DLO Page 238; Notebook 10

Daily List of Observations
Property of Liam Loran
*If found, please return (seek out Ryan, Brian Mentorian, or Daniel Gordon)


7) I need to work on balance. The moment an omnivorasauri landed on the airplane, I fell. Mostly because the massive animal shook the ship as the moved. But still, while everyone was busy running to get on one, I was stuck underneath a chair.

10) Lily is deaf. After untangling myself from the chair. I ran to the edge of the plane screaming and waving hoping that someone would come back. They didn't even notice me.

11) Saria is scary. She definitely scared me when she grabbed the cuff of my shirt. I almost fell to my death, but Saria had a firm grip on me. Personally, I would have preferred to fall. Being squished like pancake and breaking all my bones sounds better than burning in a fiery explosion.

13) Saria knows how to keep calm in terrifying situations. "Liam," she says, "Don't lose your head. Without it you're already dead. Now let's figure out how to prevent your untimely demise.

15) Saria spoke in second person. I almost missed that. I think she caught her mistake, but I noticed. I think she's hiding something. Maybe she won't die in the fiery explosion that will surely come. maybe she's fireproof. Brian probably knows. I will ask him about it. Soon.

18) Forget what I said earlier, Saria's lost it. She said okay Liam. "We have four minutes, so here's the plan..." I'm sure I looked at her like she was crazy because next she said "Trust me. If you don't you'll die anyway. This is the best plan."

22) I can't believe I trusted her. Saria is gonna get me killed. "We're gonna jump." she said. "You mean die." I replied. "The plane will explode on impact, but-" she said. "So we'll die." I replied. "You know what Liam, just shut up. Your wasting our very limited time." The At 1 minute till impact I jumped. Well she pushed me. I screamed a lot and almost passed out. from sheer terror. Thankfully my training kicked in and I rolled to the ground. I didn't break any bones, but I can already see black and blue bruises forming on the red, freckled skin.

24) Saria saved my life. I was busy examining myself and had forgotten all about the second part of her master plan. "Liam!" Saria yells, clearly struggling under the 90 tons she was holding up. I stared in awe. When she said, "I'll roll under and hold the aircraft." I didn't believe her. I had to bite back the Are you mad? comment in my head. "Liam!" she cried again.

27) Lily's acting weird (well weirder than usual). She normally avoids me like the plague. We rarely actually talk and all our 'conversations' are usually one-sided. And she has never, ever shown me any affection. When she bear-hugged me as I was drawing a final earthen beam to support the plane, I was shocked. Tears poured down her face and she repeating "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Over and over again. I smiled seeing her. Everyone was safe and sound. But nothing ever lasts.

Alyssa stared at the girls and they stared at her. The girl on the left was the one to break the silence. "Finally, sleeping beauty is awake. Kaytlyn show her around the campus. Explain things to her, yada yada yada." The girl on the right , Kaytlyn, walked up to Alyssa as the girl on the right exited the hut. "Hi I'm Kaytlyn, but most people call me Kayt. So, sorry about Freddy. She can be rude sometimes, but she's really nice when you get to know her. We are your roommates here at camp. Welcome to your new life. Oh and how's the arm." Alyssa took one look at her arms and screamed.
