Age 32 (Part Five)

I spelled so many words wrong in the last few chapters-
I'm sorry-

Nori smiled as the three of them walked out the door. They were off. Jotaro was driving, Jolyen was in the back playing with two of her dolls, and Nori was looking out the window taking in the beauty of nature. Jotaro put his hand on Nori's thigh, well he continued driving. This made Nori surprised and he smiled watching the nature of everything.

"Hey, Jotaro," Nori smiled

"Yeah?" Jotaro replied

"I love you, I never want you to forget it" Nori informed him with a bigger smile

"I'll always love you, you're my Noriaki after all," Jotaro said as he stopped at a red light

They went to the flower field before stopping at Holly's.

Nori smiled as he picked Jojo up and started walking with Jotaro around the field. No one but them were there.

"Dad are you going to ask now" Jojo asked Jotaro

"Do you want me to ask now?" Jotaro asked her

"Ask me what?" Nori asked shocked

Jotaro smiled and got down on one knee.

"Noriaki, I fell in love with you from the moment we met. I know I chickened out the many times I wanted to say this... let me finished the sentence I meant to say at age 19: "I love you, Nori". Will you spend the rest of my life with me? I want no one else," Jotaro said

Jotaro pulled out a ring.

Nori flustered and couldn't speak so he just nodded.

Little Jojo smiled and clapped.
