Part 15

Natasha stood in the centre, with Steve on her right, and T'Challa on her left.

The music started, and T'Challa moved towards her, but Steve grabbed her waist, Natasha put her arm on Steve, while Steve held T'Challa's hand. She was trapped in between them, but only Steve held her.

They danced further, Steve twirled her, and holding both her arms from behind, she bowed at T'Challa, he reached his hands out for her, but Steve pulled her back, in his arms.

They went on dancing, with Natasha's hands, arms flying around T'Challa, but he never got to touch her, couldn't even brush her skin. He was loosing his cool, but Natasha then put her hands on his shoulders and smiled, which relaxed him. He tried to hold her, but Steve had his hands on her waist.

The dance went on and on, with T'Challa only trying to touch her, her hair brushed his face as she flew past him, she occasionally put her hands on his shoulders, and only once, she held his collar and pulled him close, so close, but before her skin to touch his, Steve pulled her away.

Their dance ended, with Natasha in Steve's arms. T'Challa looked away, but Steve stopped him from leaving.

"I am sorry your highness, when we dance, we forget everything else" he said.

"Its okay Captain, people forget everything when with their best friend, I am just glad you brought such a huge smile on my queen's face" he replied.

Steve's blood boiled at hearing the word 'my'. He breathed fast. Natasha rubbed his back, without anyone noticing.

"You both have fun, I will attend my guests " T'Challa said and walked away.

"Can we go out somewhere? " Natasha asked innocently. Steve pulled her closer into his body, "of course" he said.

Natasha smiled, and they both left the ball room.

"Stop worrying now, I am here, you won't have to suffer anymore " he said, stroking her hair gently, as they stood behind a pillar, in a deserted corridor.

"I know" she said smiling, she tip toed and gave him a long kiss on the lips. He held her gently, feeling her softness, taking in her aroma.

"Steve, what if he finds out? " she asked worried again.

"Nat!! I told you not to worry" he said.

"Steve, I'm scared, all this.. I just want to escape" she said.

"We will, but with dignity, now don't cry" he said wiping her tears, which she didn't even realize.

Steve descended on her, and kissed her neck softly, she closed her eyes, feeling his lips on her skin, taking the feeling in. He licked her skin, with love, sucked on it, his hands tracing her curves as gently as he could.

Natasha just felt him, standing motionless,he hands on his arms, moving with him.

They were lost in their world, until they heard some footsteps.

"Some one's coming Steve" she said, he nodded, and stepped ahead to see.

Natasha followed behind him, he had his hand around her, in a protective way.

"Bucky?" Steve said, facing the intruder.

"Oh Steve" Bucky said grinning widely, "Thank you..thanks a lot for bringing her out" he said.

Natasha clutched Steve's arm tightly, Steve's hold tightened too, as Bucky moved forward.

"Bucky!" Steve said, putting a hand on his chest to stop him, "Stay away from her" he said firmly.

"Why?" Bucky asked, "I love her Steve, she is mine"

Natasha's breaths got uneven, she fumed with anger.

"Buck, stay away from her" Steve said.

"Steve? Why are you coming in between us?" he asked in anger.

Natasha was moving forward to give him a piece of mind, but Steve held her back.

"Bucky! Just stay away from her, she doesn't love you" Steve said, as calmly as he could.

"Steve!! Out of my way" Bucky tried to reach her, but Steve pushed him away so hard, he fell on the floor.

"Steve?!! " Bucky got up, " No! No, you cannot have your eyes on my Natalia, she is mine" he yell.

Steve pushed him back, "Its up to her to decide Buck, no one has the right to force her" he said

Natasha was panting, she was heartbroken , two best friends were fighting because of her, punching each other.

She couldn't take it anymore, so she ran away.

"Nat!" Steve called behind her, but she was gone.

" I wont forgive you for this Buck!" Steve shouted.

"Neither would I, you have no business between us, she is mine ever since we met, since she was only fifteen. I will have her back, by hook or by crook" Bucky said and walked away.

Natasha went running, tears flowing out of her eyes, she was unaware of everything else, her emotions were all over the place.

She almost tripped over her long dress, but was held back in time by a pair of strong hands.

"Natalia? " he said confused.

She didn't look up to see who it was, she was too broken, without thinking, she wrapped her arms around the person's chest and hugged him, crying her heart out.

"I hate myself, I just want to die" she said, so broken, her cries pierced his heart.

"Natalia!! Stop crying " he said, gently stroking her hair, "tell me, who hurt my queen"

She didn't reply, she just kept crying, and fell to the floor, he sat down with her, holding her close.

"Say something my queen, anything, just stop crying " he said, his voice so different, so loving, full of genuine care for her.

She kept sobbing, until she heard some one's running steps.

"Nat!! " Steve said, breathlessly.

She looked up at him, realizing that she was in T'Challa's embrace, she quickly moved away, and stood up.

"Captain! What have you done? Why is my queen so sad all of a sudden" he asked in anger.

Steve looked at Natasha, his heart broken, Natasha shook her head, she wanted to explain.

"Ask her yourself" Steve said, and walked away.

"Steve!! " she called after him, but he walked away too quickly, leaving her shattered.

T'Challa came to her, and wrapped his arm around her waist, "Come, my queen, it has been a long day" he said, and escorted her back to her room.

Poor Nat 😭😭, Bucky!!! What is wrong with you? And Steve!! Seriously, this isn't the time to be jealous. Just when she thinks she is out she is trapped again. What would happen next? Do give your reviews.
