Part 16

Natasha went inside her room, T'Challa send the servants to help her change.

She put on a purple nightie, too revealing, because she didn't have any decent ones, and she had no idea what the servants made her wear, she was just too lost.

They left the room giggling, and she sat down on the bed, hugging her legs, and resting her head on them. She didn't have anymore tears to shed, her eyes were dry now, but her heart was too full. She just couldn't take whatever happened. The worst being Steve's departure.

"Natalia" T'Challa said, she looked up at him, he had a glass of hot chocolate in his hands.

She looked away, she didn't have the strength to face him.

"Natalia, take this" he sat sitting down beside her, but she didn't respond.

"Natalia" he put her hand on her bare knee, but she quickly drew it back and stood up.

"Stay away from me, do not touch me, I don't want your fake sympathy and care" she yell at him in anger, "you can fulfill your lust later".

She was hyperventilating.

"What are you talking about?Natalia, I genuinely love you" he said.

"Don't call me Natalia, I feel sick at that name. My name is Natasha!!! Get that? And stop with your fake love, no one traps the person they love, they set them free, but you.." she got her tears back.

"Natal..I mean, Natasha, I really.. please don't say it, I really do love you,  I don't really have a choice " he said trying his best to convince her.

"Thanks to you, my... " she swallowed hard, "my best friend... he just left.. "

"Me? But what did I do? " T'Challa asked confused.

Natasha had no answer, she just fell on the floor and started crying again.

He came down to sit with her, and pulled her into his arms, she tried to protest but was soon tired and kept weeping on his chest.

"I can be your friend too " T'Challa said.

She looked at him, and sat up properly, he wiped her tears with his finger, "I can be your friend, I can be anything you ask for, just don't cry like this, I cannot see tears in your eyes, my queen" he said.

She stared at him in shock, not knowing what to do and say.

"You are very precious to me, and your tears.. " he said looking at his hand, "they are more precious then any diamond, so please, don't waste these jewels" .

She looked away, and blinked, "I am sorry" he said.

She stared back at him, shocked and surprised yet again, "I did not want to force you, I really love you, but you wouldn't agree if I had proposed properly, and I cannot afford to loose you, and I am sorry if any behavior of mine hurt you "

"Its not you T'Challa, my fate has only pain written for me, I got a big proof of that" she said.

"No, no, your future is bright and beautiful, trust me, I will give you everything you deserve my queen, I promise" he said.

"Come on now" he said, standing up, he held his hand out for her, and she hesitantly took it, getting up with his help. He picked her up, and then carefully lay her on the bed, pulling the covers on her. He brought the milk back.

"Drink it, and go to sleep, I will make everything alright " he said.

She nodded, her heart wanted her to trust him. She took the glass and sipped, it was still warm and delicious. She smiled at him, and continued drinking.

He took the glass from her, "Thank you" she said, as he was about to leave.

"Pleasure is mine, my Queen, trust me" he said.

She moved forward, and hugged him, properly, her hands around his neck, he held her waist, holding her close to his body, and sighed heavily, taking in her fragrance with his deep breaths. Full of emotions, and exhausted, she didn't know when sleep took over, as she lay her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.


Natasha opened her eyes, and was shocked. She was sleeping on T'Challa's shoulder, he sat by her side, his head resting on the bed crown, uncomfortably, and his arm was around her waist.

"Oh God what have I done" she said to herself, putting her hand in her hair.

T'Challa woke up, as he felt her move.

"Nata.. I am sorry, I couldn't leave you alone in that condition" he said.

She didn't answer, embarrassed, he got out off the bed, and left.

"This shouldn't be happening, oh God!! " she brushed her hair with her fingers.

She took a shower and went for breakfast, hoping against hope to see Steve, but didn't.

"I can talk to him, if you want" T'Challa said, noticing how lost she was.

"No, please don't " she replied.

Her heart was so full, she was teary every second.

"I cannot see you like this, please, stop being so depressed" T'Challa almost shouted.

"I can't, I just can't , its all because of you that I am in this condition, I was better off starving then being here with you" she said.

T'Challa was hurt, he never expected to hear it. When he thought she finally adjusting, she says that.

"But.. you said.. " he tried to speak.

"Leave me alone" she said,  storming out of the dining room.

On her way, Bucky grabbed her wrist and pulled her pinning her to the wall, he held her throat.

"You are coming with me, you understand " he barked at her.

She was so broken, she preferred to be throttled to death in that moment.

Just then T'Challa threw Bucky away from her.

"How dare you lay your hands on the queen of Wakanda? " he said in his kingly voice.

Natasha almost collapsed on the ground, but he held her, and carried her back to the room. While Bucky was arrested.

"Nata...sha, are you? alright? " he asked rubbing her hands.

"Why don't you leave me alone? Let me die in peace" she said.

"Because.. I love you" he said, tenderly, as if his life matters on her believing his love.

She looked at him, with teary eyes, and could see, in his eyes, how honest his words were. His love might have been weird, but it was true, genuine love.

Their breaths were heavy, the moment tense, and unwillingly, their lips drew closer, almost brushing against each other. T'Challa closed his eyes, and Natasha was getting closer..

Until.. she realized what she was doing, and moved back.

"I can't do this" she said, and backed away, running out of the room. T'Challa sighed, thinking of giving her some space.

Nat is in so much pain. Where are you Steven? Come to her, she needs you. And T'Challa, well, he does actually love her, but his love has turned into obsession, in the fear of losing her. Bucky!!! What is wrong with you?
How was the chapter? What do you think would happen next?
