Chapter 8: Now What?

Wow, the seven friends sat there speechless. Everyone had already finished eating. "You can go to your rooms if you like." Alex announced. Everyone got up and went to their rooms. Alana sat there speechless. Suddenly she managed to get something out of her mouth. "Why us?" Alana asked confused. "What do you mean?" Emma asked. "Well, there are so many people in the world and yet Alex chose us?" Alana asked. "I...don't know." Emma confessed. 

There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Alana shouted. Caitlynn appeared in the doorway. "Can I stay here for a while? I'm not really into Lillix's grumbling and whining," she said. "Yeah, sure!" Alana said, less concerned. "Are you a little worried too?" Caitlynn asked. "Yes." Alana and Emma said in unison. "What do we do now?" Alana asked. "We'll talk about it with the boys tomorrow, but for now we need to rest." Emma said. "Good Idea." Alana said. "I think our queen has already fallen asleep so I'll see you tomorrow. Good night!" Caitlynn said as she left. 

The next day, Emma was woken up by Alana. "Emma wake up now and come down quickly!" she shouted so loudly that the whole house probably heard her. Emma woke up and nearly fell to the ground. "Is everything okay?" she asked concerned. "Just come!" Alana said. Alana went downstairs while Emma quickly changed. She still looked tired from Alana waking her up like that. In the hallway she ran into Hugo, he looked just as tired as her. "Let me guess, Alana?" Hugo guessed. "Louis?" Emma asked. "Right, I don't think we'll be able to sleep much with those two." Hugo joked. They laughed at his joke.

 "Unfortunately, I think you're right." Emma said. When they got down they couldn't believe what they saw. Lucas stood in the center with a green shield around him and Caitlynn, next to them was a hanging lamp.Lucas had used his power of protection to protect himself and Caitlynn from when the hanging lamp fell. Emma and Hugo looked at each other. Lucas has figured out how to use his powers. "Dude, how did you do that?" Hugo asked.

 'I do not know. I was going to the dining room with Caitlynn when suddenly that hanging lamp fell and I could suddenly create a shield." Lucas explained. "Has anyone seen Lillix?" Caitlynn asked. "Wait Lillix wasn't in her room?" Emma asked in surprise. Caitlynn shook her head. Suddenly Lillix came running up with a green envelope.

 "Wow, what happened here?" Lillix asked. She explained everything. Lillix asked Lucas if they were okay. Everyone thought it was weird that she was being so sweet. "What? Why are you looking "Lillix asked. "We're just not really used to you being so sweet." Emma said honestly. Lillix rolled her eyes. "I went for a jog and found this green envelope it says assignment 1 and because it's green I assume it's for Lucas.'
