Part 29

Natasha and T'Challa were on the dance floor, dancing slowly.

"You are so beautiful " he said.

"Thanks for the compliment" she said in her cheerful voice. He twirled her, and then pulled her back into his arms. His fingers kept tracing the skin of waist.

"You dance so well" he said.

"I happen to be a ballerina" she told him proudly.

"That's new, I thought I knew everything about you" he said.

Natasha chuckled, "No one knows everything about me, no one, I tend to hide a lot of secrets from even myself "

Her face fell, he lifted it up with a finger under her chin.

"Please, don't loose that smile " he said caressing her cheek. She smiled again.

He picked her up, with his hand around her thighs, and twirled, and then put her back on the ground.

"You dance so well yourself" Natasha said, as they changed their steps. His hand was on her belly, her hand on his cheek.

"I had practice " he replied.

"Oh, of course" she said.

T'Challa was thinking of ways to impress her. He wanted to propose her properly, so that she can't refuse later.

"T'Challa, I am feeling tired now, I think its enough for today" she said.

"Of course Natalia, take your rest, I can carry you to your room" he said.

"No, its okay, I can walk" she said.

"I insist" he said, and picked her up in his arms.

"You are so extra caring" she said with a wide smile, "No one has ever taken this great care of me"

"I will Natalia, I always will" he replied.

He lay her down on the bed, "Take care, and goodnight, I'll send dinner for you" he said.

"Goodnight and thanks " she said.

"Please do not mention it Natalia" be said, and left.


Steve was in his new apartment, lying on the mattress, unable to sleep. Something was constantly bugging him and he didn't know what.

"You are still awake? " Sam asked, as he got up to drink water.

"I don't know what's wrong Sam, I just feel like something very dear to me is slipping away, and I can't afford to loose it" he said.

"We've been through a lot lately, so such feelings are natural, close your eyes and go to sleep" Sam said, lying down again.

"Sam" Steve called after a few minutes.

"Yeah? " Sam replied.

"I .. I wish we had brought Natasha with us " he said.

"Natasha? But how, we had already left, and she was on the run soon, its difficult to trace her, we can only hope she runs into us" Sam said.

"Yeah, but we should have tried, I should have asked her to wait for us, or find us, she can do that, but I left without a word, its so selfish of me Sam, she always saves me, and I can never do anything for her" Steve said in low sad voice.

"Steve? Are you alright? " Sam sitting up to see him, Steve had his back to him and was curled up like a child.

"I miss her so much Sam, I just want to see her again, to see her mischievous smile, to hear her naughty, flirting voice, to be able to hug her when I am feeling low. Sam.. I" Steve sat up, "I am so... addicted to her... I never realized it.. I had such a hard time fighting without her.. and against her.. I am glad I didn't have to.. but I couldn't have.. Sam I just miss her too much, its giving me a lump in my chest and throat" Steve said heartbroken.

Sam gave him a hug, "It's okay bro, let it out"

Steve shed a few tears, his heart was so full, "I want Natasha here with me, I want her Sam, only she can make me laugh in times like these. She annoys me so much, she is so cute"

Sam smiled, he understood things Steve himself couldn't.


Natasha was having hiccups, bad ones, for a long time.

"Some one is missing you badly" a maid who brought her water said.

"But who? " she asked, "There is no one in my life who can miss me so dearly"

"You think so, and you have lost your memories my lady, I am sure, there is someone who is very dear to you, who is missing you badly" the maid said.

"Really? " Natasha lost her hiccups.

"See, just the thought of that person has them gone" The maid said excited.

"Who is that person? " she was lost in thoughts now. Who cared for her so much, who could possibly be missing her at that hour? "I want to see you now" she thought, sliding back into the covers.


"I wanna see you Nat, now" Steve said, staring at her picture in his phone.

"Steve, we are gonna try to trace her from tomorrow, okay? Now go to sleep" Sam said.

"I am trying Sam, I just can't, I want to see her" he said.

"Try calling her, maybe her phone is active for now" Sam said.

Steve dialled her number, and the bell rang then replaced by a recorded message, in her voice, "Hey its Natasha Romanoff, leave your message" it said.

"I miss you Nat " Steve said, and hung up.

He closed his eyes, and tried to sleep, but her face kept popping up, he did fall asleep, watching her smile in his imagination.

Their love story has taken a whole new turn, its too romantic isn't it 😍T'Challa remains the annoying villain but who cares about him. Come on Steve, make it to Wakanda fast. Your love awaits you. Do give your reviews people
