Chapter VI

It had been almost three days since Karrah had seen Michael at the pub. Almost three days since they'd shared that unbelievably wonderful kiss. Almost three days since Michael called it a mistake and left Karrah alone in the pub. He doesn't want me, she thought as the memory surfaced.

Michael curtly pulled away from Karrah. His hand flew to his lips, touching them is if he could not comprehend what they had just been doing. Karrah, confused, waited for him to say something. She reached out to touch his shoulder when he backed away. Her heart swelled with pain and she could feel the tears welling in her eyes.

"W-What did I do?" Michael asked in disbelief.

"Michael-"Karrah tried to say but he shook his head.

"This is wrong...I kissed you! You! A child...!"

In a frantic state, he gripped his hair and made for the exit. Karrah grabbed onto his wrist trying to pull him back. She couldn't let him go. Not after what had just happened. Not after what they had just shared. She pleaded for him not to leave her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he swatted her away.

"NO!" he had screamed "This is wrong! I made a mistake! I shouldn't have kissed you!"

At those words, Karrah let Michael slip through her fingers. Her arm remained outstretched even after Michael had exited the pub, overhead bell still jingling.

Devastated couldn't even begin to describe how she truly felt. Yes, they had barely known each other, but that one kiss made Karrah feel like Michael had been in her life for ever. She wanted so badly to forget that kiss; to forget just how magical it had been because as soon as she did that, she could forget him. She would forget just how much it had hurt to see him walk away from her. He doesn't want me, she told herself, and I don't want him.

As Karrah prepared to head out for work, she watched the rain pelt her bedroom window. She'd always loved the rain, the way it smelt and the way it felt on her skin. Karrah grabbed her red umbrella deciding she'd rather walk to work. Before exiting her flat, Karrah glanced back at the leather jacket that sat on her couch. She bit her lip and shut the door roughly behind her.

The walkways were fairly empty as Karrah walked to work. She brought her hand out from under the red umbrella, the rain pelting at her palm. The drops felt cool against her skin and for a brief moment, she smiled, a bit of happiness sneaking its way into her.

As she turned the last corner, the store front of the pub came into view and with it, a man bursting through the door. He stood in the rain, his shoulders moving up and down as he breathed heavily. Karrah watched as he fisted his hair looking upset about something. He moved to kick the tyre of a land rover. As Karrah got closer to the pub, she froze when she recognised who the frustrated man was.

"Michael...?" Her voice came out weak but just loud enough for him to hear her.

Michael's head shot up to find Karrah staring wide eyed at him from under a red umbrella. His shoulders dropped in relief upon seeing her face. It had been almost three days since he'd seen her. Three days since he'd left her crying in the pub, since he'd made the biggest mistake in his life. He wanted so badly to have her in his arms; to feel her lips on his.

"Karrah!" he called out, making his way towards her. Karrah backed away ready to make a mad dash back home when he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. "Karrah, please...! I'm sorry!" He yelled over the rain.

Karrah yanked her wrist from his hold, a sudden anger rushing over her. "Sorry for what Michael; for leading me on? Are you sorry for making the mistake of kissing me?"

"I did make a mistake, Karrah! I made the mistake of calling what we shared a mistake! I was wrong to leave you alone, I know that now!"

Karrah looked away, not being able to look into his sad eyes. "Well you're too late. I don't want you anymore!"

"I know you don't mean that! I know you don't mean that Karrah!"

"Michael-" her voice carcked

"Look at me and say you don't want me! Tell me you don't still feel how magical that kiss felt! Tell me I mean nothing to you."

Tears slipped down her cheeks. She couldn't tell him any of those things. She wanted him. She wanted him so badly. With teary eyes she looked up at the drenched, ginger haired man. "I can't!"

"Then take me back! Give me a chance to make this right!" Karrah said nothing "Please Karrah!"

The handle of the umbrella fell from Karrah's hold, her hand entangling itself in his sodden hair. Pulling him towards her, their lips met. Michael's arms instinctively wrapped round Karrah's waist, bringing their wet bodies even closer. It felt so right to have her lips on his. He never wanted the electricity coursing through him to fade.

Karrah moved her lips in sync with his, his ginger beard rubbing gently against her skin. She never wanted this moment to end. She didn't care that they were in the middle of the street or that the rain poured down on them. She loved and cherished every second that she was in his arms.
