The Planet of Nytroin (Pt.1)

The Planet of Nytroin Pt. 1

(Part 1) Arrival In Chaos.

As Boboiboy and Tarung stood before the man, he knelt down holding onto the kid as it was tearing up. Boboiboy recalled the moments before their departure.

'I am the chief of Planet Nytroin. I go by Hekroin Martron, here at this place to ask for your help... my planet is in danger.' In a few minutes, Hekroin brief them of an invasion they'd barely escaped, Tarung was present as Ciciko discussed with Hekroin. The Admiral of the Fleet returned with a distant frown, 'It seems that Hekroin will return with his troops to Nytroin.' Boboiboy was in shock, 'Why? Didn't they just–' 'To give us as much intel, they presented this plan. We will go to the planet with a controlled team, prepare in two days.' Ciciko left before Boboiboy could get a word out, soon turning to Hekroin who'd gone down for the ship, holding onto the little girl they'd seen before. 'Please... take care of my Milia. It is too dangerous for my child.'

The little child had tears falling in her eyes, Hekroin held her, giving a hug to his child before they'd parted, the ship going out as Boboiboy felt his heart stung, a flash of red in his mind before he snapped out of it for a second. "Admiral, I'm assigning this task to your team, I will organize a troop for the departure." "Understood, sir." Boboiboy saluted as Tarung left, going off to the main room. Now, he saw the little girl with green antennas and pale green skin standing by him, staring at where the ship formerly was. He went towards her, kneeling by her confused figure, facing the male wearing a reassuring smile. "Milia?" She faced him as he held a hand out, making her stare between his hand and his face "I'm Boboiboy, but if you find that difficult, just call me like how you call your father, okay?" She seemed hesitant but found courage to hold onto him.

"Dada?" She uttered in a low voice, making him smile as he stood, leading her away from the messy dock. 'How to deal... Wait, I have an Idea!' He thought and was about to speed off when Milia tugged on his arm, making him face her, her hand reaching up, asking to be carried, looking adorable. Boboiboy smiled as he lifted her up beneath her armpits, nestling her figure close to him as he walked towards the formerly dreaded room.

Knocking a few times, Boboiboy peered in, seeing that it was just the two ladies working on some files. Yaya noticed his presence first, tuning in, "Oh, Boboiboy?" He gave her a sheepish smile, "Uh... can I bother you guys for a bit?" "Lah, what is it?" Ying asked with a suspicious gaze on his figure, making him full enter to show Milia's figure and like an invisible switch was flicked, the two ladies rushed to him, "Oh~ She's so cute~" They chorused, making Boboiboy huff a breath, letting Yaya take Milia's figure.

"So, I have no idea how to take care of a baby... let alone an alien baby." Boboiboy said as he scratched his nape, Ying turned to him, 'We wanna ask where you even got her, but fine, we'll take care of her." "Thanks. I need to do a report on something, I'll check up on her in a bit!" He said going out the door as Yaya cradled the baby, Ying cooing at it.

Milia looked at Yaya with big beady eyes, holding her small hand onto the pink-wearing lady's face, uttering, "Mama?" The two squeaked at her cuteness until she spoke, "Dada Bobby? Where?" She asked incoherently, making Ying stifle a laugh as Yaya blushed, "O-Oh... so, Boboiboy is Dada–" "Mama Ying." Ying stole the baby as Yaya hushed her with a reddened face. "Cute~ I'm Mama too?" Milia hummed as the two had their ways of keeping the little one entertained–more or less, they themselves entertained.

It was the next day when Boboiboy felt shuffling by his bed. "I swear he sleeps like a log." The person sounded like Fang as Boboiboy huddled beneath the sheets. 'I must use my weapon' "Boboiboy! Wake up! We're late for class and Yaya will break up with you!" The words worked like magic as Boboiboy's eyes shot open and his figure sat up, looking around for a clock when his eyes landed on Fang's smug face, realizing it was a joke. The brunet frowned, groaning, "Hey c'mon, not funny." Fang had dried his hair, wearing an unbuttoned shirt with some gray pants, moving past him to his bed, "It's 6:50." Like he'd seen a ghost, Boboiboy panicked.

He hurriedly, hopped out bed, not bothering to shower as he removed his shirt, grabbing some toothbrush as he switched his pants, moving to his dresser, Fang had fetched his things when the door opened at 6:58, surprising the two as their Admiral was punctual to a dime, turning to the door to reveal three shocked figures, their friends. Gopal picked up his shock, clearing his throat as the two ladies immediately went to the side, saying, "Sorry!" The two gave a baffled gaze to one another, rushing to fix themselves as Gopal entered, leaving the two to calm themselves out. "Admiral Tarung had tasked us to wake you up." "Huh, I guess that's why he said we'd be the only ones going?" Fang stated as he turned to Boboiboy who zipped his vest up, shrugging. "Let's get going."

The trip to the planet led to a darkened and messed city, Fang and Boboiboy hiding amongst the terrain as they observed the land. "Light Glint." Fang uttered as a flash of light erupted as he and Boboiboy saw the land of Nytroin before the dystopia. It was a simple city with aliens living their lives, using nature as their main resource, people smiling until the glint showed the chaos. It was Ejojo, Misiko, and Buroji who'd created havoc, imprisoning those who didn't listen.

The two blinked, sighing. "When I find him... I'll make him eat through a straw." Fang said as the latter gave a pressed smile before looking towards the area, seeing a group running.

"Help! Someone!"

They watched as one of them fell, seeing that they were roughed up, the two admirals rushed to help. "Hey, hey! What's going on!?" The alien felt scared but didn't leave the alien with him. "My brother is hurt. O-Our chief got help, but we haven't heard from him so we broke out ourselves..." 'Chief?' Boboiboy thought. "Broken ribs, mild concussion." Fang deduced as he came close, letting the guy lay down on his back, the other moving close as he transformed into Thorn providing some make-shift bandages with herbs and leaves. Fang turned to the aliens, asking, "We are someone Hekroin called over. This guy–" he pointed to Boboiboy, "knew your chief. We'll need you to go over there to that tent, got it?" He added as the group felt skeptical but did as told, using some of the fabric they had, they carried the figure over.

Loud yells were heard as the two admirals turn to the path, seeing some armored men, seemingly looking for the aliens they'd just helped. Both standing to defend the group, the guards stopped before them, "Hey! Intruders! Get them!" Before the two knew what hit them, large metallic poles were thrown around them, feeling stung as shards got shot out from them. 

"Take them back! Those aliens got away."

To Be Continued...
