Chapter 15, I'll Follow You Anywhere


I generally liked school, but today was absolute torture. I couldn't stop thinking about Jack. My mind kept finding his face, all I could think of was Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack. When we had to write story problems in math, the only name I could think of to use as an example was Jack. When Abby asked what my favorite toy was as a kid, I responded with Jack in the box. She laughed at me and I was so embarrassed... why couldn't I keep my mind off him? If you told me a month ago that we'd be together, I would've laughed in your face. But now it was as if everything was falling into place. I now realized everything about Grayson to show he was gay. The way he stared at the football players on the field... I should have known. 

It's strange how once you find out someone has feelings about you, you start to feel this sudden gravitational pull towards them. No matter where they are, you feel the need to be with them. Many boys I know are stuck-up and rude, but I know Jack is different. I already can feel his emotions, comfort him... even when we've only been together for a short period of time. My gaze flickered to his, staring at me across the room. We both smiled at each other as if sharing a private thought. I don't think anyone knew about us being together yet, but I'm sure they'll find out soon. 

I continued to watch him as he shook his phone under the table when the teacher wasn't looking. He must be trying to send me a message. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, realizing there was a text from him.

Jack: did u ride ur bike 2 school today?

Hmm, that was an odd question... I wonder what he had in mind. I looked up to see if the teacher was watching and quickly responded.

Lily: Yeah, why do you ask?

He responded quickly, and I was glad I had turned my phone to silent.

Jack: was wondering if u wanted 2 do something with me tonight?

I almost jumped out of my chair in excitement. Would I like to do something with him tonight? Was that even a question? I replied as fast as I could, and just in time because only milliseconds after I put my phone in my pocket, the teacher scanned the room to make sure everyone was doing their work. 

Lily: Of course :)

Is what I had replied. 



As I waited in front of the school with my bike, I couldn't help being curious as to what Jack had in mind. Why did I need my bike? Was this something secret we couldn't tell our parents? Or was it just a quick ride to his house? Whatever it was, I was overly excited.

"Hey you," Jack said as he slid next to me with his bike.

"Hey," I smiled weakly, unable to control the blood rising to my cheeks.

"Wanna go for a ride?" he asked, a smirk on his face.

"Sure, but where are we going?"

"You'll see," he smirked again, making me want to playfully punch his arm or kiss that little smirk off his face. He was so adorable... and wow I'm such a dork. 

I panted as I peddled to catch up with him. Darn, he was so fast! 

"C'mon slowpoke!" he hollered over his shoulder in a teasing way. I grunted in annoyance.

"I'm trying to... catch up!" I panted.

"Want some fries with that?" he asked.


"Want some fries with your ketchup?" he elaborated his joke, making me roll my eyes.

"Haha... very funny," I mumbled. Why did he always know exactly what to say? Earlier I thought Grayson always knew what to say, but Jack was even better at this game. Finally, we arrived at our destination. Or at least... I thought we had. I looked around the landscape, completely in awe. We were on a mountaintop, sort of like a plateau but stunningly beautiful. On the ledge, there was a bench overlooking the mountains, with just enough space for two people to sit comfortably. In another corner, there was a group of swings, and in another a gigantic shady tree. 

"Do you like it?" he whispered softly to me.

"Like it? I love it..." I gushed, overflowing with joy. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me over to the wooden bench.

"It truly is spectacular, isn't it?" he smiled.

"It is... how did you ever find it?" 

"It's not really that hard to find, to be honest," he shrugged. 

"Well, I'm glad you brought me here, from now on... I'll follow you anywhere," I whispered. You could see his mood lighten up as we sat down on the bench together and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I know this may seem a little fast... but I couldn't wait to hold you any longer," he whispered in my ear.

I shuddered with joy. So this is what it felt like to be loved...

"I'm quite alright with that," I whispered back, squeezing our interlocked hands.

"Would you like to play a game?" I asked.

"Sure, like what?"

"Well, I was thinking we'd play the question game, where we both ask three questions, going back and forth... and the other has to answer truthfully," I explained.

"Alright then... and what if the person doesn't want to answer the question?" he asked.

"They have no choice, they must answer... so, would you like to ask one first?" I said in a slightly spooky tone,

"Haha, sure..." he laughed. He squeezed my hand again, telling me his question. "So... why did you and Grayson break up?" he asked softly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Why do you want to know?" 

"I want to know what not to do, so I won't ever lose you," he said quietly.

My heart filled with love for his kind heart. Could there be anyone else in the world for me? In some ways, I didn't want to answer his question, feeling like Grayson's secret was his to tell, not mine. But there was no way out of this, I told him we'd have to answer truthfully.

"Turns out..." I took a deep breath, "Grayson is gay," I said. 

I could tell he was a bit shocked at first, but he shook it off easily.

"Aww Lily, I'm so sorry he did that to you," he spoke softly, tightening his hold on me.

"It's alright, it all turned out great in the end... because I realized I was meant for you," I said.

We touched foreheads, and our eyes connected in a strange way, I didn't know they could.

"Your turn," he whispered on my cheek.

"When did... when did you realize you liked me?" I asked.

He chuckled a bit, "I was surprised you didn't see it sooner, actually... I started liking you only a few weeks after we were assigned the project together. Your hair, your smile, your laugh, it was all too much to resist," he said, leaning back into the bench. 

"You sure do know how to make a girl feel special," I giggled. "It's your turn now," I reminded him.

"Oh... right, okay..." he paused for dramatic effect. "Can I kiss you?" he whispered, his lips fluttering softly by my cheek.

"Did you even have to ask?" I breathed, letting him lean in close to me. I closed my eyes, preparing for another rollercoaster.

But just then... my phone buzzes. Gosh darn it, why did it have to ruin the moment? I was regretting not keeping it on silent. Jack pulled away, obviously embarrassed about what just happened. I grunted in annoyance, looking at the text.

Grayson: Lily, I'm so so so so so sorry. But why won't you just forgive me? You've been avoiding me all day and I need to talk to you, now. If you don't come talk to me soon, I'm throwing myself off a cliff. I'm having a really hard time right now and really need a friend to talk to. Please, Lily... be my friend. I'll be waiting here at my house, please come soon. 

After reading the text, I slammed my head against the back of the bench. I gave Jack an apologetic look, hoping he'd know I was sorry for ruining our moment. I'd have to make it up to him soon. But for now, I had other things to worry about. What had happened to Grayson? Why did he need me so badly? With one last look at Jack, I ran to where our bikes were, hoping on mine. I rode off as fast as I could... away from my dream, and into my nightmare. 
