A Wanderers Vacation (It wasn't)

Two figures stood in one room staring at a monitor of a area showing three seperate changes within the specified region

"The sample data from the volcano monitoring station has been retrieved. Please look over it." The person said "Just tell me the results." The person responded impatiently "Those people over there said that the sample's temperature has not yet exceeded the highest on record for this year. It's also not quite at the levels of the peaks from the past three years. The state of steam emissions is normal as well. So..." The person informed "So?" The person hesitated to tell the young woman the results 

"So, the station concludes that nothing abnormal will happen with the volcano, and your request for announcement has been denied once again. The mayor also-" The person was cut off "You've got to be kidding me!! Although my methods may be a bit simple, I'm sure that there's something amiss about this sample here. The volcano was already in a precarious state last year! But they didn't even send a warning or make a news report! Nothing at all!!" The young woman said with frustration "Miss Ceylon, p-please calm down." The person said "If the monitoring station says that there's no abnormality, nobody will trust us no matter what we do." The person said attempting to calm her down

"I'm sorry..." Ceylon apologized "Can we really rely on the monitoring station's data?" She asked "To be honest, Siesta's City Council doesn't pay much attention to this. Perhaps something is wrong with the detector." The person said "That would mean that the fact that the volcano has become abnormal is being covered up." Ceylon theorized "So, what are you going to do next?" The person asked 

"I can't explain the current phenomenon based upon what I know. If we can't get an accurate report from those in charge, we'll have to turn to an outside organization. So far, things are stable here and we still have time. Would we be able to find some professionals among the tourists here if we took the time? Even though we can't expect to find the right people, nor can we expect them to reach the correct conclusion, this is our last chance... The tourists have already begun to pour into Siesta. After all, the Obsidian Festival is about to begin. If we don't act now, it'll soon be too late." Ceylon said with urgency "

                         10:10 A.M. \ Clear


"Dear tourists, welcome to Siesta, home of the annual Obsidian Festival. Thank you for choosing Siesta as your vacation getaway. You won't be disappointed! Here, scorching heat is turned into sizzling passion, freeing you from the stress and exhaustion of daily life. Immerse yourself in the charms that Siesta City has to offer! This year, there's more to Siesta than just our sunny beaches and dazzling azure waters. Don't you forget about the great Obsidian Festival! Over the next two weeks, there will be delicious food, fun activities around the clock, and last but not least, the greatest music festival ever! We've invited the hottest names from all over the musical world as our special guests, to bring you an exciting music festival you won't forget! During the festival, we've opened up various facilities and activities to the public, free of charge, so play to your heart's content! In Civic Square, the Rock Party and the unlimited supply of local beer are the stars of the show! Cut loose, and lose yourself to the rhythm! Looking for something more leisurely? The jazz paradise is located just on the square of Herman Hotel on Second Avenue. No rules, and no limits. As long as you want to be here, we want you here as well! The Garrison Amusement Park is open 24/7 during the festival, and boasts the biggest stage in the city. Other than the regularly scheduled shows, we'll also have some special guest appearances. If you're a fan of rap, you're not going to want to miss out! In addition, there will be plenty of shows and activities throughout the city for you to enjoy. Please ask the staff as well as the guards for a map of the festival. We've marked the event locations as well as their times to make it easier for you to plan in advance. But while you're enjoying the merriment, make sure to pay attention to the weather. Today's temperature is 96.8° F, the highest recorded this summer. Please avoid staying in the sun too long to prevent sunburn and heatstroke. Thank you, and have a great time!"  The Broadcaster said enthusiastically

"Siesta really is a prime tourist city. The atmosphere here is filled with excitement." Amiya said "It perturbs me that there are places like this with such joy is what I would have said if this was my first time here" Yu said his attire being more different than usual the man was wearing shorts and a T-shirt with the AUS logo on it "Wait how many times have you been here?" The Doctor asked "I think it's uh" Yu started to count with his fingers "55-ish times including this time" As the Doctor seemed to be surprised "R-Really Yu you've been here before?" Amiya said "Yeah but don't expect me to show you everything somehow everything changes every year plus Kal'tsit gave you guys some nice spots anyways" Yu said as two kids ran up to Yu "Yu!" The two children ran up to the wanderer "Oh look it's the two gremlins" Yu said sarcastically as the two children pouted giving the Doctor and Yu a heart attack "Why are they always so damn adorable..." Yu said "Take that back!" Luna said adorably "Yeah, yeah" Yu said as Amiya walked over and began pulling on Yu's cheek "Yu. Did you sneak these two off the land ship?" Amiya said with a scary face "Perha-OW,OW,OW!" Amia kept tugging causing the two children to laugh at Yu's misfortune even M who was well known for her calmness started cracking up as she watched from a crystal ball

(AUS = Alive Until Sunset)

A few moments later

"I didn't expect it to be this lively here." The Doctor said "Neither did I! None of us expected it to be such a spectacular place. We originally thought it was just another normal coastal city." Amiya said happily "Oh Lucia look they have Ice cream!" Luna said excitedly as Lucias mouth watered as she seemed mesmerized before the two looked towards Yu 

Flash Back to the landship

"...I'm not interested in that place. Just go there yourselves." Kal'tsit said coldly as ever "Wait for me! I wanna come too!" Blaze shouted as Yu began to pull her back "Oh no you aren't miss! As your senior you will stay put!" Yu said as he held Blaze back 

Flash Back end

"Her recommendations are definitely spot on." The Doctor said "Doctor, I'm happy as long as you're enjoying it here." Amiya said "We've been through too much recently. You deserve a break." Yu said "A lot of our fellow Operators have come with us, so let's all take this opportunity to relax." Amiya said as Noir Corne pat Yu on the back "Hey Noir can you take these two around I'll be a bit busy" Yu said "Huh? Oh sure" Noir said "Yu are you not going to adventure with us?" Luna said sadly as Yu sighed and kneeled down before putting his hand on Luna's shoulder "I'm going to be busy watching over The Doctor for a while so you go have fun without me plus Noir will buy anything that catches your eye" Yu said "W-Wait I didn't-" Yu glared towards Noir "R-Right" Noir said intimidated "Really?!" Luna said with an excited smile "Of course now off you go, Lucia make sure to watch over your sister for me okay?" Yu said "Sir yes, sir!" Lucia saluted "That's a good soldier now off you go" Yu said head patting Lucia as she ran back to her sister 

 "Ah, Doctor, look! Someone's playing the piano in public. Look, there are guitarists over there, as well as violinists. Wow, even dancers too... It reminds me of when I used to practice the violin every day. The streets give off a totally different vibe than the beach. This is my first time seeing so many performers in one place, it makes me want to join them." Amiya said 

"You brought your violin, Amiya?" The Doctor asked "No no, that's not what I meant. I'm not really going to join them!" Amiya refuted "If I wanted to get back to the level I was at before, I'd have to start practicing again." Amiya said "But I don't think those guys are any better than you." The Doctor complimented "Th-that's not true! But, I'm still happy to hear you say that, Doctor." Amiya said happily "Hey, Sora?" Amiya said "Ah, Doctor! Amiya! Yu! Good morning, are you two also headed to Second Avenue?" Sora asked "Good morning, Sora. I didn't know you were a fan of jazz as well. I thought you would've preferred pop music more." Amiya said "Well the catch about Sora is..." Yu stopped to let Sora answer 

"I'm an expert in all the genres!" Sora said proudly "...Actually, I wanted to check out some other places, but the show near the hotel last night was way too loud. I couldn't sleep without earplugs." Sora said "Welcome to SIesta Sora your not going to sleep with large amounts of music" Yu said "Even though it's great to be able to listen to music throughout the day, anything will get on your nerves if it's keeping you up at night." Sora said annoyed "Because the others got a bit too crazy last night, all I can do is take a little breather around here." Sora said 

"It's a music festival after all, that just proves how lively things are here." Amiya said "Ahaha, guess so. A few of us have never seen the ocean before. For example, Ifrit rushed out this morning yelling something like 'Here I come, ocean!!' We haven't seen her ever since." Yu sweat dropped at Sora's example "Haha, that's just like her." Amiya laughed "This ocean is really just a huge lake..." Amiya said "As long as there's water and a beach, it's enough of an ocean for me. I'll be resting here until noon. After that, even a volcanic eruption can't stop me from having the time of my life!" Sora shouted with pride "Hey don't jinx it" Yu warned "Oh it'll be fine your just a worry wart" Sora said as Yu shrugged off his worries "Haha, that certainly is your style. All right, I'll see you around then." Amiya said "All righty~ Amiya, Doctor, Yu, have a good time as well!" Sora said before disappearing into the crowd

The Broadcaster began to speak once again

"It is now 11 o'clock! Everyone, did you have a fabulous morning? Let's first enjoy a cozy Siestan brunch as the merriment of the afternoon approaches us. Today, a special guest will be joining us. Let's welcome Mister Cronin, Assistant to the Mayor of Siesta and Catastrophe Messenger. Mister Cronin, why don't you tell us a bit more about Siesta and its volcano?" The Broadcaster said

"Welcome to Siesta City, my friends." Cronin welcomed "Due to the rare and perfect natural environment that we've been gifted, Siesta is committed to becoming the best tourist hotspot and bringing you an unforgettable summer getaway." Cronin said "On this subject, let's talk about the Siesta Volcano. Many tourists who are unfamiliar with volcanoes may have questions about this. Care to explain it to our listeners?" The Broadcaster said "Gladly. First, there's nothing to be worried about. Unlike what some people may think, the Siesta Volcano is our friend, not something filled with mysteries and dangers. I can guarantee this as a Catastrophe Messenger, so please rest assured. As you may already know, Siesta's development owes greatly to the Siesta Volcano. Some of you may remember the Catastrophe that almost hit Siesta a number of years back. But because of the volcano's protection, Siesta was totally unaffected" Cronin said "Speaking of which, Siesta has another special feature - obsidian. Obsidian is believed to have the ability to suppress Oripathy, so it has become increasingly popular in recent years." The Broadcaster said switching the conversation 

"That's right. The small number of Infected in Siesta is the best proof of that. You may have heard rumors or even scientific 'theories' from outside, but the reality within Siesta is the best evidence. Unfortunately, obsidian mining has been banned by the government in order to protect the volcano's habitat. Nevertheless, the trade of existing obsidian products is legal, so if you're interested in these products, please head over to the market." Cronin informed "During the festival, shopping guides as well as souvenir stalls will be scattered throughout the city, so feel free to take your pick!" The Broadcaster said "The volcano has brought Siesta a precious gift, and it is our wish to pass this gift onto all of you. We hope that you will all enjoy the festival." Cronin said "Thank you very much, Mister Cronin. We will see you later." The Broadcaster said before moving onto a different topic

"Obsidian can keep Oripathy at bay? I've never heard about that before. And that Catastrophe Messenger... the way he was dismissing science made me a bit uncomfortable.. " Amiya said "Tourist cities always have some way to make a quick buck." The Doctor said as Yu hummed in agreement "In remote places like this, many people still do not know about Originium or Catastrophes. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse." Amiya said "Of course ignorance is a curse!" Said a very explosive cat "Skyfire, Provence! Good morning!" Amiya greeted "Morning, Amiya. Doctor. Yu." Provence greeted back "What a coincidence to run into you guys here. Getting ready to hit the beach?" Provence asked "We're just looking around. What about you two?" Amiya asked "We're going to take a look around the base of the volcano." Skyfired said "The base of the volcano? Let me check the map." Amiya looked around the map for a few moments "There's no mark on it. Is there some special activity going on there?" Amiya asked finding no mark of it 

"No, no. Skyfire just suddenly felt like taking a field trip. And I'm a Catastrophe Messenger, as you know. Taking a quick survey of the land when I get to a new place has just become a habit of mine." Provence said "As a researcher, I'm curious about the ecosystem of the volcano. We rarely get the chance to get up close and personal with a volcano, after all." Skyfire said "That's some serious dedication, to be doing this during your vacation, Skyfire." Amiya complimented "Eheh. Of course. For me, that's what a vacation is." Skyfire said proudly "Just don't hurt yourself out there" Yu said "All right then, we have to get going. Bye!" Provence said as the two walked off "Then, we should get going as well.. The largest beach in Siesta is just ahead of us. Let's go!" Amiya said excitedly "One Mango Martini Smoothie please." A Customer said "Okay. Here you go, a Mango Martini Smoothie." Gummy said "Two double-scoops of Strawberry Tequila Ice Cream please." Another customer said "Here you are! Two double-scoops of Strawberry Tequila Ice Cream, coming right up! And, you get a free waffle!" Gummy said happily serving customers

"Gummy!" Amiya called out "Oh, Amiya! Yu! And the Doctor as well. Good to see you~" Gummy said "Gummy, how'd you end up running a stall here? There's an entire food court by the beach. The sponsor gave the chance for tourists to show off their cooking skills. Given an opportunity like this, I naturally had to promote some of Ursus's local favorites! However, there are way too many tourists here, and I'm getting a bit overwhelmed." Gummy said "Hey Miss, I'd like three cups of Fermented Bubble Tea with Pudding." A customer ordered "Coming right up! Oh right, Doctor, can I borrow Amiya for a bit?" Gummy asked "Huh?" Yu looked towards The Doctor and nodded "If Amiya is helping me out, I'll be just fine. After we're done here, I'll take her to watch the show on the beach at night!" Gummy said "Can't I also help out?" The Doctor suggested 

"I'm not buying it. Besides, Doctor, you're going to scare away all my customers, all wrapped up like a mummy. Amiya is way cuter than you." Gummy said as The Doctor looked down in sadness as Yu laughed at The Doctor "Th-that's not true... But, Doctor, I'll stay here and help Gummy." Amiya said "So, Amiya, let me teach you how to use this machine." Gummy said "Mhm." Amiya hummed "Ah, no, you gotta change your outfit first. Hurry, over here, let me get you into something a bit easier to move around in! Doctor, you make sure to enjoy yourself as well! Buh bye!" Gummy said "Maybe I really should change into something a bit more summery..." The Doctor said "Yeah I just noticed. Why are you wearing your cloak? You do know it's Summer right? Unless you plan on becoming an oven I suggest changing into something different. Here come with me for a moment" Yu said grabbing the Doctor's wrist and dragging The Doctor into the Clothes Store "W-Wait a moment!"

(I'm going to leave it here as the Gender reveal of the Doctor in this story will be unraveled in the next chapter but for now you guy's are just going to have to wait)- Zuno Majima
