The Shine of Emerald

(This is a continuation of Wandering Sun)

After Eliminating the mercenary threat I stared at the cave Kal'tsit entered to protect Elliot my decision whether to enter or not was purely based on how much I trusted the Feline, so I moved on wandering into the desert the only thing I knew was this will not be the last time we meet. She will call for me once again and like always I'll be there. 

Time has continued once again

The cold of winter had arrived to Ursus and here I am working as a butler for the wealthy with my arrow hidden within my vest, I was moving around serving guests some drinks while holding a conversation it was quite the experience,  after the nobleman I was talking with left I walked away but I was stopped my some girls of a nobleman my intention was to brush them off as quietly as possible, but women are... very persistent.

Noble women A: "You look dashing today, could I treat you to a drink?" She asked trying to flirt with Yu

Yu: "Sorry Mam but I have drank my fill, while I do appreciate your compliment I must be going" Yu said with a slight bow before walking off but she persisted but eventually Kal'tsit assisted me 

Kal'tsit: "Excuse me miss but Count Vincent has called for us." Kal'tsit said grabbing Yu by the arms and then once out of site of the woman they stood at the corridor noticing his collar was a mess  "I see you still have the looks of someone who is barely eight teen when your out of that cloak of yours" She said fixing his collar 

Yu: "Your one to talk, you look just as good in anything you wear" Yu retorted "And don't get me started with the maid dress" Yu said as Kal'tsit tightened his tie "Ok-Ok, I'll never bring it up!" he said struggling to breathe as Kal'tsit returned the tie to it's original position and dusting off his shoulders

Kal'tsit: "...Good now lets go" She said moving ahead and Yu followed 

once finally arriving Kal'tsit and Yu anounced themselves

Kal'tsit: "My apologies, Sir Vincent Yu was having lady troubles" Kal'tsit anounced as she looked at Yu

Yu: "Sorry sir, I was careless and got caught" Yu said

The Pink haired girl blushed at the sight of the man before her

Count Vincent: "Ah, Cleric Kal'tsit and Cleric Yu, you're finally here. Er Cleric Kal'tsit, your mode of dress..." he said

Kal'tsit: "I was deeply honored by your invitiation, but with sudden matters to attend to, the monastery could not prepare suitable evening attire for me. They found only this outfit buried in the storeroom. I hope you shan't mind." she said

Yu: "What do you think Sir?" Yu asked

Count Vincent: "Oh, quite naturally, I shan't. I'd go so far as to say your attire is utterly... utterly, formidably gallant." The Count said with satisfaction

The Count then noticed his Niece 

Count Vincent: "Heidi, you don't just stand there. Here, this is Cleric Kal'tsit and Cleric Yu. Give them a greeting, and then hurry inside quickly." The Count said 

Heidi then approached Yu

Yu: "Miss Heidi, it's nice to meet you." he said with a small smile

This caused Heidi's face to burn up

Heidi: "Ah-er-uh, th-um, I'm Heidi-" She said stuttering but Yu slightly chuckled

Yu: "Of course I know it already. An adorable name." Yu said

Heidi blushed a little more but eventually managed to compose herself and began talking to Kal'tsit

Heidi: "-So you're-Cleric Kal'tsit, is that right? I often hear my uncle mention you."

Kal'tsit: "Pleasure is mine." She said radiating the same charm as Yu

Heidi then began to blush 

Count Vincent: "Cleric Kal'tsit, Cleric Yu I imagine you know of Mr. Thomson too? Quite, this is Heidi Thomson before you, that strange fellows daughter."

Yu: "I see. Your father is a person of worthy respect." he said to Heidi

Count Vincent: "Right, then, do come in, you two." he said

Kal'tsit: "Thank you again for your generosity, Sir VIncent." she said thanking the Count

When Count Vincent let the two in they followed him until he finally started to introduce them

Count Vincent: "Allow me to introduce to you all three special guests of ours. Cleric Kal'tsit, Cleric Yu do come."

The two then walked up

Kal'tsit: "Good Evening, honorable guests. Allow me to give  my most sincere respects to you all" She said

Yu: "I couldn't have worded what she said any better, as she said it is nice to meet you honorable guests." he said

Merry Noblewoman: "What, now! By your appearance... my, you're a lady? Oh, what a mighty shame... but for the man Yu was it?" The Noblewoman said

Yu: "Sorry I am reserved at the moment" Yu lied as he naturally breathed

But then a Businessman appeared

Tipsy Businessman: "I think it's not much of a shame at all. Cleric Kal'tsit and Cleric Yu good evening." he said

but then another person spoke up

Pretentious Man: "Oh-oh-Cleric Kal'tsit and Cleric Yu, I believe I remember the Count speaking of you two. I hear you treated his wife, and so garnered his good favor?" he said

Kal'tsit: "With regards to the Counts wife, that was no light affair." she said 

Yu: "She's right, his wife was terribly sick we were just doing our part for the world" Yu said remembering that he cured her sickness with one of his abilities

Merry Noblewoman: "Do tell us where you're from. Laterano clerics who aren't Sankta are so rare. My let alone one so... charming as you." she got close to Yu as she was talking

Yu: 'Why does this happen everytime?' he questioned the situation he found himself in

Tipsy Businessman: "Beautiful miss, where do you come from? And where will you go?" He asked Kal'tsit

Yu then spoke up 

Yu remained silent hoping the situation would solve itself

Pretentious Man: "The count gives word that you and Yu are a pillar of talent. Do you have any inclination for philosophy or the arts? Any Unique insights, perhaps? he asked

Yu: "You flatter me. It was only chance I aided the Count's wife. I have the distinction of his recognition, that's all."

Pretentious man: "Oh-if you're familiar with the count, surely you know sir Thomson too, then?" he asked

Yu: "Of course. Sir Thomson is a rarity of a scholar in Toron. I often hear the Count talk of him." Yu said

Pretentious man: "Then things couldn't align better. Servant! Please fetch the wine I brought. I wish to have a proper Causerie with the Count and the Cleric!" He shouted

Everyone went on with there business as The Nobles talked to each other

Merry Noblewoman: "Now, aren't you a lazy one. Your estate would be doubled by now if not for that! she told the Tipsy Businessman

Tipsy Businessman: "Three Wineries still isn't enough?" he said

Tipsy Businessman: "Oh, right, you mentioned you had another guest I don't know if-" he was interrupted by Heidi had entered

Heidi: "Good evening, Misters and Misses." She said happily

Tipsy Businessman: "Heidi! What are you doing here!" he said

 Then the same Pretentious man from before commented

Pretentious man: Little Heidi, you're very prettily dressed today... that bastard Thomson. I fear for all my life, it's children alone where I'll never compare to him." He said

Count Vincent: "Now, now. Heidi isn't even drinking age. None of you hand her a wine glass. Servants, if you could pour her a cream soda. he ordered his servants

Heidi: "Don't always treat me like a child, Uncle Vincent." Heidi said annoyed that was when Yu felt the arrow 

Yu: 'I see another one fated for greatness... it must be Heidi.' he thought to himself 

Count Vincent: "But drinking laws are drinking laws. Your father especially warned me. After all, you're at that age..." he said not continuing on

Heidi then cutely pouted 

Yu who was still looking 

Yu: '...Is this what they call cute?' he asked himself

Count Vincent: "Alright, Alright. Strike the cream soda and replace it with ginger ale." he said

Heidi: "I don't need you to coddle me like this!" She yelled

Tipsy Businessman: "Ha ha, little Heidi's eager to grow up" The man laughed

Merry Noblewoman: "It's sad. No father wants to see his daughter grow up this quickly. I was like that at her age too. Only wanted to buy some jewelry, and my father gave me a tongue-lashing for it."

Heidi: "Even if you won't let me drink, at least, can I join the party? Let's see... I'll sit right here!" Heidi said

Yu: "It would be my honor, Miss Heidi. Allow me to hold your hat for you." Yu said

Heidi startled by Yu that seemingly appeared from no where

Heidi "Ah... no-no need, I'll be fine with it on..." Heidi said to Yu

Count Vincent: "Good, then. Heidi, don't forget that you came here tonight in secret. In a while, you be good and sleep for the night upstairs.

Heidi grunts angrily

Pretentious man: "You dress very much like your mother, girl." the man said

Merry Noblewoman: "But right now-" she was cut off

Heidi now angry she was being treated like a child walked up to Yu

Heidi: "Cleric Yu, do you still think I'm a child too?" She asked

Yu using his unaware that he used his charisma

Yu: "Why should it matter to you, there's no reason it should" Yu said

Yu: "Here Let me pour you a glass. Here's your ginger ale. He said

Heidi then blushed

Heidi: "Th...thank you..." she said to Yu

Count Vincent: "Is it to your liking?" He asked his niece

Heidi: "It's actually quite a nice drink." She said

Merry Noblewoman: "Oh, my, there is no alcohol in ginger ale, is there? Whats gotten your face so red?" The Noblewoman asked noticing the blush

Count Vincent: "The girl's wary of strangers. It's nothing new. Come, friends! Seeing as we're all present, let us officially begin!" Count Vincent said

Heidi: "...." Heidi stayed silent walking around

Pretentious man: "You're most correct! The height of Leithanien's arts capture all hearts alike, but those Leithanians are far too pompous about themselves! What affords them to look down upon us!"

Then the Noble woman began talking about Leithanians

Tipsy Business man: "Who would visit knowing the terror of the Witch king..." 

Yu: "Unlike the monarchs who ascended you, The Witch King became emperor at nearly fifty years of age. and then governed Leithanien for many more."

Pretentious man: "Undoubtedly, the Witch King is the greatest Caster in our lands. He turned himself into a freak of nature!" He said

Merry Noblewoman: "He's just like those horrible stories depicted him. His horns all bent into strange shapes, emitting this strange energy..."

 Tipsy Businessman: "Oh! I've never seen the Witch King shown on newspaper before-*belch*-Sorry there, this wine's just too fine. But I have seen photos of the Twin Empresses. come to think of it. One gleaming gold, one dark as night.

Heidi listened in on the conversation the adults were having

Yu: "Leithanie-" he was interrupted

Kal'tsit: "I'll take it from here" Kal'tsit said 

Yu: "always taking the spotlight away I see, well the stage is all yours." he said

Kal'tsit: "Leithanien is in flux. Presumably, the Witch King rarely leaves his tower. From start to finish he's gazed dispassionately at Leithanien, and even when he grants an audience, its as he casts a grand shadow atop his tower. Yet the last time he touched the ground, he was morphed beyond recognition. His horns cut off by the twin emperesses apiece, drew true sighs of lament."

Pretentious man: "The full picture of that coup d'etat is still unclear to us, but to my knowledge, even our most heroically adored Wanderer would never match the Witch King's true strength." 

Yu: 'only if you knew' he thought to himself

Kal'tsit: "This being why when the Emperesses' voice arrived at Victoria escorted by the knights, the Grand Dukes were all still willing to suspend their quarrels, and treat each other with respect." 

Pretentious man: "Pardon? It sounds as thought- you've been to Londinium before?" he asked

Kal'tsit: "I arrived from there. It was a local Sankta's enlightening me and Yu that has led us on this path."

Count Vincent: "Ha-ha Kal'tsit, Yu didn't I say? These are all wonderful friends of mine. See just how popular people are."  

Tipsy Businessman: "Truth is, I have a girl about the same age is you. She only knows how to splash my hard- earned money away all the damn day... How nice it'd be if she could learn from you."

The Merry Noblewoman walked up to Yu

Merry Noblewoman: "Getting to know you tonight has been truly wonderful time. Can I ask if you're still single, dear Yu?"

???: "Cleric Yu!" 

Count Vincent: "Oh, Heidi, don't cut in so randomly. You should be heading upstairs to turn in about now."

Yu: "If you would allow her to speak, Count. In this day and age, children are always much more mature than we tend to imagine." Yu said

Count Vincent: "hm"

Heidi: "Cleric Yu... have- can I ask if you've been to Ursus before?" she asked the wanderer

Before he could answer the Pretentious man answered

Pretentious Man: "Oh, that nation rife with rebellion and violence." he said

Yu: "As I was about to say, When I was studying abroad, I spent some time at Deity Grypherburg. Are you interested in Ursus?" Yu asked

Heidi: "Yes!, Papa once gave me a few books to read, by an Ursus author..." she told him

Pretentious Man: "Ursus only ever produces two kinds of arts: raucous sensationalism, or true eternal greats."

Merry Noblewoman: "If Thomson liked it, chances are it was the latter, wasn't it?" she said

 Pretentious Man: "Hmph. You lot do really trust him."

Heidi: "Papa really put him in high esteem. He even wanted to go to Deity Grypherburg himself to visit him, but business always meant he had to put it off, and this year with his old injuries flaring up again, he wasn't able to go."

Yu: "Your father was injured?"

Heidi: "That's right. He broke his knee, and then put off surgery for too long, so it's not fully treated.

Count Vincent: "I warned him. ah no idea what happened last year. He came scrabbling back with wounds all over, and all he'd say was he ran into a robber and dropped off a cliff. Wasn't interested in saying much else."

Kal'tsit then walked up to Heidi

Kal'tsit: "Do you want to go to Ursus? Miss Heidi?" Kal'tsit asked

Count Vincent: "Now that won't do! The death of the last emperor and the rebellions had a profound effect on the country. Should you want to study there, you'd do well to wait a few years first."

Heidi: "I'm just talking about it... What impressions do you both have of the country?"

Yu: "Here let me tell you a story about how Ursus's Sixth Army were annihilated, without a trace, by a bottle of Vodka."

Pretentious Man: "Well, this rumor doesn't sound plausible at all."

Kal'tsit: "When any event is boiled down to it's cause, it's conclusion tends to sound unexpected. We're all used to the process, aren't we?" she commented

 Pretentious Man: "That does make sense."

Yu: "It began with a ruffian from the Army 'collecting rent' in one of their garrison regions, and without realizing, he menaced a noble. That act fermented the whole way through. The Sixth Army then were always considered utterly corrupt, the old nobles' power rooted too deep, while the Fifth Army were unconditionally obedient to the Young Emperor and the brand new state Council. We have no way to know for sure who fired the first shot, but as for the outcome, The Fifth Army ultimately seized the chance to revolt, and in between two cities' paths, started a direct firefight with the Sixth Army.

Count Vincent: "The prologue to 'The Great Rebellion' comes in many editions. I've definitely heard a few things of Sixth Army's varied deeds."

Merry Noblewoman: "They fought just like that?" she asked

Yu: "If it was that simple it wouldn't have been dubbed 'The Great Rebellion'. Being a border guard outfit, The Fourth Army, with a domain of authority and influence decidedly not in the hinterlands, suddenly switched sides to support the State Council, and proactively declared no relationship to the traitors in the Sixth Army. After the execution of a few prepared scapegoats, the old nobility had only Sixth and Eighth Armies left in hand. Winter comes in the following year, the nobility backing the Eighth Army pulled that same trick, capitulating alike to the Emperor. And so the bitter fate of the Sixth Army who had staked it all on one throw, well we can imagine what happened. And the cause of all this-very simple, one we all know. Simply a drunk ruffian, taking the vodka bottle he had in hand to attack a young noble."

Count Vincent: "What a marvelous story, Cleric Yu, and might I even confirm, this tale is little removed from reality at all."

Kal'tsit: "Heidi, I would not tell you that 'this is how Ursus is.' Every civilization in this world deserves you seeing it for yourself. They should be appreciated, and have to be reflected upon." Kal'tsit said

Heidi didn't respond

Kal'tsit: "In that Ursus you admire, what have you seen? Perhaps the farms and public houses, perhaps the grand heroes, perhaps the highs and lows of life in Deity Grypherburg's opera house. But what I've seen is that Great Rebellions aftermath, an age on the verge of collapse.

Heidi: "Might Victoria have such an age of it own someday?

Kal'tsit: "I will not guarantee it weither way, Miss Heidi"

Count Vincent: "How could it! Here, you little child. Are you afraid now, because of Cleric Yu's smidgen story of Ursus? I've no intent to insult Ursus people, but the empire is unarguably a savage, unreasonable nation."

Heidi: "But right now, isn't Londinium just as-" she was cut off

Count Vincent: "-Don't even say it. Though it pains us all that it happened, did Victoria for even a moment?"

 Tipsy Businessman: "Alright, Alright, Count, seeing as the topic's come around, I think it's high time you told us about that trip to Londinium, yes? That's what we're most interested in."

The Adults then started asking many questions to Count Vincent

Count Vincent: "Tuckered out, Heidi?'

Heidi: "Hm? No... I'm still thinking about what Cleric Yu said. Could I talk with him alone for a bit?

Pretentious Man: "Oh, if we're to talk Londinium without Kal'tsit or Yu, it would certainly be much duller."

Kal'tsit: "You flatter us"

Count Vincent: "Now, no rush. I see the Baron of Rye is calling at me, so I'll need to chit-chat with him now. I assure you, I'll be back shortly to tell the full tale." said walking away

Yu: "Does this all bore you? Miss Heidi?" Yu asked

Heidi: "Huh? Ah... no, it doesn't, I'm alright." She paused for a mere moment before she spoke again "Fine...erm, it's just, I thought we'd talk more about poetry, or the wheat harvest, but it turns out not..."

Yu: "Sick of foreign politics?"

Heidi: "Um, ha ha..."

Yu: "I'll take that as a yes, I can say the same"

Kal'tsit: "It's what tonight's dinner party was meant for."

Heidi: "I see, you also consider it somewhat boring, don't you?" She asked the Kal'tsit before continuing "You two understand more than anyone and you can't stand all those people giggling gaggle around Uncle Vincent, correct?"

Kal'tsit: "You seem to have some misunderstanding about me..."

Heidi: "Ha ha, we only met tonight, didn't we? You're right, Cleric Kal'tsit."

Kal'tsit: "You can just call me Kal'tsit" She said

Yu: "You can stick with Yu" he said

Heidi: "Then, Yu, Kal'tsit... could you walk with me?"

He felt it a presence, something is approaching the Mansion

he quickly walks up to Kal'tsit

Yu: "I need to check the perimeter, stay with her." he whispered into her ear and backed away she nodded at him and he nodded back and walked off

Heidi: "Where's Yu heading?"

Kal'tsit: "He needed to use the restroom. Allow me to accompany you."

(Ok I'm tired I might not work on a new chapter tomorrow and thank you for reading once again next chapter will probably reveal a new stand.)

(Ok you can go away now or stare at Waifu)
