Chapter 28: Curiosity Killed The Cat

AJanae's POV:

(Play music)

I pace slowly in my steps to my next class not even bothering with time or punctuality because I couldn't care less. I pass the corridors and empty hallways as most shuffle into the classes a feeling of emptiness and loneliness strikes my heart.

I walk quickly past the area I forbid myself from going near and as I keep telling myself to look away but I fail. I twist my head to take in the sight. A picture right at the foot of the locker surrounded by candles with wording did not take me by surprise. I had expected this much seeing as it had been here for the past week. The only difference was that the number in loving words and pictures had increased.

Why I can't just walk past without stopping every time? I haven't been sleeping since the incident and his eyes haunt me in my nightmares. Those eyes that were once full of life torments me to the core.

I just stood aside helplessly and watched him die. I let him die.

'We miss you Logan Stode. You were the best brother a sister could ask for.' I always read over that same letter taped to his locker and it always manages to bring tears to my eyes, but I blink them away. I move my eyes to his picture beneath the words to view the most recent photo of him. The flame of the first candle, put up by none other than his sister, catches my attention as it begins to burn out. It had been burning for the past few days and now it was finally succumbing to the end just as Logan had.

Soon all the candles would burn out just as this one is doing. The proof is around the corner judging by the dimming of each candle as days pass by agonizingly slow. Gran had insisted that I stay home after everything that happened but I insisted that I was fine. I have barely survived this week because guilt and remorse consumes my every action, every word and my every thought. All I can think about is his voice and how he had begged me to save him, but I let him down.

A clashing sound claims my attention and as I turn around I see the football helmet falling to the ground. "AJanae." I hear a voice, recognizable and easily familiar, but it's been a while since we last spoke seeing as I had been avoiding him along with Drew and Dean. It was just too difficult to look them in the eye after what happened.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a brief second as I take in a deep breath preparing me for this next conversation that I was not entirely ready for. I open my eyes again and turn to him. "Falcon." I whisper.

Before I can even say anything more I am pulled into a bone crushing hug, "I missed you." he simply says into my hair as he rests his chin on top of my head. There's no questions or lectures and for that I express my gratitude by allowing him to embrace me. I needed the comfort although I didn't want it.

There's so much I want to say to him in that moment but when I try nothing comes out. I gulp back the way I feel and simply wrap my arms around him and bring him closer to me as I bury my face into his chest feeling broken.

I feel him tense for a brief second as if not expecting my actions before he slowly begins to relax again. "I haven't seen you all week. I was worried." he admits.

He was worried about me?

I want to explain but when I try to my words come out with no control so instead I blurt out, "I'm sorry."

He releases me and takes a step back as if contemplating what I had just said. "For what?" he asks, but deep down he knows as well as I do what it is I am apologizing for.  I can't meet his intense stare so I break it and glance back to the picture of Logan on his sister's locker. Logan wasn't in Morrow Bay High school but most of the students knew who he was and besides his sister attended our school.

I begin to play with my fingers nervously as he takes a steps forward and forces me to look at him. He glances between Logan's sister's locker and then me as if completing a puzzle. "Don't." he whispers.

I don't have to ask what he means because I already know but nevertheless I end up asking anyways, "Don't?" I question, hoping that he would finish what he meant.

"Don't let what happen to him change you. It wasn't your fault. You didn't have any control over the situation or how it ended." he says defiantly that it was difficult to argue.

"That's the problem." I mumble. I should have had control then maybe I would have been able to change the ending.

He clenches his fists having heard me. "No one blames you for what happened." he says as if pained.

"But I do. I blame myself. You weren't there Falcon, you don't know-"

He cuts me off whilst raising his voice, "Exactly! I wasn't there AJanae." he emphasizes. "I wasn't there." he repeats in a low voice as if getting it into my head.

I shake my head, "Fourie..." I falter. I want to reassure him but I have nothing more to say because honestly he should have been there. "I have to get to class." I state and move past him, leaving him standing there consumed in his own thoughts.

Slate's POV:

"Are you sure that you're okay though?" Maleaka asks yet again.

As much as I love all this attention she's giving me a small part of me also hates it because when she asks the same question for the billionth time this week it tends to get annoying, especially when you're trying to forget something but she keeps reminding you of that day.

"For the gazillion time I'm okay." I tell her truthfully.

Logan's death has been difficult on all of us but I think I've got the better end of the rope considering how the others have been taking it. Drew hasn't been at school all week and he's not answering any calls. Fourie on the other hand has been in his own world and every time I try pull him out he only sinks deeper into what ever it is that goes on in his head. Not even Corona gets that faraway look out his eyes. All he's been doing this week is football, football and some more football. He's been completely focused on the upcoming game, but I think it's just an excuse as to not think of anything else.

Then there's AJanae who has been at school but every time I see her she vanishes as if she's avoiding me. I've tried catching up to her but she's too quick. I have never seen this side to her. It's all new to me. Her lively side is gone and all that's left of her seems to be a shell of what she once was. I can't live down the memory of seeing her crouched over Logan's body with her head in her hands. I don't know the full story because she refuses to talk to anyone about it, but what ever happened that's destroyed her. She seems emotionless but even I know that she's an expert at hiding what she really feels.

"Okay jeez don't get your brain in a knot. You've been through a traumatic experience and I can see that it's taken a toll on you. I am just trying to help." she snaps, her compassionate tone instantly vanishing.

"Why are you trying to help me? In fact why are you so concerned about me? If I'm not mistaken I'd say you love me." I smirk, trying to divert all this attention off of me.

She scoffs at that, "Last time I try be nice to you." she huffs and shakes her head, "I don't even know why I bother. You are such a imbecile." she says before walking away.

"Love you too Mal Mal." I call sarcastically over my shoulder. She turns around and flicks me off with her middle finger. I chuckle, at least she has character.


I turn to glare at who ever just hit me at the back of my head. I am use to Drew's slaps and his are much more painful so I know its not him, besides he isn't at school today..again. Logan was a close friend of his yet some how I don't think that's the full reason why he hasn't been at school.

"Didn't your momma ever teach you how to treat a girl respectfully?" I stare down at the short frame in front of me.

Only her.

"I wouldn't know seeing as I was too busy treating your momma respectfully." I tune her back.

She scratches her head, clearly not getting it. Typical blonde she is. Her eyes widen before she reaches up and slaps me yet again as the joke dawns on her features and she gasps much to my entertainment for the day. Girls are just too easy sometimes. "You're disgusting."

I take a little bow, "Why thank you sweet cheeks." I say as I pat the top of her curly hair but she smacks my hand away.

"That's Zinec to you mister." she waves her index finger in my face with a whole lot of attitude that you'd think she was a Zulu diva.

I laugh at her, "You're just too cute sometimes." I say as I pinch her cheeks and then retreat away with speed before she knees me in the wrong place like the last time I messed with her.

Too late...

"Ow!" I yell out in in pain and crouch down.

I turn and begin walking hurriedly after her for revenge. I don't watch where I am going and accidentally bump into someone. I glance at the face before me and meet the familiar big blue eyes that I have begun to miss seeing over this past week. I open my mouth to say something but instead I look like a fish out of water. I have never been good at awkward situations nor have I been good at comforting others when they were clearly hurting.

It feels as if hours pass as none of us attempt in saying anything. It's only been a few seconds but time was moving agonizingly slow in this moment as the tension thickens. What am I even suppose to say to her? I don't even know how to start and clearly she doesn't either.

Think Slate think! What would Michael Jackson do? What would Oprah Winfrey do? What would Lincoln do? What would she do if it had been me? Surely she wouldn't just stand here like an idiot and not say anything.

"Hi." I blurt out.

There are very few situations that can make me feel nervous, but of the few I included there just so happened to be girls crying, girls screaming and then there was a specific one, comforting girls especially ones like AJanae. I would honestly prefer a crying Corona over this. She'd throw a pillow at my head, scream, cry, scream some more and then it would be over. AJanae...well she was different. You wouldn't even know she's hurting unless you'd seen her in a mess the way I had that night.

She manages a half forced smile, "Hey." she says too quickly.

I scratch the back of my head as she glances up at me with those unruly blue eyes of hers. "So..." I begin. She does't say anything back and remains silent. "How's life?" I ask impulsively. Her eyes widen a fraction more and then I realize what a complete douche bag I am. "Sh*t, I'm sorry." I apologize and slap my hand repeatedly against my forehead.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"S'okay." she whispers and once again...more silence.

I tap my chin in mock thought, pretending to be lost in my own thoughts when really I didn't have much thoughts going on right now...or ever in general. "One, two, three, four...." I trail off as I continue counting. "Five, six, seven-"

"What are you doing?" she asks, stopping me from proceeding further. I was counting on her stopping me eventually.

"Counting, what the hell does it look like?" she forces a smile at my cocky words.

"Yes but why?" she questions.

"Heard it's a method you do when things get awkward, usually breaks tension." I shrug and usually I'd expect a laugh from her right about now but all I get is another small smile.

Well I never expected to miss her laugh this much...laugh dammit!

"I better go." she says softly and begins to turn away, but I can't just let her leave like this. I grab the back of her hoodie and pull her back towards me. The 'her almost being strangled to death' part was not part of the original plan...improvise right?

She coughs a little as I release the hold I had on her hoodie which in turn had a hold on her neck. "I am being a complete doofus jackass d*ck of a head. What I meant to ask was how are you doing..." I stammer. "I mean how are you coping with everything after..."

She glances away briefly before forcing her eyes back to mine, "I'm fine." she says with determination.

"You are?" I raise my eyebrow, unbelieving. She nods in confirmation. "Oh..." I stutter. "Cool then." I finish off with a smile and she smiles slightly in return before leaving.

I begin to hum to myself cheerfully as I walk to my next class, but then stop in my tracks...

Wait a second....


I fell for the 'I'm fine' thing again that chicks always pull off.

Mom was right. I don't understand girls and their feelings enough...or at all,

but hey practice makes perfect right?

Fourie's POV:

I rush past with my helmet in my hands but stop dead in my tracks at the sight of her. I slowly come to a halt and observe her actions. She stands there as if oblivious to the world with her hand trudged up against one of the main photos of Logan. I don't even think she's aware at the way she is longing for his presence to return when she was never really fond of him to begin with. I think in a way we all kind of miss him. I hated the guy but I would never wish death upon anyone.

I slowly begin to step back, not wanting to alert her of my presence. With each soft step I take I move further away from her. I turn my back on her and the scene, preparing myself to leave as I begin to go in the opposite direction to where she was standing. As I round the corner from where I first came guilt begins to consume me. Flashbacks of a week ago hits me hard when I remember how crushed she had been. I wanted to go after her that night, but I resisted. I regret it now. I should have went after her when clearly she was defeated but I didn't. This thought alone causes me to stop yet again and retrace my steps back to her cautiously.

Maybe it's the faraway stare I see in her eyes or maybe it's the depth of her sadness that stops me, but in that moment I feel her pain as my hands tense for a second before relaxing again. I drop my football helmet to the floor and summon up the courage to not just walk away this time, "AJanae." I finally speak up.

She turns around to face me, her eyes seemingly lifeless, "Falcon." she whispers.

Acting on impulse I gather her small frame into my arms and rest my chin on top of her head as I bring her closer, "I missed you." I say truthfully, knowing fully well that she's been avoiding me and the others.

I manage to get her to open up a little about what happened but not entirely. There are things she is still keeping to herself and for now I accept it. I hate seeing her try take on Logan's death all on her own when it really is my fault for not being there. I explain this to her and for once she doesn't disagree. I watch her intently as she tries to find comforting words but failing in doing so, proving all the more that it's all my fault.

"I have to get to class." she informs me before swiftly moving past me and retreating away leaving me consumed in bitter emotions of guilt and regret.

I should have been there.

I ridden myself form my thoughts and crouch down to pick up my helmet. I didn't even known that I dropped it.

"Yo Falcon? That really you?" I stand up with my football helmet in my hands and grin at him. It's been a while since we last talked seeing as athletes and football players didn't always get along.

"Sure is man." I reply as he steps up and punches me forcefully on the shoulder. "Just because I play football doesn't mean I love being punched." I smirk cockily.

"Still arrogant I see and a wuss." he teases. "Wow dude it's been long. Hey I heard what happened man. I am sorry that you had to go through all that." he says and slaps my shoulder with less force as a sign of his sympathy.

"Yeah...well it happens." I shrug assuredly. I am not looking forward to this conversation if this is what he has in mind on discussing.

Thankfully Dustin picks up on minor details to a conversation, "So you and Corona all good?" he changes the subject.

"Better than good." I answer honestly. He nods but I can see there's more on his mind but he won't ask unless I push him. "Out with it Dustin."

He shrugs, "Well since you offered. I was just asking because it seems as if you've been around that 'Nova girl' a lot lately and I wasn't sure if you and Corona were still together." he confesses.

He had every right to think that. I have been overly protective over AJanae more so than usual. I can't let another person go down the way Logan did. I won't allow it to happen again. "She's just a friend."

"You sure?" he asks and I nod without a doubt. "I met her a couple of days ago. She ran into me and apologized about hundred times. I was in a rush to get to athletics so we didn't talk much. She seems like a sweet girl though."

"She is." I nod in confirmation. "But she has a feisty side too." I grin, remembering all the times she dissed me or hit me.

He smiles in response, "You guys close?"

I shrug, "I guess."

"Keep her extra close dude because someone might just come along and steal her away." he raises his eyebrow as if suggesting himself. I must seem annoyed because he breaks out into a grin and taps my shoulder, "Relax Falcon. I was kidding." he says, making me realize how possessive of her I'd suddenly got. "I gotta run but see you around bro." he doesn't give me a chance to reply as he walks away.

 Him and AJanae are the only ones that have the courage to call me by by last name. Dustin Dake and I go way back. There was a time where we were inseparable but somewhere along the line we drifted apart, most likely due to our different interests sport wise. I hate practically everyone in this school except for Corona, Drew, Dustin, AJanae and Slate. Dustin and I might not talk much anymore but I'd always have his back as he'd have mine. He's like a brother to me.

I push aside the ongoing emotions and walk away from the depressing locker and in the direction of mine where I see a defenceless Eric. Just what I need, a punching bag to take out my anger. "Perfect timing as always Eric." I grin and nod toward the lockers.

He got lucky the last time when AJanae dove right in and scooped him away from being harmed. I won't let it happen again. "F-ffourie." he stutters and averts his eyes while every bone in his body twitches nervously. "I was just passing through."

A smirk escapes onto my lips as I chuckle. "What a coincidence, so was I." I say menacingly as I step closer toward him but he flinches back. "Looks like you don't have AJanae to save you this time. She's...preoccupied."

"P-p-please I d-don't want trouble." he stutters.

"But I do." I clarify. "Besides you still owe me a new shirt as I recall. There's a punishment and someone needs to pay." I inform him and then finish off what I started, "You need to pay."

"Wait, I can buy you a new one-"

I don't let him finish as my fist connects to his jaw. I laugh aloud as he whimpers in pain. "Music to my ears." I joke, knowing exactly what I was doing and feeling rubbish about it but ignoring that nagging response from inside.

His hand flies to his bruised chin as tears collide in his eyes. He takes a few steps back in fear, "Please, no more." he begs.

I step forward and grab him by the collar of his shirt, "No more? You've had enough then?" I ask as he nods profusely. I let out a humourless laugh, "Well so have I. I have had f*cking enough too but you know what? No one gives a dam!" I threaten him as my tone turns to rage and I can feel my blood boiling from anger that wasn't directed at Eric yet I directed it at him in any case. "You think people are going to cut you slack because poor Eric has a rough life at home and school, well clear your f*cking head because no one will ever care." I yell at him tauntingly. I throw another fist his way as he cries out in anguish. "No one cares." I whisper aloud, more to myself than him before raising my fist yet again but a hand, not Eric's, stops my fist from another blow.

I release Eric and step back to see who was brave enough to actually interfere in my business. No one except AJanae had ever challenged me. I respected her for that, but I don't want others getting ideas because I can guarantee that I won't be as lenient on them as I was with her. She was fortunate that I couldn't bring myself to hurt her...not yet anyways.

I drop my fist as I move my eyes to the hand which just so happened to belong to Tamarind out of all people. I could tell that it was a female but I was honestly expecting it to be AJanae yet again. Tamarind was always the quite type who stayed out of people's way, but now because of one girl who took the initiative to stand up to me she suddenly has the courage to do so as well?

I furrow my eyebrows as I take in her face. Her green eyes show incredible disappointment that I feel ashamed under such an intense gaze. She shakes her hand as if shaking off the pain of my fist that had crashed into her hand. I didn't meant to hurt her. That was not my intention but she's the one who decided upon getting in my way.

I want to say something, but her gaze makes me feel scrutinized so I keep quiet and glance back between her and Eric as she stands protectively in front of him. I can see she wants to say something too but decides against it, instead she keeps patronizing me with her stare that I feel moved. I glance one last time at Eric who seemed to be in pain before turning my back on them and walking away, something I was experienced at by now.

As I walk passed the corridors and in the direction of my one place of comfort, the football field, I already feel the regret of my behaviour back there. I didn't mean to hurt Eric, well I did, but I never wanted to. I just had to take my anger and frustration out on someone. It's no excuse. I can't justify what I did.

Reason being behind all my anger is the one usually responsible, Mitch. I think back to the night of Logan's death after everyone had left the scene.

"What happened Fourie? You were suppose to stay with her. I can never count on you for anything!" he had raged.

I glanced to the other officers standing around along with Slate. Mitch didn't care that they were watching, all he cared about was putting me in my place. I deserved it.

"Mr Falcon he just messed up, it's not his-" Slate begins but I cut him off with a harsh glare.

"Slate." I say sternly and motion to him to walk away.

He didn't have to see this, it was going to get ugly.


"Slate." I say with a louder tone. He finally nods and bows his head before obeying and walking away. The other officers leave with him so that I could face Mitch alone and head on.

"Where the hell should I even begin? I gave you direct instructions and you are so simple that you can't even follow them. All you had to do was stay by her side and you manage to let her slip away. This..." he gestures to Logan's body before us, "This is all on your head!" he glares at me, "You could have stopped this if you were here. You always manage to screw everything up. I don't even know why I bother with you anymore!" he spits and shakes his head.

I, myself, follow in Mitch's footsteps and lose my temper, "You were willing to sacrifice innocent people just to get the killer. You call that justice? You were in the wrong too. If it were AJanae that he had taken then you'd give the order to shoot even if it meant she'd end up as collateral damage. I messed up today but you're no better than me!" I end up yelling back.

"If her dying took what it did to end the killer's life then yes I would've taken the shot to end more death in the future. I was doing what I thought would be best. You only think about yourself. I take others into consideration and I am the one who has to call the tough shots for this society because no one else is willing to. You're just a rebellious and selfish kid who just leaves a path of destruction where ever he goes and who has to clean it all up? Me! I clean up your messes overtime. You are ungrateful. You screwed up orders. Today Logan is dead because of you. You're a killer. I am not. You don't care about anyone else but yourself. You've proved that. I, on the other hand do, I have proved that. I will always be better than you. You will never be better than me because of who you are. You will never change. You're an utter disappintment to me and your mother. You were a mistake. If I could go back in time and erase your existence, I would." he ended his words with the sentence that would hurt most.

I never thought that his words would have such a powerful effect on me but they do because I look so highly up to him. The pain is unbearable that I had to break eye contact. "I'll be out by tonight. You won't have to deal with me anymore." I  say quietly.

It's as if it dawns on Mitch on what he'd just said to me. I am sure he had said it on impulse and never meant to say it in the first place but there's a reason behind his words and its because he means it. There's truth behind every word and I knew this because I could feel it. I had turned to walk away but his hand latched onto my shoulder, "Fourie wait. I didn't mean to-"

I don't allow him to finish, "Don't bother taking it back. You are right." I shrug and the turn to face him, "I should never have existed, that way I wouldn't have caused such grief. I've never agreed with you on anything before but this time I agree fully." I say truthfully and as he opens his mouth to speak I shake my head at him to keep him silent. I walk away from him and one of the graphic scenes of many to come.

One of the cons of being a cop's son is that you see and witness horrific scenes beyond the human imagination and those images never really leave you. They stay with you and just wait in hiding before flooding your mind with the flashbacks of the haunted past...too many to count.

AJanae's POV:

"So then Eric..." I tune out the rest of Aria's words as I tune into my own world of problems instead.

What I'd give to have just Aria's single issue of her crush potentially not liking her. It's as if these days I just don't get the chance to experience normal teen drama anymore, instead I face serial killers and death, which brings me back to Logan. I thought that by moving to Morrow Bay I'd move on from all my problems back in Wake Field, including the death of my mother, but I was wrong. It seems as if death itself enjoys following me around. First my uncle, then my father, then my mother and now Logan.

Is there ever a part where no one leaves me behind? Is there ever a part where those associated with me don't die? I'm at fault. I always am. I played his game and I lost. My failure is what claimed Logan's life.

Gran saw my choice in moving away from Wake Field as moving on, when really I haven't moved on at all. This whole time I have been doing only one thing, the thing I know how to do best, running. I haven't stopped running since I was a toddler, in fact I learned to run before I learned to walk. I run away from everything that I fear, including death. I never stay put and just face the challenge. I am weak. I am a coward.

A forceful shaking on my shoulder brings me back to reality yet again. I glance apologetically at Aria who is rolling her eyes at me. I tend to zone out during her conversations more often these days, mostly because I feel as if I can not relate to her in any way possible. Her life seems so perfect that it's difficult not to be envious. I sigh and massage the oncoming migraine that I have been constantly getting ever since the incident, "I'm sorry Aria."

"That's the eighth time you've zoned out on me just this week. Am I that boring?" she asks in a snippy tone, not that I blame her. I see where she is coming from.

"No!" I quickly say and sit up straight in my chair. "I-I I'm j-just n-not focused is all." I stammer in a panic, not wanting to offend her in anyway.

"Cut her some slack Ari." Maleaka says as she takes a seat beside me at our usual cafeteria table. "This week has been rough on a lot of people." she stands up for me but I see where her gaze lingers to, Dean Slate, who just so happens to be refusing to pay the lunch lady for his lunch.

Everyone knew that I had been involved in some way or another with happened to Logan. They are unaware of the details but they know I was there. I would have preferred it if it all could've stayed private but it was leaked all over the media, including the television.

Aria takes a chip and stuffs it into her mouth before diverting eye contact, "No excuse for being rude." she grumbles beneath her breath but I hear it clearly.

I want to patch things up with Aria but when ever I attempted to speak to her again, she'd brush me aside as if I wasn't there. I stand up grabbing my backpack with me. Clearly I wasn't wanted here. I make my way swiftly passed Falcon and Dean without being noticed before exiting the cafeteria.

"AJanae wait up!" I hear a voice calling from close behind. I'd be naive to think I'd leave unnoticed with out being stopped. I halt and turn around to face the quite girl, wondering what she wanted from me seeing as she was Aria's closest friend. "I'm sorry about Aria. She's very sensitive and tends to overreact over the smallest things but she means well."

A soft smile takes over my features at her words, "I know." I admit. I may not speak to Tamarind as often as I'd like to but I did appreciate her presence because for some reason knowing that she was around managed to calm me down. "It's my fault anyways." I state the facts.

Tamarind shakes her head placidly, "Not your fault. She can't blame you for being unfocused after everything you've been through. I understand how you're feeling. I was there." she says kindly.

Her last words echo through my mind, "You were there when he died?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion. I don't recall ever seeing her. I know I never saw her. If she was there then why didn't she help me?

She shakes her head again, "No. I meant I was at the competition and I was most likely surfing when Logan... You walked past me earlier in the day but you seemed so stressed out that when I called you, you never registered anything. Fourie was with you. That's another reason why I never came after you. As you know, him and I aren't on the best of terms but then again he's not on the best terms with most." she says sadly as if she felt sympathetic towards him. She was one of the few that hated him but still cared for him. "Anyways I tried to find you again afterwards but you vanished. Then I heard the news and when I found out that you had to see what you did, that you had to watch..." she trails off for a breath and then proceeds, "If I went after you earlier then I could have prevented all of this from happening. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." I smile warmly at her. "It's no one's fault except for the killer." I say, but I don't mean it because I feel that behind Logan's death is me to blame. I admire her for being so down to earth, however I am puzzled by the conviction in her tone when she said that she could have prevented it all from happening. "Besides if you went after me it could have made things worse. What could you have done anyways?" I shrug at my rhetorical question.

She takes her green eyes off me for a second as if thinking deeply about something and then bring them back to me with confidence, "You're right. There's nothing I could have done in any case." she tells me but her voice is off key as if she, herself, doesn't believe what she's saying. My eyes reveal skepticism and she knows this as she breaks eye contact, "See you around AJanae." she places a fake smile onto her lips before heading back into the cafeteria.

I stand there for a few minutes analyzing what had just happened. She lied to me back then. I watched her body language and her eyes were a dead give away that she wasn't being completely truthful with me. Tamarind is too intelligent to blatantly allow another to read her. I know for a fact that she's smarter than that. She may be reserved but she's also observant just as I am and I have noticed how she hides what she really thinks just as I do. We were similar in that way, although a few minutes ago she's openly allowed me to try and figure out the subtle subtext that I was missing. What was she hinting at?

'It's just that there are a couple of people in this school that I don't trust is all.'

I don't know why it is now out of all times that Zinec's words come back to me from my first day here, nevertheless I reflect further on her words.

'Morrow Bay may seem as the average safe neighbourhood but that's completely the opposite. People are dying AJanae.'

She proved to be right and I can confirm her words by my own experiences. People are dying all around me and Morrow Bay is most definitely not what I thought it out to be.

'They have been dying for years now. As long as you're here, you are not safe.'

'All I am saying is that you could be a target.'

She'd been right with every prediction. Was she right in the fact that I was now a target too? As crazy and childish as Zinec may be there's more to her than just that. I think she may be the only one willing to give me answers seeing as I wasn't going to get much out of Tamarind nor my Gran.

Morrow Bay was a mystery when I arrived, now a month later and nothing about my perspective has changed. Morrow Bay is still a mystery. A mystery that I'm willing to solve, but for that I need answers that not many are willing to give out freely.

Drew's POV:

The sound of the front doorbell ringing makes me jolt upright from my deep sleep. I don't even contemplate on who it can be as I roll off my comfortable sway couch. I lazily get up and make my way downstairs towards the front door.

I hadn't been getting much sleep in the past few days and the only time I could catch up on some sleep was in the afternoons because at night I was awake. I was afraid that I might wake up to another note written in blood and in my handwriting. I hadn't been to school in the past week because I didn't have the guts to go back knowing that I would never see Logan dissing Fourie or challenging me to a game of football ever again.

He never deserved to die. He took my place when it should have been me. I would have won that competition and been the target if it hadn't been for Slate's interference. I guess I owe Slate a 'thank you' but he did end up screwing over Logan. I don't have a little sister or parents like Logan has. I don't have a family thus I should have been the one to die. He had a life worth living whilst I have nothing worth living for except a few close friends, other than that my life was empty and incredibly lonely.

Riches don't bring happiness. My parent's left all their possessions in their will to me, making me become a very wealthy teenager. Sure it's great to have it all for the first month or so but eventually you come to realize that you don't have it all. I'd sell everything I own in a heartbeat if it meant I could have my family back.

It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one going through this level of grief. I wonder how many times AJanae wishes she could get her old life with her family back. At least AJanae has her Gran for support. I have no family left. Slate and Fourie have been my only family for a while now.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts as I reach for the door handle. No use in wallowing in self pity. Might as well get over it because tragedies are bound to happen and knowing Morrow Bay's history nothing is what it seems.

"Hey." I greet as I open the door, thinking it would be someone I know but I am surprised to see a stranger's face before me.

"Nice to finally meet you in person Mr Legend." the guy, round about my age or a year or so older, says in an odd voice.

I glance at his attire to see that he's wearing a beige hoodie and jeans but there's something about him that brings out my skeptical side. "Do I know you?" I ask, already well aware that I don't know him.

"Quite the place you have here." he says, brushing my comment aside.

I raise an eyebrow, "If you're here for money then you're in luck. I will willingly give it to you so you don't have to put a gun to my head." I say truthfully, not caring about my wealth and riches because all I wanted was a family.

He laughs a humourless laugh filled with bitter, "It's funny how you just assume that I want your money when really I want something more than that." I glance briefly his way and then back behind me, thinking of a way to get inside without him stopping me. I sense danger and right now I know that this guy isn't someone I want to be associated with. I see the phone on the table behind me and if I run fast enough then I might be able to call for Mitch or Fourie. "Don't even think about it." he says with a 'all knowing' gaze as he motions toward the cellphone.

"Well if it's not money you want then what do you want?" I ask, hoping to distract him to make a way to escape.

His grey like eyes seem to spark with something that closely resembled amusement, "I want something more from you than just your money."

"What?" I ask, succumbing to the lure of curiosity.

Who would have thought that the saying curiosity killed the cat would prove to be undoubtedly true?

 He smiles, but not in the friendly manner, it's a smile that threatens me without the need to be accompanied by with words, "Your life of course."


Hey guys=D

This chapter was more of a filler chapter to show how everyone has been affected by Logan's death. Some were worse off than others. In the chapters to come a lot of action as well as information is going down. You will find out a lot more about the secrets that Morrow Bay holds.

Thanks for all the support and comments =) You are all amazing!

~Until next time...
