Chapter 6: An Unexpected Explanation

"Come in, mi casa es su casa!" Alex called to which Lillix said, "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? WE ALL DESERVE A VERY BIG EXPLANATION AND RIGHT NOW!!!' she cried as if her life depended on it. They looked around the house, it was big and old, but still a bit modern. "I know it's all a bit overwhelming, Lillix, but try to keep calm." Alex said calmly and a little irritated. "How do you know my name?" Lillix asked cautiously. "Well, I sent you a letter, didn't I?" Alex said just as he was talking to a child. Alex seemed young, but you could tell from his voice that he's been through a lot. He wore a pendant but not like ours, it was one of those pendants where you could put a picture in. Alex showed them their rooms and said he was going to explain everything over dinner. 

Emma and Alana were in the same room and Alana didn't look very happy. Emma went to comfort her and said everything would be fine. "I'm worried, I have a really bad feeling about this." Alana said scared. "Me too, but at least we're all together," Emma said. Alana didn't seem reassured, but she saw that her friend wasn't too happy either. "Let's go eat, I'm starving like a horse!" Alana said. Emma laughed for a moment. "Before we leave, what's going on between you and Hugo?" Alana asked curiously. Emma blushed and asked, "What do you mean?" "Come on I see the way you look at each other, your eyes don't lie." Alana said. "Can we have dinner?" Emma asked with a secret smile. "Yeah, yeah, you're lucky I'm hungry." Alana said. The two friends laughed and went downstairs.

 Hugo and Louis were already there waiting. They seemed to get along better already. "There they are at last!" Louis said exactly as if he had been waiting for a year. The girls had changed into a simple dress and the boys looked very formal too. Hugo stood there speechless when suddenly Louis punched him and whispered, "Dude, say something!" Louis dragged Alana along so Emma and Hugo could be alone for a while. "You look beautiful!" Hugo said, blushing a little. 'Thank you! You don't look bad either." Emma said. "I always look good!" Hugo said sarcastically. They both laughed. 

Suddenly Hugo made a very serious face."I had something to say to you..." he said. Emma saw that he was suddenly uncomfortable and sad. "Hugo, what is it?" 'I...'. Out of nowhere Lucas burst in. There you are everyone is waiting for you! Uhm did I screw something up?" he asked uncomfortably. Alana came in angry and pulled him away. Emma and Hugo were speechless. "Um... shall we?" Emma and Hugo talked all the time. "They were made for each other!" Alana said in a squeaky voice. "Let's have dinner." Louis said. The five friends arrived at the dining room, and Lillix and Caitlynn were already there. During dinner, Lillix began to speak loudly again. "Okay, now that explanation please!" said Lillix.
