Authors Note!!!


Oh my goodness you guys! I can't believe I finished the story!! A very very very special thanks to all my friends at school who've encouraged me to continue writing... this would never have happened without you guys! Love you! 

Everyone don't freak out, there is going to be a sequel since I know this was a pretty short book... I'm basically planning on making three short books to have a little mini-series. And yes, I'm still editing this book because I admit... some parts are WAY too rushed and some parts may be a little drawn out. 

This is the longest book I've ever written and actually finished! So while it's short when it comes to books, it's pretty long for me. :D Thank you thank you thank you all for reading this, commenting and voting! Even contacting me and sending me a message! Every time I get a notification, I jump up and get super happy. I love love love hearing from you guys, and am open to any suggestions or questions about this book! 

I really hope you enjoyed reading this! I know I had a lot of fun writing it! I'm hoping the next book will be a bit better... but I don't know, you guys will have to tell me which one you like more once I'm finished with it. :D 

What do you guys think will happen in future books? What do you want to happen in future books? Are there any characters you wish to know more about? Anything you think this series is lacking? Let me know! I'd love to improve and make this story better for you guys to enjoy. :) Thanks again! I couldn't have done it without you guys! <3 

Alright, I've started on the sequel! Here's a link to it, or you can find it on my page! 
