Jillian's Entries

Hey. It's Jillian. This is entry 1,588.

I'm sitting by a fire and trying to consume all its heat. Jackie... will live.

I don't think he has a concussion. If he does, it wouldn't be too serious. SA's tend to get a lot of concussions anyway. No one really worries because few live long enough too. That's why it's so important that I maintain my status. So everyone will remember me when I'm gone.

But I digress. I need to retell my adventures of today. Otherwise, people will have nothing good to listen too in remembrance. Or worse... they'll think I'm boring.


Let me set the stage. So, there I was dragging Jackie across the ice. The forest would show up on my right in another mile or two and we needed to reach it before darkness blanketed our frozen wasteland. I couldn't wait for Jackie to wake up, though I probably should have.

I just thought about how my life was about to end and then thought, 'I'd rather be the most unpopular girl than be known as the girl who froze the death on a desolate lake.'

Everything seemed fine. Relatively, I mean I'm an SA. Nothing really ever goes completely right, so you take the win where you can.

Though who am I to complain. I was a graceful starlet. Head of the glee club, main soloist- along with Jess cause that girl can sing- for the choir, and the drama club had just asked me if I could star in their next performance.

So all in all, I was doing well. But I would've rather been at home, in Gynemeda. There I had my mom and my sisters and the best private school ever.

Of course any SA with a brain larger than this,

[pinched fingers close together]

Knows that thinking things are going well, is a sure way to find that they are not. I just thought that Jackie was my bad luck to balance out my perfect streak. Maybe he was, because I get the feeling that what happened next was somehow is fault.

The river behind us was breaking up. Not slow cracks, large chucks of thick sheets of ice were breaking apart. The wave of destruction was moving towards us fast. And as I stood there with an unconscious boy in my arms thinking, why?!

I quickly came to the conclusion that the ice was cracking because life sucks and just when you think the forces of the universe have thrown their worst at you, you realize that things could be much, so much worse. And then they were.

Lian, what are you doing?

Oh, look whose awake. That's Jackie by the way. And don't call me that. It's Jillian. That's my name.

Then don't call me Jackie, it's Jack. Just Jack. It's my name. Also, it's like one o'clock. Why aren't you sleeping?

Why aren't you?

I just woke up. I barely ate anything today and now I'm starving. Also you are loud.

Oh please, you sleep like the dead. I could be screaming and you'd just lie there. And to answer your question, Jackie, I'm just fixing my hair before I go to sleep.

That's all, Lian? Really? Do you think I'm stupid? I can hear you talking to yourself? I mean, I know your crazy, but...

Okay. Well I'm also adding to my series of audio recordings to narrate my life so that people will remember me when I'm gone.

[Scoffs] Trust me. They will all remember the ever popular beauty queen who sang so loud the back row could hear hear without a mic.

[confused glare]

I mean it's hard too forget the girl whose curly, black, hair was pulled back so tight it cut off the oxygen supply to her brain and killed her.


[Mimicked Gasp]

Why you little-

Wait turn off the recorder first. You don't want to have a voice recording of you getting beat up by an unimportant nobody.


Your so on.

Running from the  wreckage, Miles stops dead. He hears a girl. Miles turns around searching for the beautiful voice he hears singing in the distance. He comes to the realization that the melancholic voice is coming from the snowed in cave. The girl's soprano voice signifies her youth. Miles decides that her might as well help her, he'd never forgive himself if he left an innocent to die. Miles opens a portal into the cave. Teleportation is risky, given that he has never seen the cave before, so the port along technique allows him to see inside the cave before he makes his move. Once he's sure it's a sake jump, Miles closes the portal. He then releases a surge of power and wind as he teleports into the cave and ends up behind a teenager humming to herself as she tries humming different notes.
