: *eye twitches, then sighs* Tell me, (F/N)-

Y/n: Y/n.

Ryuko: *eyes widen* Eh?

Mako: Y/n? Is that an exotic food or something?

Y/n: *sweatdropping* It' real name. (F/N) is just a fake that I used to get into Honnōji Academy without being discovered.

Ryuko: Discovered?

Mako: Oh, Oh! Are you a criminal? A fugitive escaping the police? Did you steal data from the government?!

Y/n: *raises voice* No! *he shuts his mouth, as the rest of the family keeps sleeping, so he sighs in relief* No, I'm not a criminal, but I am being chased down by someone. Well, someones.

Ryuko: Who is it?

Y/n: ... I'm being chased down by the Kiryūins.

Ryuko and Mako gasp at the revelation.

Ryuko: Is it because of your powers?

Y/n: ...

The silence left no need for an answer. Ryuko was going to ask another question, but Mako sprung up first.

Mako: About that! How did you get those powers, they're so awesome! Your hair and eyes turned a pretty purple and then you created weapons and then-!

Y/n: I was born with them. The simple explanation is that I can generate and control that form of energy, and it's very versatile. From enhancing my own strength, to creating structures or weapons, and some other interesting things.

Ryuko: But...that debris tornado you made while fighting Satsuki...

Y/n: I just coat things in a thin layer of energy and manipulate them using it, though I'm not really good at it. As for the tornado, manipulating objects is way easier once I have them under my total control. I can barely shift objects that are already moving, let alone catch projectiles at high speeds.

Ryuko: And why is that?

Y/n: *turning head away*...It's complicated, okay? I've been on the run for a long time and managing your life is very difficult under those circumstances.

Ryuko: *sweatdropping, under her breath* You were just lazy, weren't you? *speaking normally* So, why are the Kiryūin after you?

Y/n: I...can't trust you with that info yet. Just know, if they catch me, it will be bad for the entire world.

Ryuko: have any family? Friends...?

Y/n: Well, I have you for family...

The look on his face gave everything away. Ryuko could sympathize, since she also had no family left alive. She didn't want to pry any further, yet she had one more question.

Ryuko: Why...why did you save me? What would you get out of it?

Y/n: ...I...saw in you the courage I never saw in myself. To fight against seemingly unbeatable odds all by yourself, facing them head on, I couldn't let someone like that die. Your ambition, your determination, they could lead to great things... *suddenly blushes slightly, and scratches the back of his head* That, and...well, you're one of the first friends I've had in a while.

Ryuko: *blushing* O-Oh, I see...

Mako: And what about me?!

Y/n: *still blushing* Yeah, you too Mako, you're also my friend.

Mako cheered, and jumped on Y/n, who was too tired to dodge. They tumbled onto the ground, then laid there, Mako rubbing her face on Y/n's chest. He sighed, but didn't push her off, and started petting her head.

Ryuko laughed a little, then wished them both goodnight. Y/n told Mako to get off so he could go to sleep, but she had already fallen into a slumber on his chest. He sighed for what felt like the tenth time today, and tried to go to sleep. Tomorrow was a big day, after all.

-End of Chapter 5-

I have a question, is the chapter length alright? I always aim for around 3800-4000 words, sometimes more, but I don't know if they're too long or too short. It'd be a great help if you guys told me what you think.
