An Invitation

"Dear Alaya Gorman,

You have been invited to train at my m school we have people make it to the Olympics from our school. Now I'm talking to your parents. If you would like your daughter to train for us please take your daughter to the little turtle there where you will meet me. Get Miss Alayla to spot me out there because she has met me already. Be there by six hope to see you then

Yours Sincerely,

Mystery dude

P.S so you are aware my children and wife might be there and you might see your friends there

"Okay, what do you want to do?" Mum said to me, "Go." she said. "Who do you think I am, I would love to go." "Alright let's go." said Dad. "Who said you made all the decisions because I think we have to stick around for you to get all of your awards and of course see who won the state carnival." said Mum. "Okay then." I replied back. I soon left my parents because they are taking forever to finish their conversation with Ms Keji. "Hey good work today "A" and don't even ask who's winning obviously it's us because you've one every single race in your age group." said her best friend Jaya. "Well so have you came 2nd in every race which is awesome, don't give me all the credit." I replied back. "Wait we probably made it to the next level together." Jaya said.

"Cool, just asking did you get a letter from a man." said Alaya. "Yeah did you." Jaya asked. "Yeah have you read cause I did with my Mum and Dad." Alaya answered. "No I guess since he said read with my Mum and Dad I thought I should wait." Jaya siad. "Well that's a good idea because you will just see them at the school." Alaya told her with comfort. "Yeah that's what I thought." Jaya resured Alaya in a kind tone that she wasn't nervous. "I'm so excited to find out what it is." said Jaya with excitement. "You should be and I really want to tell you." said Alaya. "And I really want to know ." She said to Alaya in a very excited tone. "I know and I really want to spoil it so it is just as hard for me

." Alaya said just as excited as Jaya. Just then my parents came over to where I was sitting. "Alaya oh hi Jaya you two have to listen now to the commentator cause he's about to call out the senior girls." said Mum to us. "Ok." We both said at the same time. We sat and listened to the loudspeaker. "Senior Girls Champion Alaya Gorman please come up and receive your reward." said the commentator from the loudspeaker. "Quick Alaya go receive your reward." Mum whispered in my ear. I walked up to the man "Congratulations Miss Gorman." he said to Alaya. "Thankyou." Alaya replied with gratitude then taking her Award. "Senior Girls Runner Up Jaya Smith come and receive your reward."The Commentator said. Jaya stood up and walked over to where I was standing. "Congratulations Girls." he said to both of us. Then a lady with a large camera came over. "Say CHEESE." she said to us. "Cheese." We spoke at the same time. "Excellent girls beautiful keep on smiling." she said to us. So we listened. "Ok girls all done now." she said. So we walked away holding a piece of paper with our names on it. "Good work girls you swam really well today." said Miss Kenji. "Now let me take a photo of you two girls." Miss Kenji. She pulled out her phone and quickly snapped a photo. "Yeah nice swimming so girls now are you going back to school Alaya." asked Mum. "Umm Miss Kenji do we have assembly on." Alaya asked Miss Kenji. "Yes dear we do." replied Miss Kenji. "Ok there's my answer to the assembly." Alaya answered her mother"Well I have to go back to work now so by love you." Dad said. "Ok by love you see you later." Alaya said to her Dad and quickly hugged him. "Well I'm not working today so I think that means I can come." Mum said. "Ok I'll catch the bus, Miss Kenji when the assembly starts." Alaya told her Mum and, at the same time asked Miss Kenji because she was still listening. "Two o'clock well it's one thirty now so we betta go back to school.''replied Miss Kenji. "See you at school honey." said Mum as she kissed me on the forehead. "Ok by." Alaya said to her Mum. "Everybody get in two lines now follow me outside." Miss Kenji told everyone. We all walked outside of the pool. "Alaya." said Miss Kelly who was one of the teacher aids. "Here." called out Alaya. "Anny" Miss Kelly asked. "Austin." said Miss Kelly. "Here," said Austin. "Danny." said Miss Kelly. "Here." called out. "Daniel,"said Miss Kelly. Soon aid called all the names. We climbed on to the bus. "Jaya sit next to me." Alaya asked Jaya. "Ok." she said to Alaya. "I really want to tell you what the letter said." Alaya told Jaya. "Yeah well I really want you to tell me." Jaya replied eagerly. "Ok I want to tell you all off it but you're going to love it." Alaya told her. "Come on tell me." Jaya begged. "No but I might see you later." Alaya told her. "What do you mean?" asked Jaya. "You'll see." Alaya resured Jaya. "Fine, I can wait!" Jaya said in an annoyed tone. "Calm down Jaya where almost at school so you want to wait much longer to find out." Alaya told her calmly. Jaya did not reply to Alaya. "Children were here." Miss Kenji told us. "Front row stand up and go outside, second row stand up, third row stand." Jaya and I stood up and walked off the bus. We stood in line and waited for everyone to come off the bus. "Ok guys follow me to assembly." said Miss Kenji. We followed her into the hall. "Welcome back!" said Mrs Brown who was Jaya's Mum as well as the principal. We all sat down. "Does anyone have any messages?"asked the vice captain Maddy. "Yes I do." said Miss Kenji. "All that went swimming today you were so generous and such a great sport but, I would also like to congratulate Alaya and Jaya for receiving Senior girls champion and senior girls runner up." said Miss Kenji. "Anymore teachers have any messages." asked Tom who was another vice captain. "Basil's on sportshed, please wait quietly for your teachers," said Maddy. The hall filled with noise while the children were waiting for the teachers.Then Mum started walking over to me. "Good work honey." said Mum. "Jaya lets go to your Mum and show her the letter." Alaya told Jaya. "Ok." she said as she reached in and pulled out the envelope. We walked over to Mrs Smith and Mr Smith. "Mum, dad, and I got a letter from a man at the pool he told me to read it with you." said Jaya to her parents. "Ok let's read it." they said to her. They handed it to Jaya once they finished reading it. "Oh my gosh we have the opportunity to be in the olympics." Jaya said very excitedly. "I wouldn't think it says that but more like meet for dinner so we can discuss it." said Alaya. "Still!" She said still in a very excited manner . "Calm down honey." said Mrs Brown . "We'll see you tonight then." Mr Brown told Alaya and her Mum. "Yes we will." Mum replied. "By Jaya see you tonight."said Alaya. "Yeah see you tonight." Jaya replied. Alaya and her Mum and I started walking away to the office. For Mum sign me out."I'm so excited for tonight." Alaya told her Mum as they were walking out the gate. "And yet so am I." Mum told Alaya. They walked to the car Mum quickly grabbed her car keys from her pocket and opened the car. "It was nice to Jaya so excited." Alaya told her Mum. "Yeah it was." said her Mum but, with something at the back of her mind. Her heart was still pondering how well her daughter took it that she was pregnant. "Sweetie, are you sure you're fine with your going to a big sister." Alaya's Mother asked her. "Yeah I guess I always wanted to be a big sister but really it will be fun and sometimes bad." Alaya reassured her Mum. "Ok I was just wondering," said Mum.There was an deafing silence. Just then Alaya said "Are you excited for tonight Mum." "I have already told you yes." said Mum. "Oh sorry I forget it is just that I am really excited," said Alaya. "I know you honey now quick out of the car where home." Mum explained. "Ok." Alaya told her Mum. I hopped out of the car and walked up to the front gate. And there I saw "Aussie." Alaya said excitedly. She bent down and patted her dog Aussie. "Quickly Mum,"said Alaya. "Coming." replied Mum. Mum walked to the door grabbed her keys from her pocket and opened the door. "Aussie no outside boy c'mon!" Alaya yelled at Aussie. "Woof." Aussie replied, he quickly go out of there way. They both walked inside. "Alaya honey go have a shower then you can put the telly on for a while ok." Marina said politely. Alaya went and had her second shower of the day, which this time wasn't so rushed. When she came out of the shower she turned the television on. Her favourite show was on. She watched it until her mother came out the shower. "Hey hon want something to eat." Alaya's mother asked. "Yeah what can I have." I asked her curiously. "Want a smoothie or something along the lines of that." She said not really knowing what to make. "Mmm a smoothie bowl would be nice." I said. "Uh no they are for breakfast." She replied trying not to be rude. "Oh ok then can I have a smoothie or chocolate granola." I asked even more eagerly for food. "Yeah you can have some of that granola we made the other day." Mum replied to her daughter. I got up off the couch and went over to the cupboard to fetch the yummy chocolatey granola. I reached open the cupboard door and got the container. Then putting on the bench mum grabbed it and opened the container and took big chunk of my granola."Mmm, so good." She said rubbing it in my face. I shut the cupboard door and ran to get the granola. Mum bet me do it. "Nooo!" I yelled in agony. "Here you go." Mum said handing it to me. "Thanks." I snapped her and took it away up to my bedroom. Alaya stormed upstairs and it was then she realised that she was still in her swimmers. She took them off and put on her beautiful teal dress. On her chest it was embroidered with, native gum leaves and the pretty bottle brushes around her waist a little strip of navy blue tied together with pink tassels. Alaya jumped on her bed with her granola and started eating it and it was

Flavours of chocolatey goodness enriched her mouthShe walked down stairs to her mum who was in the kitchen. Only to see mum wearing the dress she wore to her best friends party. "Isn't that the dress you wore- Dad tried to ask.

"To my best friend's party." Mum butted in. "Am I interrupting something." Dad said curiously.

"No, nothing at all." Mum explained.

"Well then how do I look." He asked, trying to put the attention on him. "You look great, dad." I assured him. "Well we all look good so let's go." Dad said. I went right outside and, Aussie jumped on me, luckily missing my dress. I bent down to give him a good scratch behind his ear. But when I opened the gate just a little Aussie poked his nose through and escaped. I ran straight after him through the open gate jumping over birds. "Aussie, get!" Yelled my neighbour John in his deep voice. Thankfully Aussie was scared of him and ran straight back to the gate. There he waited for me to open the gate. "Thanks John." I called out over my shoulder. I walked back to the gate and, Aussie was whinnying. "There you go boy." I said as I opened the gate for him. He went straight through the open gate and the big gentle golden retriever kept on whinnying. "It's ok boy." Alaya said as she stroked his head gently he soon calmed down. The door started to open and there Mum and dad were wearing their best clothes. "Let's go." I said like nothing at all just happened. "Alright kiddo." Tom said smiling at me. Alaya jumped up and open the gate for everyone except for one, Aussie tried to escape again but I quickly but my foot gently on his chest to stop him. I swished my foot around tucking it back behind the gate and closing it shut. Aussie started to bark but in return ,I poked my tongue at him. I started to silently giggle to myself. "Oi why are you so happy." Dad asked. "Hehe." Alaya giggle and louder until she burst, full of laughter. "Ok, I tell you so I opened the gate and, Aussie started poking his nose through. And then he escapes. I run through the open gate jumping over a Maggie and then I stop. John yells get, Aussie whimpers his way back to the gate and then I open for him." I told my parents who were now shaking their heads. "What! Alaya very enthusiastically. There was answer because Mum was already started to reverse and Tom well he was in his his own world.
