Chapter 12

Brendon hadn't heard from Dallon in months. He wasn't sure if it was because of Ryan. The boy practically lived at his house now. Ryan wanted to be there in case Dallon showed up. He told Brendon he'd protect him and that's what he was going to do. 

Ryan was laying across the couch with Brendon between his legs, leaning his head back on Ryan's chest. Ryan rested an arm behind his head and held Brendon's hand on the boy's chest. They were watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith, which included Brendon's occasional commentary.

"Would you kill me if it was your job?" Brendon asked during one of the fight scenes.

"Well, you're still alive, so what do you think?" Brendon looked up at him with his mouth hanging open. Ryan threw his head back, letting out a laugh. "I'm kidding babe. I could never kill you. I love you too much." Ryan wrapped both arms around the boy and kissed the side of his head. 

"I'd kill you for a capri sun." Ryan let go of Brendon and whacked him on the arm while Brendon giggled.

"You would not." 

"Try me," Brendon replied with a smile. Ryan shook his head as he smiled back. He turned back to the movie. Brendon turned over on him so he was on his stomach. "Babe," Brendon said to get the other's attention. He kept his eyes down to Ryan's chest.

"Yeah?" Ryan watched Brendon play with his shirt.

"So there's a coworker of mine that's getting married." Ryan nodded. "And she invited me to the wedding. She said I could bring someone." Brendon's voice went quieter as he continued. "Well, it's this weekend and I was wondering if you'd like to go? I know it's late notice and all..."

"Babe," Ryan said to stop the boy's rambling.

"So if you already have plans, I understand. I was gonna ask earlier, but when I got the invite, we were on our break thing.."

"Babe," Ryan repeated.

"Don't feel like you have to say yes. I'm okay going alone or I could not go at all. I don't like her that much anyway."

"Brendon!" Brendon snapped his head up, finally looking at Ryan."I'd love to go," Ryan said with a laugh. Brendon sighed in relief before planting a kiss on Ryan's lips. He turned around to get into his original position and held Ryan's hand.

(Time skip to the wedding reception that weekend)

Ryan and Brendon were sitting at a table next to the dance floor. Brendon was watching the bride and groom have their first dance as husband and wife. Ryan had his eyes on Brendon the whole time. He knew his boyfriend was emotional, but weddings brought out a whole new level of excitement. Brendon was such a hopeless romantic and Ryan loved it. 

Ryan could tell how gorgeous the bride was that night, but she had nothing on Brendon. He had on a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, suspenders, and black dress pants. The whole outfit was tied together with a small black bowtie and a pair of converse.

It was simple, but incredibly attractive. Ryan was dressed similarly only having a vest instead of suspender, a regular black tie, and dress shoes. 

Ryan noticed some girls looking over and smiling at Brendon throughout the night. Being the reasonable and non-jealous boyfriend he was, Ryan would pulled Brendon in for a kiss every time he caught a girl staring. Brendon, not noticing the girls, took it as Ryan being over affectionate and kissed back happily. 

Brendon got up to mingle with the other guests he knew. Ryan stayed at the table and admired his man from afar. It wasn't until he saw a tall man walk up to Brendon that he got up. He quickly made his way over to Brendon, not liking the way his boy had tensed up at the sight of the man. 

Before Ryan could get to him, the man led Brendon to the bathroom, away from everybody. Ryan walked faster, feeling himself grow angry. When he got to the bathroom, he opened the door slowly and heard the two talking inside. 

"What did I tell you?" Ryan heard Brendon sniffling and knew he was crying.

"Dallon please, leave me alone."

"You think I'm just gonna leave because you said please?" Ryan walked in to see Brendon against the wall with Dallon's hands on both sides of his head, trapping him. 

"I think so," Ryan spoke up, gaining the man's attention. With Dallon momentarily distracted, Brendon slipped under his arm and ran behind Ryan. "Are you okay?" Brendon nodded, but he was still shaking as he grabbed onto Ryan's arm.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Dallon walked over to Ryan. He pulled Brendon further behind him as Dallon stood in front of them. He had at least four inches over Ryan, but that didn't faze him. 

"I'm the man who's gonna kick your ass if you don't leave my boyfriend alone." Dallon laughed. 

"You gotta be kidding me. You're not gonna touch me and as long as I'm around, that man," he pointed at Brendon, who let go of Ryan and backed away, "belongs to me." Dallon looked Ryan up and down with a smirk.

"I suggest you leave now. Wouldn't want you getting hurt over a piece of shit like him." Ryan laughed and ran a hand through his hair, trying to release pent up anger through the simple motion. 

"You have a lot of talk for someone who beats those who can't fight back." Dallon frowned and clenched his fists. "So this is what's gonna happen, you're gonna leave Brendon and Skylar alone and I won't knock your ass out in the middle of a wedding." Dallon laughed again and leaned in closer to Ryan.

"You're really trying to threaten me? That's cute. I'm gonna do whatever the hell I want. Brendon is still gonna be my worthless late night fuck and Skylar..,"

Ryan's fist hit Dallon's jaw, successfully throwing the man off his feet. Dallon held his hand to his jaw as blood trickled from his lip. He didn't expecting the hit, much less the impact it was going to have. 

When Dallon tried getting up to fight back, he was kicked back down. Ryan crouched down beside the groaning man's head. "Like I said before, you're going to leave my family alone. If not, I'll be letting the cops know about your aggressive habits after I finish beating your ass." Dallon was glaring up at Ryan as the man stood up, still looking down. "And don't bother going to your buddies for protection. You're not the only one with connections."

"You're gonna pay for this you motherfu-," Ryan swung one last time, hearing Dallon's nose break. Ryan turned and walked to a stunned looking Brendon. He held his arm out for him. "Shall we dance?" Brendon grabbed onto Ryan's arm as he was led out of the bathroom. 

When they got to the dance floor, Ryan held Brendon's waist as the boy wrapped his arms around his neck. 

"I didn't know you could fight like that. Not gonna lie, it was kinda hot." Ryan shrugged and pulled him closer, swaying to the music. 

"I'll do anything to keep you safe." Brendon kissed Ryan, who quickly kissed back. They lips moved slowly and passionately together. When they pulled away, Ryan twirled Brendon, loving the sound of the laugh he received. Brendon's carefree manner was back and it warmed Ryan's heart. 

Over Ryan's shoulder, Brendon saw Dallon leaving the bathroom, face covered with blood. Ryan turned to see what made Brendon tense up. Dallon headed out the door when Ryan made eye contact. Ryan had a protective hold on his boyfriend. Brendon reached up and turned Ryan's head so he'd stop staring at the exit.

"He's gone." Ryan still looked on guard. "He's gone because of you." Ryan couldn't stop his smile when he saw Brendon grinning up at him. They stared at each other for several songs before Brendon spoke again. "What did you mean when you told Dallon you have connections?"

"I know a couple cops," Ryan smiled.

"What? How? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked," Ryan shrugged. "I met them through work." Brendon leaned back in Ryan's arms. 

"Now that I think about, I don't know what you do." Brendon looked completely embarrassed. "We've been together for months. How do I not know what you do?" Ryan laughed and pecked Brendon's lips.

"You were a little too busy with everything that's been going on. Where I run off to a few hours a day wasn't exactly one of your priorities. I don't work as much as you, so when I did, you were at work or something."

"So, is it too late to ask what you do and how you know cops?" 

"I have them as clients. I'm a music therapist. I help them better handle their stress and other problems. I'll have to introduce you to them some day. I think you'd really like Jon and Spencer. They're really cool." Brendon was staring adoringly at Ryan. "What?"

"I swear you can't get any better." Ryan blushed and shrugged. The two danced to another song before sitting back down. 

Ryan had Brendon in his lap as the bride sat with them. Brendon and her were deep in conversation. They talked and laughed together as they discussed their mutual hate for their boss. Brendon was glowing and Ryan thinks the champagne might have had a small factor in it. 

For the hundredth time that night, Ryan sat back and watched Brendon. He loved the boy's smile, the way his mouth moved when he talked, his voice. He loved Brendon with every fiber of his being. It kinda scared him to realized how deep he'd fallen for the man after the short time they've had together. Ryan decided it was a good fear because he couldn't picture his life without his ball of sunshine. 

When the bride left to talk with her other guests, Ryan's heart started pounding in his chest. He wouldn't doubt if Brendon could hear it. The boy was distracted by the music, dancing on Ryan's lap, so maybe he couldn't hear how much he was freaking out. Brendon took a sip of his champagne and Ryan thought it was a good of a time as any to ask what had been on his mind. 

"Move in with me." Okay so that wasn't exactly a question, but Ryan took whatever his voice gave him at the moment. Brendon choked on his champagne and turned to Ryan.

"I'm sorry, what?" 

"Move in with me," Ryan repeated before he could back out. He took a deep breath and tried to reason his request. "We've been together for a while and we practically live together now, so why not?" Ryan paused trying to read Brendon's thoughts. When he couldn't, he got more nervous.

"I don't mean it like we've been together a while, so we need to do it. And we don't have to stay at my place cause it's pretty small, but we could find somewhere with plenty of room." Ryan looked down at Brendon's hand in his own, playing with his fingers. 

Ryan bit his lip, feeling his anxiety building up. "Just thought you'd like to get out of that house, you know with all the bad memories and stuff. But we can wait. There's no rush. It was just a suggestion. I don't want to pressure you or anything. I was just thinking.."

"Okay." Ryan stopped talking and looked up at Brendon hopefully. 

"Really?" He gripped Brendon's hand and Brendon locked their fingers together.

"Let's find a place and move in together." Ryan tightened his arm that was around Brendon's waist and pulled him into a kiss. 

"I love you."

"I love you too," Brendon giggled. Ryan was practically bouncing with excitement. 

"We can start looking Monday. We'll make sure there's plenty of room for the three of us. Maybe I could have room for a small recording studio. You'll have a room to do whatever you want. We can have an extra room in case someone wants to stay over. And there'll be a big yard for Skylar to play. We could get a dog." Ryan stopped when he saw how Brendon was staring at him. "What?"

"I was wrong earlier." Ryan looked at him confused. "You can get better. You're the perfect man." Brendon held the sides of Ryan's face and pulled him into a kiss. Ryan smiled against the other's lips as he kissed back. They held each other with a feeling of mutual love and respect for one another.  
