Chapter 3

The next two weeks since Brendon's first visit consisted of jam out sessions, movie nights, and get to know each other talks at Ryan's place. Ryan enjoyed watching Brendon sing and play on the different instruments in his music room just as much as he enjoyed Brendon arguing with the lead actress while they watched horror movies.

But what he looked forward to the most were the times Brendon would lean into Ryan in exhaustion after work and accidentally fall asleep against him. Ryan would run his fingers through Brendon's hair as he watched him sleep. No matter what though, Brendon always left Ryan's place by 9:10 at night, no sooner, no later. 

Ryan was leaning back on his couch, lazily strumming his guitar while he watched whatever random show played on tv. When he heard a knock on the door, he made his way to the door peeking through the peep hole. He saw Brendon looking down, rocking back and forth nervously. His hands were tucked into his jacket pockets. With a smile, Ryan opened the door.  

"Hey, Bren." He said stepping aside to let the other in. As Brendon walked in and headed straight to the couch, taking a seat on the edge. Ryan began to worry about the boy who was still looking down at his fidgeting hands that rested on bouncy knees. "Are you okay?" Ryan heard Brendon sigh heavily as he took a seat next to him. 

"There's something I need to tell you." Brendon breathed as he worked up the nerve to let more words come out. "I.." He stopped while Ryan sat willing him to continue before he could allow his mind to come up with their own conclusions.

Ryan's hands began to sweat as his mind started feeding him reasons as to why Brendon was here. He knows you like him. He doesn't want to hang out with you anymore. Why can't you open up to someone for once? 

"I.. I like you." Brendon said hesitantly, stopping all of Ryan's thoughts. It took a little for Ryan's mind to process what Brendon just said. When it finally did, his anxiety was replaced with butterflies fluttering in his stomach, tickling a smile on his face. He felt the blush as he looked over at the still nervous boy.

"I like you too." Brendon's shoulders visibly relaxed the slightest bit. A smile tugged the corners of Brendon's mouth. Ryan didn't let himself think before he said, "let me take you on a date." Brendon looked over at him shyly. "Tonight."

He got excited as he watched Brendon nod his head. Brendon stopped then quickly shook his head and avoided Ryan's eyes. Listening to Brendon's first response, he took Brendon's hand and stood them up. Brendon only resisted a little before letting Ryan lead him to the front door. 

They made their way outside to Ryan's car, Ryan held the passenger door open as Brendon climbed in. Getting into the driver's seat, Brendon questioned, "where are we going?" Staring down at his lap, Ryan searched his mind for somewhere to take Brendon. His eyes lit up as he realized the perfect place to go. Looking at the time, he was happy to see they wouldn't close for another two hours. Leaving Brendon's question unanswered, he started the car and headed out to the road. 

Within ten minutes, Ryan pulled into the parking lot. Brendon looked out the window at the store sign as Ryan got out and walked around the car. He opened the door, offering a hand helping Brendon out. "Where are we?" Ryan stayed silent as they approached to the door.

The neon sign flashing on the window read 'Old Fashioned Records.' Again, Ryan opened the door, letting Brendon go in first. A few steps into the store, Ryan watched as Brendon took in the sight of his favorite record store. 

They stood on a dark, hardwood floor taking in the place. The walls were lined with colored vinyls that seemed to glow under the ceiling lights. There were multiple signed vinyls placed in display cases at the end of the countless rows of music. The sections of music were divided by year releases, genres, and the format of albums. Various record players were placed around the room. A corner of the room was dedicated to instruments the customers were free to jam out with. 

The store always felt like a second home to Ryan. Before getting a guitar, he would use the one that was still on a stand in the corner. The owner sometimes joined him with his own guitar and teach Ryan new techniques. One day, the owner offered Ryan his guitar claiming that a talent like Ryan's deserved to be heard outside the store. It was those moments that Ryan loved most about this store. He smiled at the old memories as he turned to Brendon.

The boy was buzzing with excitement, bouncing on the balls of his feet. His eyes shifting around before landing on the aisle with vinyls. His fingers itched to flip through the vast record collection. Ryan could feel the energy radiating off the younger man.

Maybe. Just maybe there was something new Ryan was starting to love most in the store. Brendon turned to Ryan, almost pleading to go search through the albums. After nodding his head, Brendon practically skipped across the room. Ryan was glad they were the only two in the store at the moment. 

Every now and then, Brendon would pull out a record and show Ryan, excitedly talking about how he loved the songs and artist. Brendon looked like a kid in a candy store and Ryan was the parent who was having a hard time saying no to him. Ryan came behind him, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. 

"These are in amazing condition," Brendon said in awe. His hands stopped at one record and his eyes widened. Carefully, he pulled out a sealed, limited edition Frank Sinatra colored vinyl. "Oh my God." Ryan smiled at the boy's stunned silence. Leaning close to his ear, Ryan whispered.

"Get it." Brendon turned quickly in Ryan's arms causing Ryan to move back to give him room. 

"What?" Brendon asked wanting verification for what he heard.

"Get it." Ryan repeated motioning down at the record in his hands. Brendon looked down, now noticing the sticker with the price. He shook his head, keeping his head down. "It can be a gift from me," Ryan said reassuringly. Again, Brendon shook his head as he went to put the record back.

Ryan quickly took it from Brendon and made his way to the register. He felt Brendon tugging at his shirt in protest, but ignored him. He handed the record to the girl behind the counter as she smirked at Brendon and Ryan. While Ryan paid, she put the record in a bag with the receipt before handing it to Ryan. Brendon had his arms crossed and a pout on his lip. 

"I told you not to buy it." Ryan leaned in and kissed Brendon's cheek as he handed him the bag.

"But how could I resist getting you something that'll make you make you so happy?" It was easy to see how hard Brendon fought to stop a growing smile. Ryan just wasn't sure if it was from the kiss or the gift. The blush was definitely caused by the kiss. Brendon leaned up and returned the kiss on the cheek leaving both males red in the face. They heard the girl giggling. 

"I wish I had a boyfriend," she said, resting her head in the palm of her hand. If the two weren't red before, they were now. 

"Oh, we're not together like that," Brendon informed her while shaking his head. Ryan felt a ping of disappointment at Brendon's quick response. "We're just..." Brendon trailed off before looking at Ryan. Neither knew what they were exactly. 

"Well, whatever you two are, you're cute together," she said with a smile. Ryan nodded in thanks before taking Brendon's hand to leave the store. Their fingers locked together as they walked to the car, only letting go when Ryan opened the door for Brendon.

The ride home was a comfortable silence, the only noise coming from the radio. Ryan parked outside his building and turned off the car, leaving them both in total silence. Brendon was the first to speak.

"Thanks." Ryan looked at him for clarification. "The gift." Brendon motioned to the bag. "And for tonight. I've never actually been to a record store. I really enjoyed it." 

"It was no problem." 

"So...What.. what are we?" Brendon voiced what they've been silently questioning since leaving the store. He had yet to look away from his lap since the car parked. A nearby street lamp cast enough light into the car for Ryan to make out Brendon's handsome features. Brendon was chewing on his bottom lip, a nervous habit Ryan noticed. There was no way Ryan could stay just friends with him.

He took the liberty to reach over and hook a finger under the younger boy's chin. As he leaned closer, he turned Brendon's head up so they faced each other. His thumb pulled Brendon's lip free from him teeth. They slowly leaned forward, inching close enough to feel the other's breath. Ryan kept his eyes steady on Brendon's. 

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Ryan watched a spark flash in Brendon's eyes as he nodded. In unison, their eyes closed along with the gap between their lips. A warmth spread through Ryan's chest as Brendon's lips fit perfectly against his, moving naturally together. Ryan smiled against the other's lips before pulling away and leaning their foreheads against each other. They stayed in that position, occasionally stealing a kiss here and there. 

It was only the ringing from Brendon's phone that pulled them apart. The sound of Brendon's groan was enough to convey what they both felt about the interruption. Giving Ryan an apologetic look, he looked down at his phone. He rolled his eyes before answering it. "Yeah?" He answered with annoyance. Ryan watched Brendon's face slowly shift from irritation to panic in a matter of seconds. "What do you mean 'he's there'?"

Brendon fumbled for the door handle before stumbling out of the car. "Listen to me. Do Not let him in the house. I'm coming right now." Ryan quickly followed Brendon out of the car, concerned for his boyfriend. Brendon unlocked his car and climbed in. "I'll be there as fast as I can."

"Brendon, what's going on?" Ryan asked as Brendon hung up the phone. Brendon stopped before he shut his door. He'd forgetten about Ryan during that short phone call. Ryan stood just outside the door looking down at an anxious Brendon.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll text you when I can." Before Ryan could say anything, Brendon shut the door and his car had disappeared down the street. Ryan stood in the dark parking lot, alone and confused. 
