『Age 30』Part Two


The following weekend Noriaki would go to his parents to help fix the cabinets. Everyone agreed that he would take care of Jolyne again. Iggy didn't want to join them so he stayed at home with a pack of coffee gum.

Jolyne sat in the back of Noriaki's grey car but ended up fallong asleep. Kakyoin still had 40 minutes in the car so he played soft music on the radio. He softly hummed and made sure Jolyne stayed asleep.

Noriaki arrived sooner than he thought he would and picked up the sleepi g Jolyne. His mother ran out of the house when she saw the child.

"You never told me you had a child! She's so cute," his mother whisper yelled.
Noriaki nodded, "this is Jotaro's child, her name's Jolyne. I've been watching her as her parents work."
"You're 30 and you aren't married or dating anyone?" his mother slightly frowned.
Noeiaki chuckled, "I haven't found the right one. Plus Jolyne is practically your grandchild with how much I watch her."

The two smiled and walked inside talking about the sleeping girl. She could bring joy to anyone who looked hard enough.

"Your father won't be here this weekend," Mrs. Kakyoin informed.
"Why? The reason I'm here is to help with fix the cabinet," Noriaki replied, slightly irritated

Noriaki was slightly hurt that his father went out of his way to stay away. The red haired boy also knew if his father was there: they would get into a fight.

"You know he likes the older days. I don't think he can appreciate you after thr big fight," she looked slightly hurt when she spoke those words.
Noriaki smiled softly, "well just have a weekend the three of us."
"We should let Jolyne lay down. She can rest in the guest room," His mother got a bigger smile on her lips.

Noriaki couldn't help but admire the way his mother glows. She started to glow when she was proud, which always made Noriaki happy. She glew when she made a good meal, when her son brought back a good grade, when her son talked about a friend. Her red haired son was glad she could glow over Jolyne the same way she did over him.

Noriaki was at peace with himself. His mother and him talked in the kitchen drinking tea and talking about every little thing.
