

[A Wedding Like No Other!]

"Can you sit down?"

Fang remained seated on the bed with Gopal by his side, both watching Boboiboy pacing around, tapping his feet and in most instances turning to Blaze due to stress. The brunet turned to them, wearing a worried expression, "I can't. I'm too nervous! What if Yaya reconsiders–no she won't, probably, yes?" He grumbled, making the two face palm. Gopal soon stood and slapped him, making him surprised as he looked at the taller, "Get yourself together! She won't stand you up!" He shook his shoulder, making Boboiboy slump down to his seat, pondering but calmer than before.

There was a knock on the door, making Fang move off the bed and towards it, opening it to see Mrs. Binju and Mr. Binju alongside Daniel. "Hey! There's my brother from another mother!" Daniel called as he came in, patting Fang on the shoulder as he went and gave Boboiboy a bro-hug.

As Belle went towards him, "There you are, son." She uttered, giving him a hug as the two figures now faced each other. Boboiboy looked at him with a bittersweet smile, his father returned it as they shook hands. "Congratulations, son." "Thanks, dad." He said, both looking down when they heard shuffling seeing a familiar robot, Boboiboy smiled as he knelt down, "Nice to see you again, Boboiboy." "Good to see you still active, Mechabot." They high-fived before Boboiboy stood straight, fixing his suit when Amato went close, fixing his bow tie, making Boboiboy look at him, nodding, "You'll do fine. Won't she be, Belle?" He faced his son to his wife, making the woman sniffle, giving him a hug.

"I hope you love her as much as we loved you. She also has parents who don't wish anything but the best for their child." Belle said as he nodded, fixing his suit when someone knocked on the door, looking over to see Admirals' Tarung, Kaizo and Ciciko.

"Congratulations to your family, Amato." The latter gave a salute. Kaizo went towards Fang, "Ying was looking for you outside." Fang was alarmed, looking towards him with shock, "What!? Laopo! I'm coming!" He exclaimed, running out as Gopal turned to Boboiboy and Daniel as they approached them. "Congratulations, Boboiboy." "Thanks, sir." He said before huffing a breath, getting nervous as the time approaches. On the other side, Yaya got her hijab fixed, wearing a faint pink headband over it as her mother was at the side, crying up a storm. "Congratulations, Yaya." She turned away from the stylist to see Shielda and Sai, giving her a beaming smile, "Nervous?" Sai asked as she fiddled with her dress, nodding.

"A bit. I'm sure everything will be fine, right?" Shielda nodded. Their chat was cut short when the organizers knocked on the door, letting them know that the wedding was about to begin. Yaya faced the mirror, seeing her face as she internally cheered herself on before stepping out.

As the guests started to enter the venue, Yaya was left alone in the hall, soon seeing Boboiboy coming over as she held his hand, making him see drawn designs on her hands, cradling them into his own as they held the flowers between them. Boboiboy gave her a sweet look, his eyes glowing green as Yaya was alarmed to see the flowers blooming into a shadow of red and blue, making him flustered. "Oops." "It's okay, are you ready?" She asked as he nodded, both soon facing the closed doors.

Entering the venue, the couple got greeted by flowers and cheers, moving to the center. As they both present themselves to the crowd. As the organizer led took to speech, the two had recited some words before telling their vows, promising love to one another as they signed the marriage contract with a small envelope. As they pronounced themselves married, the crowd cheered, Gopal cheering them on as the feast started.

The End of Epilogue... 
