Age 35 (part nine)

Jolyne got dropped off at school with her head raised high; anyone could tell she felt great. Jolyne has always been confident but today something made it so she just felt good.

Nori smiled as she walked to her friends at the playground.

Soon after Nori got a call from Giorno. Giorno is Jotaro great uncle(?) and Josuke is just an uncle.

"Hello," Giorno started from the other side of the line.

"Hello, Giorno," Nori replied.

"My flight just landed. I'm going to make a stop before I head over, is that okay?" Giorno informed.

"That is okay! Is anyone with you?" Nori smiled

"Well, Mista and Fugo are back at home (most likely trying to kill the other) and Trish decided that she doesn't what to deal with that, so yes. Trish is," Giorno replied with a smile.

"See you soon-ish," Nori chuckled.

"Goodbye," Giorno said before ending the call

"Was that Giorno?" Josuke asked.

"Yes," Nori told them.

"He probably could heal you, Nori..." Jotaro mumbled.

"Jotaro? What did you say? You normally don't mumble," Josuke asked

"Probably asking why I haven't left Giorno or you heal me," Nori smiled

"I always had the same question," Josuke admitted.

"I don't have the main reason, but I guess I haven't ever cared enough if I got hurt. No matter how bad it is," Nori answered with a smile.

Jotaro looked at Nori with something behind it. It's not anger or emptiness like how Josuke and Noriaki met him. This was some kind of pain, some kind of sadness most likely because Jotaro knew what Nori just said was true.

-15 minutes later-

The doorbell rang. Nori smiled and went to the door.

"Hel-" Nori stop.

"Why did you stop talking?" Jotaro asked.

"May I come inside?" A female voice asked.

Nori slowly nodded not expecting her to show up.

She walked in and sighed.

"Jotaro, who is she?" Josuke asked.

"My ex-wife," Jotaro sighed.

"Is Jolyne at school?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah she got dropped off about 30 minutes ago," Nori replied.

She wiped her head to Nori, "No one asks you."

"You, Random boy! Did Jolyne get dropped off at school already?" She asked Josuke.

"Yes, Nori dropped her off about 30 minutes ago," Josuke answered.

"Do you want to eat some pancakes? They are still semi-warm," Nori asked trying to be a good unexpected host.

"Ugh. Nori, I get it you don't know how to feel, the love of Jotaro's life came back, willing to take him and Jolyne off your hands," she sighed.

"Love of my life?" Jotaro asked.

"Yes, the love of your life came back," she scuffed confidently.

"I didn't know Noriaki left," Jotaro smirked.

She stomped her right foot.

"The reason I came here was to see if tomorrow Jolyne would want to go shopping with me, for her birthday," She frowned.

"I can ask her after school," Nori replied.

"Anyone but Mr. Nosebleed hair?" She sighed.

Jotaro just snapped he was going to do something, but Nori walked over to put a hand on Jotaro shoulder with a smile.

"It's up to Jolyne," Josuke replied.

The doorbell rang again.

Nori went to get the door to see Giorno.

"Hello," Nori started letting Giorno and Trish in.

Jotaro's ex-wife looked to the two new people and gave a judge-full glare.

"I don't think you two are wearing not enough clothes," she scuffs pointing.

"Well at least I don't wear clothes that make me look like I came back for my ex because I missed him and have more the past few years," Trish replied.

The other girl went slight and walked out mad.

"Don't forget to tell Jolyne I'll take her shopping. I'll be here at 3 pm tomorrow," she said before closing the door.

"Who was that girl?" Giorno asked.

"Jotaro's ex-wife," Josuke replied.

"Oh- really?" Trish asked shocked.

"I thought you knew," Josuke almost yelled.

"Nope..." Trish answered.
