Chapter 25, Love... Square?


As I lay awake in bed, I decided to text Grayson, to see how he was feeling and everything.

Lily: Hey, how are you feeling?

Grayson: Really good actually.

Lily: Really? How so?

Grayson: I may have... met someone.

Lily: Oh my god, are you saying what I think you're saying.

Grayson: Not sure what you think I'm saying but... yeah. :)

Oh my god... Had Grayson finally found someone? Eek! This is so exciting!!!

Lily: What's he like?

Grayson: Can't really describe him... he's just amazing though, really good at art.

I fell back into my pillow, a smile spreading across my face. Now things didn't have to be awkward between us! Who knew he would find his love after he was put into a body cast? Eh, I guess they always say when one door closes... another one opens.

Lily: Oh Grayson that's great! 

Grayson: Mhmm

Lily: Are you happy that the love triangle has been broken?

Grayson: Well... even though triangles are the strongest 2-D structures... yes, I am extremely happy that our triangle has developed into a square. Even if it might not be as solid of a structure. ;)

Lily: You're such a nerd.

Grayson: Really? I hadn't noticed.

I could almost hear him chuckling behind his phone. If I were to rank Jack, Grayson and I from nerdiest to least nerdy, he'd definitely be at the top. Which of course, isn't a problem considering I'm a nerd myself but... his nerdy juices almost seep through his clothes. I texted him back one last time before falling asleep.

Lily: Haha... goodnight.

Grayson: Night.

As I drifted off to sleep, a dream started to form.

I was dancing with Jack at some party, and we had the stage. Viewers around us stood in awe as we glided and twirled like birds in the wind. My blue dress swished around his tux, causing this beautiful bluish black blur. Soon other couples started to join us, but they weren't nearly as confident as we were.

"I love you," Jack whispered in my ear.

"You've told me that before," I giggled into his chest.

"I have?" he teased. 

"Mhmm... but I don't mind being reminded."

He kissed me as the dream faded away. I tried to grasp every second of it, but it was already falling out of my memory. In a few minutes, I would probably have no clue what I was dreaming about. But it didn't matter, because maybe things like that would happen soon anyway. And... in real life this time, not just a dream. 
