
Focus Brian, don't you want to win.

No I don't actually.


I already told you I'm not listening anymore.

That's rude, I only want to help.

I'd rather die.

Without me you'd be dead.

You are crazy, you are broken.

I am you, Brian. We are one in the same

We are not. I am me and you are you.

You are wrong-

Who are you, anyway? Because you're not Betony.

I am you, Brian.

No... you're not. And you're not Betony either.


I'm not sure what you are, but you're dangerous.

I only want what's best for you-

No you don't! You almost got me killed.

That's not true-

You ignore what I want, so that I'll listen to you. But I'm done listening.

Brian together we can win this. You can be the best. You could beat Carlos and defend Daniel and-

Bet-Daniel doesn't need defending, he choose his fate path.

Like he choose to be mute.

Shut up!

Or did Carlos choose for him.

Whoever you are, please just go away. I want Betony back.

You're stuck with me for awhile.

Leave me alone, I don't want this.

Children often don't want what's best for them.

I'm ignoring you.

Brain, don't be like this.

I don't know who you are, what you did to Beth, but I need you to stop. I want to win this my way, not yours.

By losing. Proving that you're weak.

No, by proving that I'm strong.

Brian had reached the end of the maze, in fifth place, nonetheless. Much bettter than most expect of a psycho who could barely stand two hours ago.

You still lost. To Carlos. To Eric. To Saria. Even to that runt Ryan. You're sad and pathetic.

No I'm proud. Orencia has won. Intelligence has beat strength.

You've just sentenced an entire country to death how does that fe...

What's going on?



What's wrong with me?

I don't know but we can figure it out together now.


I'm glad that you're here.

So am I.

I never realized how much I needed you until... you weren't there anymore.

I haven't been here for awhile.

No you haven't.

Well... that's okay, I'm here now.


It's time to reclaim what's mine.


That little brat's got a lot coming to him. They all do.

Whose mind is this?

"Carlos Cortez," the Mistress said "Congratulations. You have won the final trial as well as the competition, now you may finally receive your prize."

No. No, no. Neit. You are not real. Es no Verdad.

Go away Carlos.

Brian, what going on?

You tell me, you're supposed to be my conscience.


"Your prize, my boy, is the right to choose. Seven names. Who will stay and who will go. You have 30 seconds. All descions are final."

What's going on?


So this is why there was a maze. Interesting. I-


Who is she?!


Why does HE get to choose?!

What's happening?

I will not let this happen again!

Stop Beth!

Should we fight? we CAN TAKE EM.

This is your job!

This ruins everything. How will I get back to him now?

Beth, there hurting me...

Are we being kidnapped?




This isn't real. She's not here, Carlos. You can calm down.


Hurry up boy! I'm waiting!


What do I do? If I don't choose she'll take us all or kill us outright.


Who can I risk? Can we escape?


Don't be stupid this is a strong group. They be fine. Probably. Maybe... Carlos focus.

Who do we need to rescue us
Josh first of because he's fast and Eric, he's medically certified.



Well need some form of transportation. Lily can take care of that. Actually, let me be careful and put Liam with her. He seems a little soft for imprisonment anyway.
We'll need Brian too. Definitely, he'll be the coordinator or everything. Who else? Maybe Alice, she's strong and smart. And she builds stuff I think.


Right Ryan's a techno kinetic. But he's useless outside of here. I can put him inside. He can help us from the inside out.


Brian out of my head.

Beth, come back!

Saria can survive this.
So can Daniel. I know it.
Jessica could escape.
That girl with the black hair. She's smart. She'll be fine too. I think.
Umm, how many is that? 3? 4?
I think that's 5
Jack? No he wouldn't use his powers to fight and I don't know what will happen to him in there.
I'll put Jillian in there instead. And then I'll make 7.

Wait Carlos. Isn't that only...

I choose Ryan, Jessica, Jillian, Saria, Daniel, and the girl with the curly black hair.

Six people.

"Okay,  Carlos.  But  unfortunately for you,  you're a  person short. Hurry up. I'm getting impatient!"

Umm... who can I send. We need everyone.
We need Alice. And Eric. And Brian.
Ugh. Who?


Yes Brian?

You're forgetting about...


I was thinking Liam, but I suppose that works too.

Wait did I say that out loud?!

How am I supposed to know?

"Okay, Carlos. I thought you would've simply nominated yourself, considering that I plan on taking you anyway, but the more The merrier I suppose."

No. No. No...

Would you please leave me alone now?

Get out of my head!

Beth where are you!

Josh's gonna kill me. Crap!
