Chapter 4: Life Goes by in an Instant

Okay so again, only play the music once I say so, or u can play it when ever u want, just a suggestion though and I can't write this out everytime so just know each chapter gets a song and I will tell u when to play it=)

AJanae's POV:

"That's great Gran." I responded enthusiastically as I worked on my maths homework which covered half the kitchen table.

"What should I make for dinner?" Gran asked as if I was the expert at cooking which believe me I was far from it. I wasn't very sophisticated in the culinary arts but I wasn't as horrendous as Dean and his friends.

"I really don't know Gran." I replied honestly feeling that I wasn't offering any help to her at all.  "What's this friend of yours name?" I changed the subject quickly before I ended up giving terrible food suggestions.

"Her name is Lady." she smiled and her eyes beamed when just mentioning her name. I was about to open my mouth and comment on the unusual name but Gran put a finger to my lips as if she knew what I was thinking. "Yes AJanae I know it's a funny name." she teased because she knew me too well and I chuckled lightly at this.

"How long have you known her?'' I questioned and dropped my pen since I had had enough of maths for a day.                                                                                                    

"We knew each other since primary school but in matric she moved away. I haven't seen her for sixty years. Now toady I run into her at the mall and we chatted. She invited herself over." she said joyfully as she began preparing the dining room table. I had offered her my help but she politely declined because she knew that I was a klutz. I don't where I picked it up from but some how I always found a way to mess up the simplest of things.                                                                                                                                                                     

"Speaking of the mall is there more news." I asked, silently hoping for a yes. I  would  only feel at ease once that murderer was behind bars for good.

"No there wasn't any more news." she huffed and stiffened as if I had asked something I wasn't suppose to. I didn't want to pry but I felt as if she was keeping something from me and since we never kept secrets from each other the thought terrified me.  

"Just be careful Gran. I need to know exactly where you are every second of the day. Okay?" I asked in demanding tone because there was no way I was backing down on this one. As long as Gran was safe I was happy. As long as the murderer roamed freely she wasn't safe, which meant I wasn't happy. I would offer to do the groceries but I couldn't box Gran indoors forever. She would catch on to my plan.

 She was speaking and I hadn't been listening. "A home made meal with rice, chicken, vegetables and potatoes. What do you think?" she stared at me intensely, waiting for me to reply.                                                                  

''Oh sorry Gran. My mind is elsewhere today. I think that sounds yummy." I said, tuning back into the real world. 

"Love do you know that you look very pale? Are you feeling alright? Go outside for a bit, get some fresh air." she suggested and ushered me to the door. The anticipation of seeing her friend was getting to her alright.

"I see. Trying to get rid of me that easily." I joked but she didn't take lightly to it because she hadn't caught on that I was only teasing.

"No AJ that is not the reason. I'd love for you to be here and you can be. I just think some fresh air would do you some good." she panicked and rambled off nervously as if she had hit my soft spot.

"Only kidding Gran Gran!" I laughed and kissed her on the cheek before proceeding to the front door. 

I could feel her rolling her eyes at me and as I turned to see her for the last time before leaving she was doing just that accompanied with a soft smile on her face. "Just behave when you meet her AJ. Keep your manners intact." it was her turn to joke.

I would have been affended had it came from anyone else but this was my own blood and flesh talking and I knew that she was now rellishing in teasing me. "Gran Gran you know my manners are ever so delightful." I curtsied before walking out the door and hearing her laugh from inside.

Upon arriving at the beach the first thing I did was close my eyes so that same inner peace I always felt when near the ocean, could settle in. The distant call of seagulls and the whistling of the cool breeze that came off the waves was all I allowed myself to hear.

I tiptoed all the way to the shoreline and waited patiently for the murky waves to reach my toes. The waves came and crashed on the shore pushing the sea water up and just as it was about to reach my feet a voice interrupted my thoughts and I had jumped back, just missing the water.

(Play music now)

I turned to see the source of the voice and when I saw it was the familiar face I willed myself back to calmness. "Like sneaking up on people?" I asked and his amused glint in his dark eyes did not go unnoticed.

"Only when those people are you." he retorted with a smug expression across his face.

"So Dean what brings you down here?" I asked, suddenly feeling curious as to why he was alone wandering on the beach just as I had been doing.

"I could ask you the same question, but first I have to know, are you the serial killer?" he asked with the most serious look on his face and I couldn't help but laughing at expression.

"Believe me if I was the killer you'd know, but then again even if I was, you wouldn't be among my targets but your friend Falcon might want to watch out." I played along to his amusement.

"I'm guessing I am not among the targets because I am too irresistible to handle." he grinned whilst running a hand through his sleek black hair and his dark eyes were invading mine.

"Mmmm hmmm that's it alright. I would've said because I have no interest in killing someone as nice as you but now I am going to go with because your not a worthy competitor." I added and he narrowed those dark eyes of his at me before his lip curved upwards and a smile formed on his face.

"I am nice guy aren't I?" he agreed and took a step closer towards me.

"Typical male. I trust that that is all you heard. You're no different from Falcon, but my question is where does Drew fit in? You boys all seem so vain and now here I go telling the vainest of them all that he's nice. I just help boost your ego and I can already see that your head is bigger." I teased and he treaded lightly with it because he was now chuckling at my comment.

"I am not vain just sexy." he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes at him and began walking away in the opposite direction. He had just contradicted himself there. "You know Nova..." he trailed off to catch up with me and then continued on, "I am curious to know why is it that you're so feisty." 

"If only you really knew me." I murmured softly but by the way he stiffened in his walk I knew he had just caught it.

"What do you mean by that?" he had stopped walking now and turned to face me and I was about to continue on and shrug the whole situation off but his out stretched hand stopped me abruptly.

"Nothing lets just keep going." I advised but he shook his head. I barely knew Dean but when he shook his head I knew there was no way around this one, he'd get an answer. "Always got to get what you want hey Dean?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he finally removed his hand from in front of me.

"Are you implying that you're not always this mean?" he pointed his index finger at me disbelivingly. 

I slapped his finger away,"Too be honest I have been out of character lately. I just don't know how to get mine back." I tried to explain but I knew that he wasn't getting it and there was no way I'd tell him anything more. He was squinting at me as if I was speaking some foreign language so I quickly changed the subject. "You know Dean you still haven't told me why you're here anyways."

"If I tell you promise you won't laugh." he stared at me waiting patiently for my response and when I nodded he smiled before proceeding, "I like to take romantic walks on the beach."

I wanted to giggle but suppressed it in order to honour my promise. "That's cute Dean..." I trailed off once I noticed that it was just him and me on the beach. "Alone?" I frowned because if that was the case that was odd.

"But I am not alone am I? Technically we are both walking together." he shrugged and for a second I thought he was being serious until I saw that glint of mischief in his eyes and when I raised my eyebrows a him he couldn't hold it any longer and laughed out loud.

"You really had me going there for a second Dean, but like I said it's cute way of thinking Dean and I am sure Maleaka would think so too." I nudged him teasingly and he glared at me before shaking his head. "Come on Dean don't deny it. I have only known you for three days and I can already tell that you're pinning for this girl. She really is beautiful so I suggest you make a move before you lose her." I suggested and smiled at him to reassure him that his secret was safe with me.

He averted his eyes away from mine and looked out to the ocean instead,"She hates me." he replied dryly and in a way he was admitting that he did have feelings for this girl.

"I doubt that. I mean look at yourself you're not vain but sexy." I grinned and he chuckled before nodding in agreement. He stayed quiet for a couple of minutes and I knew that I had to break the silence before he upset himself further. "Dean you're a sweet guy, of course she likes you. I can't see why she wouldn't." I replied honestly and he finally turned back to me.

"So her sweet side does exist?" he cocked an eyebrow at me and grinned as if he had just won some kind of battle we were having that I wasn't aware of.

"You'd be surprised." I shrugged before breaking out in a smile.

"So suprise me." he whispered as he closed the distance between us and I could feel his breathing against mine..

I immediately took the first step backwards,"And that Dean is your first problem. You want Maleaka?" I asked and when he nodded I added, "Then stop flirting with other girls." I ordered and he quickly backed away.

"You know AJanae you're quite a cool girl. Most girls I know would flirt back and sabotage any chance I had with Maleaka, yet you give me advice on how to get her. Heck you just stopped me from messing up!" he exclaimed happily and suddenly a sly grin appeared on his face, one that seemed as if he had just won the lottery. I did not want to know what that sly grin meant but I knew he was going to tell me anyways, so no escaping it. "I think I am going to be  keeping you close to me from now on. You're defiantly an asset worthy of my attention. An asset not only in advice but in looks too." he smiled deviously as his eyes roamed over me.

"Did you not just here anything I just said? Stop flirting with me! And I am pretty sure I told you that I want nothing to do with your click." I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him just to drive my point through that thick skull of his.

"Oh no you're too priceless to share. Fourie and Drew are not part of our click. You're mine only." he replied sternly and it was if he was serious and this time I really couldn't tell.

"Your what exactly? Possession? Ornament? Asset?" I glared at him not approving of his statment.

"More precious than all those. You're my best friend." he chuckled evilly. Before I even had chance to protest against this I was being crushed against his chest.

I pushed away from his unexpected embrace, "You know you can't just claim to be my bestfriend. That position is earned and believe me it won't be easy since my last one didn't turn out well." I sighed thinking back on Mark and the thought killed me inside.

"So what do I have to do to earn it? A kiss perhaps?" he pouted out his lips and his dark almost black eyes shone with excitement.

"You are such a flirt. It's like nothing I say goes through that thick head of yours. I am not your best friend but I can be your friend." I told him and when I saw that he was pouting out his lips I had to add, "And the kiss or what ever you call that is not necessary." I finished while gesturing to him.

"Cocky, I like it. I can see it now..." he slung an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to his side, "Miss Nova and the awesonic Slate make best friends for eternity and beyond." he flashed a big bright smile at the thought.

I pushed his arm of my shoulder, "We're not best friends. I barely know you and you barely know me." I informed him and his response was a shrug as if he was saying then we will get to know each other soon enough. "Awesonic?" I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"It will catch on." he spoke with confidence whilst nodding as if he needed to express himself.

"Sure it will." I replied back sarcastically. I took a seat on the golden floor of sea sand before me and I turned to face the glistening blue ocean. I heard some shuffling beside me before I was joined by Dean just as I had expected. "I love the ocean. That's why I was here. It's like all my problems dissolve every time I come here." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

"I know what you mean. It's like you cast them out into the ocean and the wind carries them  beyond the horizon." he replied softly and I couldn't believe that he understood what I meant.

"Yeah exactly." I smiled and soon enough he returned the smile.

"You're smile is beautiful, it's too bad that half the time there isn't one on your face." he complimented and insulted me at the same time if that was even possible, but of course if anyone could pull it off it was Dean.

I couldn't help blushing since since it happened so easily. I was always know for my blush back in Wakefield. "I use to smile more." I muttered and I knew he never heard it.

"Are you blushing?" he grinned, clearly enjoying my discomfort. I shook my head but he wasn't buying it so I covered my face with my hands. He managed to pry them off my face though. "That's too adorable. She blushes." he chuckled and I averted my eyes away from those brown eyes that were searching mine. "That settles it you are so staying my best friend."

I would have told him that we were not bestfriends but what was the point? He was never going to let it go and no matter how many times I tell him he still won't grasp it. "So what's up with your friends Dean?" I asked, purposely to get him sidetracked off me blushing and the bestfriend thing.

"Well I have known Fourie since the primary school and I have know Drew since nursery school. We all kind of just clicked when we met. I know you aren't very fond of them but they really are great people once you get to know them." he smiled as if remembering back on the days when they all met.

"As far as I know great people don't hurt other people intentionally." I muttered irritably, thinking back to that poor boy who looked petrified. 

"Yeah I guess that's true." he admitted. "Fourie is a difficult individual to explain. Sometimes he is the kindest person you'll meet but then other times he will flip out and be the biggest jerk. You get use to it after a couple of months. Drew is more of the introvert of the group. He is the 'go-with-the-flow' kind of guy. They are both loyal to to the very end though and will stand by their friends no matter what."

"I am not judging your friends Dean. I do my best not to do that. I am not saying their jerks because I believe no matter who you are everyone has a positive side to them, although your friend Falcon seems to despise me." I pointed out and he grinned knowingly.

"I think he admires you to a certain extent. No one has ever stood up to him before. He may despise you but it's only because he doesn't know you. I bet if he knew you he'd change his mind on you." he reassured me but I somehow doubted his words. I was about to comment on that but Dean's phone rang and he gave me an apologetic look before answering. "Hey Fourie." he glanced at me and smirked since we were just speaking about him. "It's none of your business where I am. No I am not taking my daily stroll on the beach. Prove it. Fourie just give the phone to Drew." he waited patiently for him to hand the phone over to Drew. "Hey Drew. Please tell your idiot friend that I am with my new best friend at the moment and can not be disturbed." he turned to grin at me and I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Dean they are-"

"Ssssh bestie I'm on the phone with Dipsie." he kept me quiet.

"But Dean they right-"

"Keep it down I can't hear what Poe is saying to Dipsie." he shushed me again and this time I gave into him. "I told you Fourie that I am not on the beach." he complained into the phone.

I got shoved out the way and he proceeded to tap Dean on the shoulder whilst still holding the phone to his ear. "Is that so?" he smirked and Dean turned around ready to tell me to stop tapping him but then he saw that it wasn't me but Fourie himself. He raised his eyebrows at Dean before shutting his phone closed. 

"I'm sorry Poe you are going to have to hold on, my other friend Fourie is bothering me again." he grinned sheepishly before removing his phone from his ear. "Well hello there Falcon and the Dipsie himself."

"You're an idiot." Drew chuckled whilst shaking his head. 

"AJanae why didn't you say anything? You could have told me that they were here the whole time." Dean narrowed his ayes at me disapprovingly.

"Believe me I tried." I shook my head. I was about to walk away since I had no interest in mixing with the three of them but Dean stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going missy?" he held onto my wrist.

"Home." I retorted.

"Why?" he questioned though I was sure he knew why.

"Don't interrogate her Slate. Just let her go." Fourie replied whilst glaring at me with his deep but bright turquoise eyes.

"Do you need a ride?" he asked but I quickly shook my head.

"I live a couple of blocks up. I am sure I can walk." I reassured him and he nodded. I began to walk away when I felt myself being crushed against Dean's side again. He was hugging me and I wasn't sure how to react so I just waited until he let go.

"Goodbye my little asset!" he winked at me as I walked off. 


I could tell you that's how Dean and I became the best of friends but that would be a lie. That was just the attempt of us being friends, at least that's what I thought. Perhaps that little meeting we had on the beach was a good start to friendship and perhaps that was the reason why I found myself in maths class paired with Dean himself.

"Pssst bestie!" he whispered from across the classroom. I tried to ignore him but it was absolutely no use. His voice just went louder each time that I chose to ignore him and soon enough he held not only all the attention of the class but the maths teacher himself too. I had no clue why he was still whispering since everyone had stopped what they were doing just to hear what was so important that he had to say.

"What!" I finally replied and the teacher just shook his head at Dean, clearly use to his behaviour and had given up on scolding him a long time ago. He smiled at me and patted the seat next to him. I shook my head, sure of myself, and he did just the opposite by proceeding to nod his head vigorously. He was not going to give in. The class was chuckling in amusement as if we were some kind of comedy show. I looked at the maths teacher for his approval and when he sighed and gestured to me that it was okay I packed up my books and walked over to where Dean was sitting. "I hope you're happy." I whispered as I took my seat next to him.

"Indeed I am!" he replied enthusiastically. The class finally settled and the teacher went back to his lesson. I was so embarrassed by Dean's display of actions. Why did he have to pick me for a best friend? He leaned in to whisper in my ear, "It's always good to keep your assets close to you." I looked up at his expression and we smirking down at me. "I know you hate that term. Fine then. It is always good to keep your eye candy close to your eyes." he chuckled and I nudged him gently to shut him up before we caught everyone's attention again.

"You need help." I muttered angrily while opening my maths textbook.

He leaned in closer again so that he was facing me, "So help me beautiful." he flirted and I moved away quickly. I could feel the heat gather in my cheeks, I was blushing. "There's that adorable blush." he mocked and pinched my cheek gently. 

"You know that I have only known you for four days right?" I reminded him and slapped away his hands.

"Yeah but it feels like an eternity. I wish I had known you longer." he replied and he actually sounded sincere in his words. 'No you don't' was what I felt like saying.

I was about to reply when I saw untidy writing engraved into the table. "Please tell me you didn't write this." I shook my head because I already knew the answer. "You know by writing that you have vandalized school property?" The messy handwriting read 'Property of AJanae's and Tinkie Winkie's only!'

"Oh I wrote that alright." he grinned proudly and I slapped my forehead at his stupidity. I was about to complain when a scrupled ball of paper flew neatly onto my desk. I looked up confused to who had thrown this at me, but then I saw her flip her sleek black hair I was sure it must have been her. Dean leaned over me to see what she had written even though I had not yet opened it. "Well open it already!" he urged impatiently.

I did as he ordered and began opening it. "I doubt it's a love letter Dean." I teased and it earned me a death glare from him. I was right, it was far from a love letter. 

Hey AJanae

What's up with Slate and you?

Just curious...

Love Mal

It was Maleaka who had thrown it then. I took out my pen ready to reply when the paper was snatched out of my hands. I narrowed my eyes at him and tried to get it back but he wasn't having it. Then he reached forward ready to grab a pen out of his space case but when he remembered that it was completely empty he wasted no time in stealing mine.

What's it to you Mal Mal?


Love Tinkie Winkie

"Why do you bring a space case to school if it contains absolutely nothing?" I asked curiously.

"So it looks like I am working." he replied back casually as he decorated the page with massive hearts.

"You don't even have a backpack never mind your books. I don't think an empty space case will help your case." I stated and couldn't believe that all he brought with him to school was an empty space case.  

"Yeah so?" he shrugged as if it was no big deal. While he was distracted I took my opportunity to grab my pen and paper back.

I honestly don't know myself. 

Ask him.  

He has just suddenly claimed me as a friend against my will...                                                                                                                              

He had snatched the paper and pen back once he realized he didn't have them anymore and believe me it took a while for him to realize. He added two words under what I had written.

Love LaLa (:

"So I am LaLa now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You've always been Lala. You only remembered now. Wait till I tell Poe and Dipsie the great news!" he exclaimed excitedly and it was as if he was a little child high on a sugar load.I ignored his comment and crumpled up the paper again before he could add any more ridiculous things to the letter. Then I aimed at the centre of Maleak's desk before throwing it. "Nice aim!" he clapped when he saw it had landed in the centre of her table and she herself looked astonished. 

We watched as she opened the paper and read its contents. She turned to give Dean a death glare and smiled warmly at me before scribbling something more. Then she threw it back and I giggled when it hit Dean square in the head. I could tell she had done it by accident and it was not planned since she was suppressing her laughter too.

I understand...

You have my sympathies LaLa(:

 Hang in there..

Poor girl):


Fourie's POV:

"I told you he's at maths with his new best friend apparently." I informed Drew angrily as I lounged back comfortably in the office chair.

"How do you know she has maths too?" he raised an eyebrow. How did he always catch me out? "You have been keeping tabs on her, haven't you?" he chuckled whilst shaking his head.

"Yeah so what?" I retorted simply. I looked up from the computer I was programming to see that Drew was laughing. "What now?" I frowned.

"Check out what Dean sent me just now." he laughed out of his stomach and showed the picture on his phone. My reaction was the complete opposite of laughing. 

I'd admit that the first part was funny. The picture was of Tinkie Winkie with Dean's face in it. He had obviously photo-shopped his picture. Then below it was me and Drew photo-shopped into the outfits of Dipsie and Poe which made me chuckle. What I didn't like was when I saw a picture of LaLa and beneath it was the name 'AJanae Nova.' There was no picture of her probably because Dean didn't have one of her yet. Notice the keyword is 'yet.' "Why is she in there?" I asked, suddenly feeling the annoyance build up inside.

"Don't know, don't care. Still funny." he chuckled wiping away a stray tear. "He just told me he updated his Facebook profile. I'm guessing it's this photo." he finally managed to stop his laughter completely.

"The twit. He's going to take us down with him." I sighed. That guy could drive me crazy sometimes but yet he was my best friend.

"Always bro." Drew grinned. "Hey dude AJanae doesn't seem so bad. I mean if Dean likes her then I trust his judgement." Drew had always been one to speak his mind and it earned him my respect.

"Do you hear yourself? You just used Dean and trust in the same sentence." I pointed out before going on Facebook on the computer instead of finishing off my programming. I went into Dean's profile and sure enough there was our photo. I laughed when I saw what he had written underneath it. 'Me and my best buds and oh yeah Drew's there too!(: !(: !' 

Drew leaned over to get a better look. "That moron is going to pay." he tried to sound serious but I saw that lopsided grin of his making it's way onto his face. "Who am I kidding? I love that guy!" he admitted and I'd have to agree with him.

"Our lives would be pretty dull without him." I agreed before exiting his page. 

"What you guys doing?" I looked up to see Conner standing beside us. "Facebook huh? Hey I just saw Slate's profile. Pretty funny. He's always my source of entertainment for the day." he brought a chair to the computer and began typing a name in on the Facebook page. "Just have to check this girl out. Her name's AJanae. Have you guys seen her? She's hot."

I looked over to Drew and he just shrugged as in 'what-am-I-suppose-to-do' expression."Yeah we know her." I muttered, frustrated.

"You have to introduce me to her. Please guys. I don't even know why I bothered asking. You three always know all the gorgeous girls." he laughed lightly but some jealousy to his voice was evident.

"Don't ask us. Ask Slate. He's the one who befriended her." Drew explained since we both knew that we were in no way introducing him to her. "Yip. Slate is so taking the fall for this one."

"Dam she doesn't have Facebook. Who doesn't have Facebook?" he shook his head in disapproval. I faked cough to make him understand. "Right right the football star doesn't either. I get you though, but her?" he questioned before walking away, disappointed. 

"What does he mean he gets you?" Drew asked, taking the words I was about to say right out of my mouth. I shrugged because I didn't understand what he meant by that either."I have known you for longer and I still don't get you." he joked.

"Who knows? Conner never explains himself properly." I crossed my arms and continued on with my programming. Drew was staring at me as if I was suppose to say something or as if he found something amusing. "What? Did I miss something?" I turned to see what it is he wanted.

"Nothing." he gave his trademark lopsided grin and that just told me that it was far from nothing. 

"No you can't just give me that look and then say it's nothing. What?" I repeated again.

"It looks like the two of you have something in common." he pointed out as if I hadn't noticed and believe me I did. "I mean I know I don't have Facebook either but I never had anything against her so it's not as funny."

"So? What does it really matter anyways? So we have something in common so what? It really doesn't change anything." I retorted back, frustrated with what he had to point out.

"I'm just saying. Still doesn't change the fact that it's funny." he leaned back into his chair and crossed his arms behind his head, "Plus it is ironic." he chuckled and I just shook my head at him before continuing on with my IT project.

AJanae's POV:

"AJanae! You're not even listening to me!" Aria snapped her fingers in front of me and it caused me to jump back in shock. "Did you hear anything I just said?" she whined and waved her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry Aria." I apologized for my rudeness. "You were telling me about the boy you were crushing on." I remembered before I had subconsciously left the conversation.

"Yeah and I was saying that his name is Eric Hale. Sound familiar?" she raised an eyebrow deviously.

"Why would it sound familiar?" I questioned and stared aimlessly at the messy lunch table before me. The cafeteria was crowded and even when Aria spoke up I barely managed to make out what she was saying.

"Maybe because you saved the poor guy from being stuffed into a locker by that ass of a Falcon." she spoke proudly of me as if I did something heroic when in reality I was just standing up for something I believed strongly in. I had seen the effects of bullying first hand with people who were close to me and it never turned out for the better. People who say that bullying can have positive affects and make you stronger and all that rubbish have obviously not done their research since the people I knew that were being bullied are no longer with me. "He is just so shy and cute. I really adore him. I guess I owe you for saving him." she smiled gratefully at me.

"That poor guy. I don't understand how no one bothered to say anything. I couldn't just stand there and watch. I had to do something." I confessed and quickly brought my eyes back to Aria's so that I could try and get a read on what she was thinking. I had purposely said it in front of Aria because I had see her that day in the crowds. She may have not been cheering along with the others but that didn't stop her from smiling and coming to support the supposed show. I didn't intentionally direct my statement at her but by the way she averted her eyes away from me I could tell she was feeling guilty and it was obvious that she thought I had done exactly that.

"So you and Slate?" she quickly changed the subject and my guess was because she couldn't handle the pressure. "Rumours are that you two are spending quite a lot of time together." she grinned cheekily and handed me her phone. 

I scanned the pictures and saw the teletubbie photo of all of us and there was a photo of me but I was covering my face with my hands. "Yeah he took that photo in maths class. I told him I didn't want a picture of me on his Facebook but that didn't stop him from trying." I rolled my eyes as I thought back to the craziest maths lesson of my life. 

"Hey everyone." Tamarind smiled softly as she took her seat next to Aria and so that she was just across from me. The two began to catch up on what they had missed and the last thing I remember them talking about was the all famous football star Fourie Falcon and that was the exact moment I chose to zone out.

"Nice to meet you AJanae." she smiled at me from where she sat on the sofa in the lounge. "Your Gran has told me so much about you." she turned to look at my Gran who sat quietly drinking her tea.

"Likewise." I returned her smile. "She mentioned that you two have been friends for quite some time." I added hastily not sure what else I was suppose to say.

"So Olivia this is the gifted one?" she turned to my Gran and Gran's immediate response was coughing on her tea. I was about to go over to help her but she had motioned to me with her hand that she was alright. 

"Yes she is quite gifted in many talents but lets not dwell on that shall we. When did you move here?" Gran wasted no time changing the subject. I was growing suspicious since it was as if Lady was referring to some type of gift I wasn't aware of yet they both were. Gran's response to her question wasn't very reassuring either. I raised an eyebrow at my Gran hoping that she'd get the message that I was on to her and she deliberately avoided looking me in the eye.

"Oh uh yes. Well after I moved..." I stopped following their conversation since it no longer held my interest. When Lady thought I wasn't looking she threw an apologetic look towards Gran and Gran simply waved it off. 

First the article she was reading the other day and now this. It seemed like not only Gran but her good friend Lady knew something I didn't and I hated being left in the dark. Natalie taught me from a young age that family don't hide secrets from family yet here the two of them sat doing just that. "I better go get started on my programming." I huffed irritably as I made my way past the two elders.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard a voice asking but it seemed distant. I wasn't paying attention because I was too busy thinking back to the moment I met Lady. The thought of the secrecy between them had been consuming me from inside out. I had tried to put the pieces of their conversation together in my head but I didn't have enough information. The only thing I was sure of was that Gran was lying to me about something.

"Leave her. I tried already but it's like she is in a trance or something." I heard another voice in the background but it wasn't enough to catch my attention. I had to solve the puzzle.

Thud! I awakened from my thoughts and my head shot up in fear from the banging noise. I looked down at the table and two small hands lay flat in front of me. "Are you awake now!" I heard a giggle and looked up into the eyes of the girl version of Dean, her name being, Zinec, aka. the girl who caused me to crash into a door on the first day of school. Her small and delicate frame sat cross legged on the lunch table right in front of me. Judging by her stance she had banged her hands against the table and by the way she was leaning in it was her who yelled right into my eardrum..

"I think all my hearing just left me." I moaned and rubbed my now throbbing ears where she had purposely screamed. The table bust into laughter at my pain though if they were in my position they wouldn't have found it funny.

"Oh Honey your hearing left the conversation a while ago and it had nothing to do with Zinec." I turned to the voice now speaking and of course it was the independent Maleaka Dekra who was insinuating that it was my own fault I felt deaf at that moment. I had to agree with her since I hadn't even noticed when she had joined the conversation or even sat down next to me.

"True that Honey." I heard his mimicking voice from behind me and immediately I gave a low grumble in irritance. I rubbed the temples of my head, mentally preparing for the challenge I call 'Dean' that lay ahead of me.

"Oh joy and that's my cue to leave." Maleaka's chair gave a screech as it was hastily pushed back before I watched Maleaka strode away. It was unfortunate that she had been sitting next to me since she had now left that seat open. Of course Dean had saw it as an opportunity and claimed the seat as his very own. I am ashamed to say that her seat was now being preoccupied by him.

He slung an arm around my shoulder and lifted his feet onto the table and I was disgusted that I even ate off that table for the past four days. If it was not Zinec's whole body on the table then it was Dean's feet and who knew what else had been on the table? Suddenly feeling repulsed I pushed my right shoulder backwards so that his arm fell off my shoulders. "Zinec I love your style." Dean commented and by the way her eyes lightened up she had taken his compliment seriously.

"Zinec don't you think that you shouldn't be sitting on a table that we eat from?" Tamarind asked softly, being the introvert that she was.

Her eyes widened at the comment and she was pouting like the inner child that she was before refusing to move.  "I think I should be sitting on the table. It's cushiony." she disagreed with Tamarind and Tamarind didn't seem to mind and just gave a small nod.

I turned to face Dean, "Don't you think you should get your disgusting shoes off the table?" I asked, already aware of how he'd answer. "Be an example for this little one." I patted the top of Zinec's head and she giggled as if she were a misbehaving toddler.

"Nah I'm cool but hey don't let me stop you from rearing your child." he replied and shot me a smirk. "Unless of course you were considering me as the father of your child." he waggled his eyebrows and I didn't miss the glare I got from Aria and not to mention the sceptical expression Tamarind held.

"Don't make me leave this table too." I muttered under my breath and deliberately moved my chair further away from him for his inappropriate comment. I was mistaken when I never thought for a second that I'd be happy to see Fourie. When I spotted Drew and him entering the cafeteria and making their way to our table I silently let out a breath of relief.

"Want me to leave with you." he flirted and I hadn't expected him to have heard me.

"No but you will leave with us." he turned his head to get a better look at the expression on his friend's face.

"Saved." I whispered to myself although I was sure Tamarind had made out the single word that came out my mouth because she let out a soft giggle while she stared at me.

"Yeah twit. We need to have a little talk with you." Drew shot him a sharp glare. "Your Facebook page to be more specific..." he paused before emphasizing his last word, "Bud."

"Awe is Dipsie jealous that I never categorized him under my best buds?" Dean pouted and stood up to face his friends. I had no idea what Dean had done now to upset his friends but clearly Drew was involved more than Fourie was with this situation.

"Don't make me hit you Slate." Drew warned in a playful manner. 

"Oooh I feel so threatened. What ever am I going to do?" Dean was enjoying irritating his friend and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad that I wasn't the only one he annoyed constantly. How they put up with him for so long will always be the question with no answer to it for centuries to come. "Ouch!" Dean whined as he rubbed the back of his head where Drew had just whacked him upside the head.

"You know what that was for!" Drew shot back and pointed his index finger in Dean's face and Dean shrugged so in other words he was admitting that he deserved that.

"Oh and Slate why the hell is she in our photo?" Fourie pointed an accusing finger at me as if it was fault or as if I had forced Dean to put me in the photo.  

"Don't blame me. I never asked for any of this." I took him head on and stood my ground. I didn't look for conflict but when someone brought it to me then I would stand up to the challenge in order to resolve their issue.

"Still your fault." he mumbled and kept his cold blue eyes fixed on mine almost as if he wanted to see me drop dead. He truly hated me and as much as I didn't want an enemy there was nothing I could do in this case since Falcon was just as stubborn as I was. That was at least one thing we had in common.

I didn't want to push him further since then I'd be giving fuel to the argument so instead I took in Maleaka's example and walked away casually. I didn't have to sit there and listen to his accusations and once I realized that I knew what needed to be done. Hopefully he'd appreciate my absence and see it as a sign that I didn't desire to be his enemy.


I was relived to finally be on my way home after an exhausting day at school. I wasn't able to focus today because if I wasn't thinking about the serial killer then my mind was on the secrecy Gran and Lady shared and if neither of those consumed my thoughts then it would be lingering back to my argument in the cafeteria with Fourie.  

I didn't understand him. It was if he forced himself to act the way he does and sometimes I thinks he acts the way he does not by choice. I didn't know what Dean meant when he said that Fourie had a good side because if he did then I had yet to see it, until this afternoon that is...

He was about five maybe six years of age and he had fallen of his bicycle and the tears were rolling down his cheeks. He wasn't injured, only mild scratches and his bicycle still seemed to be in moderate condition but my heart heaved for that little face. I stopped my car from some distance ready to get out and help him but he beat me to it. 

Fourie Falcon must of been training and he was jogging down the same street I had to drive to get home. He had seen the boy too and sprinted until he reached that very depressed looking face. I was thinking that he might hurt the boy or do something to cause that little face to cry more just like he had done with Eric, but what I hadn't been expecting was for him to crouch down to the boy's level and start talking to him. What ever he had said was working since the boy was laughing now and hitting his bike as if it was 'naughty' and I could imagine Fourie's influence on that part of the story unravelling before me. Then Fourie picked up the bicycle for him and held it steady so the boy could climb on and just before he left the boy to continue with his riding he high-fived him and razzled his hair. 

The most shocking part would be when Fourie stood there for two minutes after the boy had long time rode away and he watched and smiled to himself until he could no longer see the boy anymore. There was no doubt about it that he was talented with younger children and it seemed like he actually enjoyed being around them. 

I put a finger to my lips and it's as if I had only noticed now that I was smiling at the sight and the scene that just took place warmed my heart. I guess Fourie Falcon is human after all. He has a weakness and that weakness was little kids and I personally thought it was adorable. The guy has a heart and a huge one at that, it was just hidden. Dean was right and now I could finally conclude for myself that Falcon was a compassionate person and he had proved it to me without even realizing it.


In the dead of the night not far off from the the neighbourhood in the darkness of an alley stood two silhouettes reflected in the moonlight. Both stood hungrily waiting for the exchange to happen but the difference between them was that one was the victim while the other was the killer. One hungry for the exchange of drugs, the other hungry for his victim's blood. 

"I'm waiting for you guys." he made the mistake by letting his voice echo into the darkness of the alley.                                         

Of course he would feel that something was off since the phone went dead and his people had failed to pitch up on the agreed time. From the distance his every move was being observed carefully and in a cool breeze the beast had made it's way to it's prey. The simple motion of turning around had lead to his own doom.

"Let me go!" he had pleaded making no difference in what would be the outcome.

 "No one can hear you scream." it had whispered in a sleek voice.

''What do you want?" he had asked, panic had overwhelmed him completely that he was unable to move.                                                                                                      

"Don't you watch the news, read the newspaper or listen to the radio?" it had taken time to taunt his victim. "Haven't you heard of the serial killer, John?" He had purposely used the name of his victim and the desired effect was an entertaining source for what was about to become his meal.  "You see I pick a sad, pathetic, weak victim, one that lacks purpose, like yourself, John.  I follow them and learn everything about them. Then I get them alone and... you'll see for yourself." It had laughed before sinking it's teeth into it's easy prey.

There was no escape for the victim and the more he struggled the more his strength had diminished until he lay unconscious on the floor and finally until all his blood had been drained and his outcome had resulted in his own death. The creature who stalked the nights took his time in admiring his work before kicking the body aside and walking further off into the blackness of the night. 

A life had slipped away in an instant and all it took was an isolated location and a silent meeting for the perfect murder to take place...                              


Hey all!!!

Sorry that it took so long for the update:) Just wanted to thank you all for the nice comments. Honestly the comments make my day!!!

Oh and a shout out to @Laura_Ashley for being so supportive! A shout out to @DanicaCassar for everything she does for me!

You are all awesome!!!!

Until next time...
