Chapter 7, Unbelievable


"EEEEEEEEK!" I squeal, running up to my BFF Abby the next day.

"Oh my god what is it!?" she asked.

"Grayson asked me to homecoming!" I squealed again, unable to control my excitement.

"OMG... No freaking way, are you serious?"

"Yeah! He wrote me a love letter and then he said that we were going to homecoming together during lunch and oh... it was just so romantic!" I said with a dreamy voice.

"I'm so happy for you!" she smiles, giving me a hug. That's another thing about Abby, she always gives the best hugs. No matter what happens, you know she'll always be there for you through the good and bad. 

"So, what happens now?" she asked.

"Well, he said I could come over to his house after school today so of course... I'm TOTALLY going."

"That's awesome Lily! Well... we better get to our seats before the bell rings," she reminded me as I happily took my spot next to Grayson for the first hour.

"Hey," he said, smiling his super cute grin that makes my heart melt.

"Hey," I respond, feeling the blood rush to my face. I look over for Jack's usual wave, but as I met his gaze he just frowned and looked away. 

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." I mumbled. Well, I sure wasn't going to let Jack's bad mood ruin my amazing day. Nothing was going to wipe this grin off my face. 


Today was torture. Absolute, utter torture. I couldn't even look at her without feeling this little ache in my chest. And she looked so beautiful today too... just like she does every day. A piece of her brown hair kept falling in front of her face, covering one of her dark blue eyes from my view. It took all my effort not to get out of my seat and tuck that lovely lock back behind her ear. Before, I thought it was crazy how some people never admitted their feelings because they were afraid of getting hurt. But now I understand... I completely understand where they're coming from. Because... rejection? It hurts guys, it really hurts. Now I'm just in my room, going over all the times Lily had come to my house, and every wonderful, playful conversation we'd had. 

I plop onto my bed, hearing my phone buzz on the dresser next to me. It's a text from Lily.

Lily: Hey Jack! I'm so sorry, but I won't be able to come over to work on our project today because I'm going over to my friend Grayson's house. ;) So sorry! Maybe we could re-schedule?

I almost chucked my phone across the room. Honestly? I shouldn't even care anymore, but I did. I couldn't help it, and it was driving me insane. I forced myself to text her back.

Jack: sure, whatevs

I picked a random song from my favorite playlist and let the music down out my thoughts. I closed my eyes, letting the song describe everything I was feeling. I buried my face in the pillow, mumbling the lyrics to the song. All day I had kept my sadness closed up, prevented any tears from reaching the surface. But now that I was alone? I just let my tears flow... for how long? I honestly couldn't tell you. 
