Preface(part 1)

 Hey guys!(;

This will be my first book I have written. I have been working on it for a couple of months and I didn't know of any website where I could post my story until now.

I apologize if there are any grammar and spelling mistakes. In fact I am looking for someone who can proof read my chapters. Please let me know if you are interested. Another thing I am looking for is those creative minds who create book covers, please help me out.

This is just part one of the preface and please comment or vote, if you want to that is. I don't want to be one of those writers where they force you to vote and comment before uploading a new chapter.

So that's about it, thanks guys!(;


Preface(part 1)  

I watched as my baby girl stood at the window smiling as each drop slowly made its way down the window. She stretched up and placed her little finger on the interior of the window following the rain drop pattern. My heart thudded with joy at seeing her young and inquisitive side coming out. She was barely two and she already had such a curious mind.    

"She's a gorgeous one. Just watching her at such a young age and I already know that she is destined for greater things than any ordinary child." I smiled at my mother's words, feeling pride in my little angel.  

"AJanae is just a child. How could you possibly say such things?" I laughed, convinced that her theory was only based on the fact that AJanae was her beloved granddaughter and nothing more.  

"Natalie your daughter is special. She is gifted. I don't know how I know it but I just do. She will accomplish great things one day." she spoke with such confidence and certainty in her voice it was difficult to question her.

My eyes wandered back to little AJanae who was now pressing her left hand up against the window obviously trying to catch the rain. I was about to reply when the front door swung open and my husband barged in. He was looking panicked and immediately I rushed to his side, but little AJanae had beat me to it.  

"Daddy!" she cried, hugging onto his leg.  

"Sweetheart daddy is busy. Go play with Markie." he frowned and nudged her off his leg.  

"But daddy I want to play with you. Markie is sleeping." she cuddled up against his leg again.  

"I know Darling but daddy needs to speak to mommy." he lifted her into his arms and placed her back by the window without even acknowledging her.   I knew the reason for this, Hayden had never wanted a child and now that we had one he took out all his blame on my poor little baby and as much as he tried pushing her away she always would be affectionate towards him, she even went as far as watching the window, waiting for his return.  

"But daddy-"  

"No AJanae! Daddy's busy!" he ignored her and turned to me with irritable eyes. I could tell that something serious was about to happen and even though I was scared to hear the reason behind his anxious voice face I knew I had to step in.  

"Love go play with Gran. Daddy will come in a little while." I ushered her towards my mother but not before kissing her soft cheek. I watched as she placed her tiny hand in my mother's before she walked away. Then I turned to my husband, "Hayden, what is going on?" I put bluntly.  

"There's been another one." he ran his hand through his hair before sighing.  

"Who was it this time?" I didn't hesitate to ask. He never answered and I had a feeling that the answer was one I didn't want to hear. "Who died Hayden?" I asked more louder this time. I watched in fear as he punched the door with so much force that a dent was left behind. "Hayden..." I tried to reach out to him but he flinched away from my touch.  

"It was William." he finally chose to give me the answer. I closed my eyes and had to ask myself, why him?  

"I'm so sorry-"  

"Don't Natalie! Just don't! I don't want your sympathy!" he yelled before punching another hole into the door. I feared his tone and chose to take a step away not sure if he would hurt me or not. "I am going after those bastards! I am sick of everyone around us dying and now they take William too!" he grabbed his coat and began walking toward the door.  

"Don't do this Hayden. You know it's not safe. You don't even know who is responsible." I begged even though I was fully aware that no one was stopping him now. "Hayden they are vampires, you'll be killed." I tried again but he brushed it off and turned the handle of the front door. "Hayden please..." I whispered, my voice strained from my stressing.

 He stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around to face me and he kept his head low. "He was my brother Natalie. I have to go." he said softly before opening the door. Tears began to fill my eyes.

  "Where is daddy going?" I turned to see AJanae approaching with something in her eyes I couldn't quite place.

"Daddy is just going to work, Hon." I lied not wanting to tell her the truth for that is not the way I wanted my daughter to live.  

"Daddy please don't leave us. Don't go!" she pulled on his jeans. She never usually did this when he left for work, she knew that there was something more to what I had said. "Please daddy." she begged and her tears were enough to break any mother.  

My mother quickly stepped in and carried my now struggling daughter away from her father. Hayden didn't even spare his daughter a second glance and it broke my heart.  

I knew that Hayden would not listen to reason so I gave in but not before saying, "Be safe. I love you."  

"I love you too." he gave a weak smile before leaving and shutting the door behind him.  

The tears now flowed freely down my cheeks. I always had the ability of reading Hayden and by the way he was acting I knew he was saying his last goodbye. My legs suddenly feeling weak, I fell to the floor. I waited for hours that night not moving from my spot until I heard the phone ring. I was about to answer it but apparently my mother had beat me to it. My heart began racing even faster and I waited nervously until I heard her put the phone down. I jumped up and rushed over to her side to find out why the conversation over the phone took so long. I was silently praying that for once my instincts were wrong about the situation. "Please tell me he is okay." I asked breathlessly. I immediately knew the answer by the look that I saw in my mother's eyes. My instincts had been correct. "No. This can't be happening." I whimpered before all the tears and feelings from earlier on all came rushing back.  

She took me into her arms to comfort me, "I am so sorry Natalie. They found his body near the alley where William was killed. It was a vampire attack." she whispered into my hair. I couldn't speak, couldn't breath and just stood in her arms until I remembered something.  

"Where is AJanae?" I asked through my tears.  

"She is asleep alongside Markie." she reassured me.  

After three hours of crying I managed to break away from my mother's embrace, "What am I suppose to tell AJanae? How do I tell her that her father was murdered?" I stuttered just thinking about it.  

"I will tell her Nat if you would prefer that. I know how hard this is on you." she offered.

"No I will tell her. " I paused before continuing. "She can never know." I finished.  

"She won't. We will make sure she never finds out about them. She will live her life as normal as possible." my mother agreed.  

"We have to protect her from this world. She can't know about them, ever." I replied whilst making a promise to myself at the exact same time.  

"She will be protected from all vampires. We will make sure of that. She will never have to live the life you and Hayden have. She can be happy and so she will." my mother vowed and so did I for the sake of AJanae's life. I would do anything in my power to keep her safe from the creatures that stalk our nights...  
