Hello Your Name is Daniel

Your hand is definitely broken. Not badly. The blood, on the other hand, might be a problem soon. If you lose too much, your fever will increase. That's bad. If it gets too high... The wolf attack will be the best part of your night. On top of all of that, you need to find Eric. You don't know what's wrong with him or when he'll revert.

But first, the hand. You won't be much help if you bleed out. You sit down, pulling your backpack off. It has some bandages in it. Once your hands fixed, temporarily anyway, you head out to search for Eric. But not before you light a torch next to Eric's bag. It'll burn for hours and you can use it as a beacon to trace your way to the tree.

You speedwalk in the direction Eric went. He couldn't have gone too far. He was already wounded and somewhat out of it. He should transform back soon. Although most powers would've shut off long before he bit you. Maybe his is just different. That wouldn't be good. Eric was much faster than Daniel could ever be.

"Eric!" You call out. But no sound comes. You sigh. Of course, no sound came out. You are mute now. You begin thinking about how having a voice might now be beneficial.

You feel just a little annoyed with Carlos because it's his fault you don't have one. But then you feel bad because it's not completely his fault, though that's what everyone else believes. But you feel bad for feeling bad because that's exactly what Brian said not to do.

You find Eric eventually. As you suspected, he's still a wolf. Though you can see his form fading. Eric is unconscious. You don't know how long he's been like this and wonder if it has to do with the injuries he suffered, fighting the wolves. As you stood there helpless. You regret not helping him. You know he doesn't like transforming. He mentioned it to you once while you were working on a project together. You're starting to realize why.

You know that you should have been holding the wolves back. You're a Superior. He's a fighter. As the higher skill, you should've been the one protecting him not the other way around.

You debate patching him up, but decide to wait. Any bandages you place on him now, will probably tear when he changes back. You think he'll change back faster when he wakes up, but don't know for sure. While you have read up on biomorphing, not much is known about the ability. It's not all that common and Eric's variation differs from most.

By the time Eric awakes, most of his features have changed back. When he opens his eyes they are brown and quickly recovering from the yellow found in wolves. He doesn't move till he's completely returned to normal. He props himself against a tree and stares at you. You take out a water bottle and give it to him. He drinks it, staring at your hand. The same hand that he bit. You know how much it hurts, but resolve to pretend its nothing.

"I'm sorry," Eric says after a long time. You don't know how to respond to that. Then you remember you can't. Eric continues without even glancing at you. "I didn't mean to. I just..." You roll your eyes at him and smile.

He's getting worked up over nothing. A broken bone is nothing. He saved your life. That alpha male would have killed you or at the very least injured you more than Eric did. You laugh wondering what it is about those boys from room 229. They're always so serious and take everything to heart. Where's the fun in that? You try to tell Eric this to no avail. Maybe you should have had Brian link you two before you left.

But you're still linked to Brian, so maybe you can. "Brian!" You mentally scream as that's usually enough to get his attention. "Oh my- What Daniel?" He's being colder than usual. But he's stuck with Carlos, who he hates. "Can you link me and Eric, so I can talk to him?" He hesitates before replying, "Danny, I don't know. You're a bit far, but there aren't many people within the area, so I'll try." You reply, "Okay. Thanks, Brian. Eric is virtually impossible to communicate with, he doesn't know sign language and doesn't even understand basic gestures." Brian isn't listening anymore.

You're stuck with Eric while you waited for Brian. He takes his shirt off to try and wrap a bandage around his chest, which is marked with claw wounds. You get bored of watching him struggle and decide to help him out. It takes about three seconds. So you guys sit in silence.

As you sit there, unable to form a conversation with Eric, you realize it's like 3 am. Which is probably why Brian was so cold. He was sleeping like a normal person. You think about how late it was and realize how tired you are too. You begin to fall asleep only to be awakened by Brian. "It's done."
