Chapter 1: That's How It Always Starts

Have you ever thought that after a certain event your life changes forever? That was Emma's exact thought, but she didn't know if she would make it out alive.Ok, let's rewind to a few weeks ago. Emma was quietly doing homework when she suddenly got a text. She picked up her cell phone and saw that it was a text from Louis. She also received a message from Alana. Alana and Louis are Emma's best friends. Louis and Alana had sent the same. They asked when they were finally going to the fair. Every year there is a fun fair in their city. Emma said they could go in the afternoon. When it was afternoon she cycled to Alana's house. From there the two girls cycled to Louis' house. When they arrived at the fair, they saw some of their classmates, Caitlyn, Hugo and Lucas. They went to them and spoke to them. "Hey!" said Louis. Hugo turned and said hello. Hugo and Louis were very good friends, but since last year they don't talk to each other anymore. Nobody knows why. They were all good friends, or so they thought... They decided to spend the rest of the afternoon together. Suddenly they saw someone in the distance that left them all with a knot in their stomachs. They saw Lillix the most hateful girl ever. If there's anyone she hasn't offended or hurt yet, I want to see who that is. Lillix came up to them and said hello. She stopped to look at Louis for a moment. Everyone knew that Lillix liked Louis and everyone knew that Louis didn't like Lillix. Lillix looked at Emma and said, "I'm going with you, if that's okay." "Yes, that's bad!" Emma thought. When they went home Alana cycled with her. "Why did Lillix suddenly come to us?" Alana asked confused. "Probably because of Louis". said Emma. "Yeah, you're probably right, well I' She looked confused at the envelope. She asked her mom what it was, and her mom said it was in the mailbox today. What Emma thought was odd was that the envelope only had its name on it. She had no idea who sent it. She opened the envelope and read aloud: She looked confused at the envelope. She asked her mom what it was, and her mom said it was in the mailbox today. What Emma thought was odd was that the envelope only had its name on it. She had no idea who sent it. She opened the envelope and read aloud:"Midnight, secret, fair, wear the pendant"As she rummaged through the envelope, she found a red pendant. She knew this couldn't mean any good...
