Chapter 9: The First Assignment

Lucas looked shocked and Hugo saw it. "Let's have dinner so we can talk to Alex about it later," he said. "Okay." Lucas said shortly. Alex came down. "Wow, what happened here?" Alex asked. She explained what had happened and meanwhile went to eat breakfast. "I'll get the entryway cleaned, but make sure you're all right." Alex said, looking concerned at Lucas and Caitlynn. Lucas and Caitlynn nodded briefly. Um, Lillix found a green envelope with "assignment 1" written on it. Any idea what that means?" Emma asked. "Yes, as I told you, you have different powers because of your pendants. Each of you will be given an assignment – ​​the color of the assignment will tell you who it is for – you must work together to complete that assignment. The color determines who it is intended for, but also whose powers will be of great importance. Lucas's in this case. The others may use their powers, but the one given the assignment must complete the assignment." Alex explained as everyone stared at him wide-mouthed. "Now that you know how it all works, I'm gone, but don't worry, I'll see you back sooner than you expect." Alex said."YOU CAN'T LEAVE NOW, YOU SERIOUSLY WANT TO LEAVE ME ALONE WITH THESE PEOPLE!?" cried lillix. Everyone looked at her. Emma noticed that by the front door were a few suitcases and a small package. Emma wondered what was inside. "I see everyone's finished eating, then I'll go and I wish you the best of luck!" Alex said as he got up and walked to the door. Everyone just sat still. "Lucas, since it's your assignment, would you open the envelope please," Alana asked. "Lucas got up and sat down in Alex's place because the envelope was still there. He opened the envelope and took out a small piece of paper and began to read aloud.Seven souls chosen

The first hero newborn

Protect your friends well and good

Don't hesitate think quickly

In the dark in the well

Where anger awaits

Defeat evil and save the day

Throw the white flag

You will get answers

But new dangers will also threaten

"Anybody any ideas?" Lucas finally asked. In the dark in the well Emma repeated in her head. "No," she confessed. "Let's freshen up first and maybe explore the house and look for clues." Louis suggested. "Good idea." Alana said. Emma and Alana got up and went to their room. When they entered, there was a box on everyone's bed. "Oh no, more surprises." Alana said, irritated.
