Chapter 11

Ryan woke up and looked around the room. It took him a second to remember what happened last night. He ran a hand through his messy bedhead. Skylar was still sound asleep beside him, but Brendon was no longer in the bed. Ryan got up and went looking for his boy. He found Brendon in the bathroom. 

The boy was standing in front of the mirror, looking at all his new bruises with a pained look on his face. Ryan walked behind Brendon and wrapped his arms around his waist. He rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder as they watched each other in the mirror. 

"There's so many," Brendon spoke softly. Ryan turned his head and placed a kiss on the side of Brendon's neck. 

"You're still so, so beautiful." Brendon laughed and turned around. Ryan pulled back to give him enough room before pulling him close again. 

"It's not nice to tell lies," Brendon kept his soft voice. Ryan cupped Brendon's cheeks to ensure the boy's full attention.

"You are the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. If you don't believe me, I'll spend the rest of my days convincing you because it's true. You are.." Ryan's eyes sweep over Brendon's face, taking in the light the boy gave him. "You are breathtaking." He felt Brendon try to look away to hide a blush, but kept him still to watch the red dust his cheeks.

"Thank you," Brendon murmured sheepishly. Ryan smiled and kissed his lips. Brendon happily returned it. Ryan took the other by surprise and lifted him bridal style. Brendon giggled and wrapped his arms around Ryan's neck as he was carried back to his bedroom. Ryan laid Brendon on the bed beside Skylar. He started backing out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Brendon failed to hide the panic in his voice as he leaned forward on the bed. Ryan moved close and placed a kiss on Brendon's forehead.

"I just thought my king and princess deserved some breakfast in bed," Ryan said reassuringly, calming Brendon instantly.

"Pancakes?" Brendon asked excitedly. Ryan chuckled at his enthusiasm. 

"If that's what my baby wants, that's what my baby will get." Ryan stole a quick peck on Brendon's lips before leaving the room. He made his way to the kitchen and started making the batter. The room filled with the scent of pancakes as he moved finished pancakes from the griddle to a plate. 

When he was done, Ryan took the stack of pancakes, some plates, forks and syrup back to Brendon's bedroom. He saw his boy on his phone with Skylar sitting between his legs. They both watched the screen intently, not noticing Ryan coming in. When Ryan set the pancakes down on the nightstand, the two snapped their heads up together. 

"Pancakes," they said simultaneously. Skylar clapped her hands as Brendon prepped a plate for her. Brendon slowly poured syrup over the top of the pancake.

"Tell me when to stop," Brendon said swirling the liquid around. Skylar watched as the syrup began spilling over the edges of the pancake. "Okay. That's enough." Skylar giggled and nodded in agreement. Brendon cut the pancake into smaller pieces and gave the fork to the girl to eat. 

Ryan watched Brendon, who was keeping his eyes on Skylar. Brendon had a small smile on his face while Skylar shoved pancake into her mouth. He looked lost in thought as he kept his head toward her. Ryan sat beside them on the bed and wrapped an arm around Brendon.

"Are you gonna eat?" Brendon turned his attention to Ryan.

"Yeah. I'm just..," he looked over at Skylar again before turning back. "I'm just taking a moment."

"Take all the time you need then." Ryan place a soft kiss on Brendon's lips, feeling Brendon smile against him.

"Oh no," the little girl in front of them cried. The two pulled away and saw Skylar covered in syrup. She was opening and closing her hand, watching the strings of syrup form. 

"Baby, what did you do?" Brendon laughed as she showed him her syrup hand. 

"Too much syrup!" 

"I see that. You got it all over you hands and your clothes and your.. How did you get it in your hair?" Ryan burst out in laughter at Brendon's surprised tone. "Not funny." Brendon shoved Ryan off of the bed. Ryan laughed from his spot on the floor, looking up at Brendon leaning over the bed.

"I'll take her to the bathroom." Ryan stood up and offered his arms to Skylar. She struggled getting up and hopped into Ryan's arms, wrapping her sticky hands around his neck. "But I don't know how to like, you know, do the bath thing." Brendon shook his head smiling and led Ryan to the bathroom.

"Bubbles?" Skylar nodded excitedly as Brendon started filling the tub, adding some liquid to make bubbles. "Can you help her get her clothes off?"

Brendon asked as he tested the temperature of the water and gathered Skylar's bath toys. Ryan put the girl down and awkwardly kneeled in front of her. He looked over at Brendon for help, but the boy had his back turned.

"I don't think.." Ryan started as Skylar tried pulling her shirt over her head. Ryan helped her pull it all the way off. She put her hands on his shoulders for balance while he gently tugged at her pj bottoms. Ryan kept glancing at Brendon. Brendon stood back and watched Ryan struggle at the simple task. 

"You good?" Brendon bit his lip to suppress a laugh. 

"Do I need to take her underwear off too?" Ryan steadied Skylar as she kicked her pants off. Ryan's eyes widened when Brendon nodded. "But then she's gonna be naked."

"Well, that's the funny thing about baths babe, you need to be naked to have them." Ryan blushed slightly. He knew that, he just never had to undress a child for a bath. He kept his eyes up as he pulled her underwear down. Skylar padded over to Brendon, who lifted her and put her in the water. 

"You can look now." Ryan looked over at Skylar sitting in the water, playing with her toys. Ryan stood as Brendon walked over and wrapped his arms around Ryan's waist. "You are adorable." 

"No kissy face," Skylar spoke up from behind them. 

"We weren't," Brendon replied causing Ryan to pout.

"We weren't?" Brendon rolled his eyes and pushed Ryan out of the bathroom.

"I'll be back in a little bit baby." Skylar nodded, not looking up from her toys. Brendon led Ryan back to his room.

"We're just gonna leave her?"

"She loves playing in the water, so I give her like ten minutes and then give her a bath. If I don't she gets very upset," Brendon shook his head with a smile. "She's spoiled." Ryan nodded and felt left over syrup on his neck from Skylar's fingers. 

"She left syrup on my neck." Brendon leaned in and ran his tongue over Ryan's neck. Ryan let out a shaky breath and stretched out his neck to give Brendon more room. 

"It tastes sweeter off you," Brendon said smiling against Ryan's skin. Ryan shut his eyes and moved his hands to Brendon's hips. The smaller boy continued to lick syrup off the other's neck feeling Ryan's grip tighten slightly. Brendon pulled back and pushed Ryan onto the bed. Ryan kept his hold on Brendon, pulling him down with him.  

Brendon moved to saddle Ryan's waist and leaned in, reattaching his lips to Ryan's neck. When Brendon started sucking on sensitive skin, Ryan let out a quiet moan and pushed his body up for more contact.

"Brendon.." Ryan whimpered. The boy hummed in response, sending vibrations through Ryan's body. "I don't think we should..." He tried to fight back moans and calm his heavy breathing. "Skylar's in the other room." His eyes were shut tight, sinking into the feeling of Brendon on him. 

"We have ten minutes." Brendon bit Ryan's neck again, eliciting another moan from the squirming boy. After a couple minutes of kissing and sucking, Brendon climbed off of Ryan with a smile on his face. "I think I got all the syrup off." Ryan sat up and looked over at Brendon who was smirking, obviously pleased about his teasing. 

Ryan got up and backed Brendon into the wall, connecting their lips. Their mouths and tongues moved together with want and lust for each other. Ryan pressed his body against Brendon's and gripped his hips hard. Brendon winced slightly and Ryan immediately pulled back.

Ryan looked over Brendon's face in concern. Brendon's breathing was quick, but Ryan knew it wasn't from their make out by the way he avoided his eyes. Ryan wrapped one arm carefully around the boy's waist and held the boy's chin with the other, lifting it so their eyes locked. 

Brendon's eyes were lined with tears and his bottom lip trembled softly when he spoke. "I'm sorry." Ryan shook his head and wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. He leaned in, stopping right before meeting Brendon's lips. The smaller boy leaned up to close the gap.

This kiss was completely different than the last. There was no haste, no lust. It was softer and more meaningful. Ryan tried to show how much he worshipped Brendon through that one kiss. When they pulled away, they kept their eyes on each other.

"I love you." Brendon smiled, blushing slightly at the phrase.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that."

"Good because I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying it. I love you." Ryan pecked his lips. "I love you." Another kiss. "I," kiss, "love," kiss, "you." He held his lips against Brendon's a little longer before pulling away. Brendon was grinning like an idiot.

"I love you too, you big dork." They stood smiling at each other for a little before Brendon spoke up. "I'm gonna go finish bathing Skylar." Ryan nodded and released the boy. When Brendon left, he plopped onto the bed and sighed contently. It wasn't long before he heard little feet running over to the room. 

"We need to go to your room first to get you dressed," Ryan heard Brendon say. 

"He didn't leave again right?" It hurt to hear the nervousness in Skylar's voice.

"No, he didn't leave. He's in the room waiting for you to put some clothes on."

"Is he's staying with us now?" Skylar asked in a smaller voice. Ryan sat up, waiting for Brendon's response. There was a small pause before Ryan heard anything.

"Yeah, I think he's staying now." His heart warmed at Brendon's answer. Of course he was staying. Ryan wouldn't dream of leaving them again. 



So, I'm going to be ending the story pretty soon just so you are prepared. Thank you to anyone supporting my story. I really appreciate it. I saw yesterday that this story is #3 under Ryden and I got so excited. 

If you have any questions about the story or me, feel free to ask. At the moment, I'm just working, writing and watching Brendon's streams, so I have plenty of time. Again, thank you for the support. "I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing. And as always, remember how dope you are." 
