10 times a Proposal!

10 x Proposal = ???

<Final Chapter>

After a month of restoring the station's order, Boboiboy and Fang were both settled in their office. "Why are there so many people outside?" Boboiboy asked as he saw Fang give a confused glare to the aliens behind him. "Confused that we are already up when we were close to being in a coma." He answered, moving to his desk as he fixed his stuff as Boboiboy got up, stretching his limbs. "Ready to head back?" "Yeah, I'll spend my break with Tok Aba." He said as he fixed his bag, moving to face Fang's desk. "I was thinking of extending our week-long vacation, you think they'll allow it?" Boboiboy asked as Fang turned to him, giving him a blank expression.

"Of course you can!" The two were surprised as they summoned a lightning bolt and a shadow sword, turning to see Tarung in his white version. Confusing them as they retracted their weapons. "You are actually allowing us to go for a month?" Fang asked as Kaizo came into view. "Yes, after all, thanks to you two, we've retrieved and saved a planet. You seem to deserve it." Kaizo said as the two high-fived. Fang soon recalled something as he turned to Boboiboy. "Actually, I have an idea on what our first party will be about." Fang said as the latter turned to him, feeling nervous by the mischievous gleam on the shadow user showed.

As Yaya and Ying were teleported by Ochobot back home, they cheered at the month-long vacation from work as they moved towards their homes. "Yaya!" "Mama!" They hugged as the pink wearing female smiled, standing by her mother when she saw her wearing a dress, feeling confused. "Where are you going, mama?" Yaya asked as the mother smiled, "Oh, I'm going to the party hosted at Tok Aba's shop, I think Gopal told me to tell you–sorry I forgot, dear." "It's okay, Mama. I'll just fix up a bit since these clothes aren't really the lightest."

After changing and meeting up with Ying and her mother, the four ladies went to Tok Aba's shop, seeing the festive lights and guests around, seemingly waiting to see Boboiboy. Ying looked around as she was surprised to be lifted up and around, soon getting hugged by Fang, making her giggle. "Hey, Laopo." "Hi, Laogong." She said back, earning a gasp from her mother, making her flustered, "Aiyo, where are your manners–in public?!" Mrs. Yinan said as Fang gently let go of Ying as he greeted her mother, "You two better control yourself, Fang is such a good young man." "Mom!" Ying exclaimed as she blushed whilst Mrs. Yinan chatted with Fang.

Yaya was looking for a certain brunet when Gopal ushered her to sit down, Ochobot introducing their singer, sparking curiosity amongst the rest. As the spotlight opened, her eyes widened to see Boboiboy Quake without his gloves, holding a mic with a smile. "Hello~ Tonight I will sing for a very special person, I hope she hears it well." He said as he turned to the side, letting Ochobot start the music,

(Marry Me - Jason Derulo)

Quake sung "A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head, when I think of all the years I wanna be with you, wake up every morning with you in my bed, that's precisely what I plan to do." making Yaya stare towards him, eyes widened when suddenly Ochobot lit another light to the side, following Thunderstorm who carried a mic of his own, singing, "And you know one of these days, when I get my money right, buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life. Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush, but one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough."

"I'll say, will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it. I'll say, will you marry me? Singing, uh-oh~" Cyclone sang and hummed as he came from the other side as they both gave her a rose, making her take it with a blushing face.

Eclipse and Shadow came to the side, harmonizing, "How many girls in the world can make me feel like this? Baby, I don't ever plan to find out. The more I look, the more I find the reasons why you're the love of my life." Shadow caught Eclipse as he nearly slipped, both giving her a rose as Thorn came forward, tugging her to stand up.

"You know one of these days, when I get my money right, buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life. Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush, but one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough" Thorn sung as he gave her a bouquet, ushering her to the stage as her hand was given to Solar and Metal who sung, "I'll say, will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it, I'll say, will you marry me?" They gave her a sweet smile before letting her take Quake's seat.

Ice and Blaze came in front, Ice creating small figures and snowflakes while singing, "And if I lost everything, in my heart, it means nothing," "'Cause I have you, girl, I have you, To get right down on bended knee, Nothing else would ever be better, better" Blaze went and created a heart of fire in the air, giving her a smile as the elements soon returned to Quake, combining as Boboiboy now stood before her, making her eyes turn glossy.

"The day when I, I'll say, will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it. I'll say, will you marry me? I'll say, will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it, I'll say, will you marry me?

Got me singing, Got me singing," He sang as he knelt on the ground, the people around them turning silent as the music faded out, letting Boboiboy ask while presenting her a ring, "Would you marry me, love?" She gave him a smile, "Yes, of course I will." She said as he smiled, hearing cheers around them as Boboiboy put on the ring, hugging her.

As they came down the stage, letting the festival continue after the planned event, Fang came over, "Congrats, you two. I guess you are stuck with this guy, Yaya." She stifled a laugh, hugging his arm as Boboiboy pouted, Ying patted his back, "It's fine, i'm just really excited to see one of my friends married!" She said, feeling jittery as Fang held her hand. Boboiboy gave a smile when Yaya chuckled, turning to her, he asked, "What's up?" "G-Gopal." She uttered, making the rest turn to see Gopal throwing down flowers like he was a proud parent, the group laughing off.

The End

- Author's Note•

Guys, to all those who've read my fanfics! Thanks so very much and I wish you all have a good summer! Goodbye and wait for my Epilogues and Specials!

- Elementals-Chan
