Chapter III


The weather had taken a turn for the better, at least better by Karrah's standards. She'd always loved the rain. Karrah always wished she could bottle the smell of rain into a perfume bottle so she could wear it every day. Alas there was no rain scented perfume, well, none that she knew of. Karrah found an empty table in one of the campus café's and secured it for her and her friends. Soon enough a group consisting of two boys and a girl approached Karrah. She gave a small smile as they sat down at the table. 

"Hey you guys" Karrah greeted

"Hey Karrah!" they answered in a chorus.

Karrah only ever had three friends; Shawn, Aria and Gavin. They'd all known each other since primary school and were determined to stay friends for ever. Aria and Shawn were the wild cards of the group. They'd always been the most outgoing and spontaneous of the four and as a result they got along better. Gavin and Karrah were more on the quiet side especially when around people they didn't know too well. They only ever let the, for lack of a better term, crazy out of them when Aria and Shawn were around. They got along with each other better as well but the four of them were as thick as thieves.

Gavin took to striping himself of his wet jacket as did Shawn. Aria had thought to carry an umbrella with her before she left her dorm so she was as dry as she could be. Karrah threw up the hoodie of Michael's jacket, hugging herself to keep warm as wind rushed in through the café doors. Karrah had already ordered their food knowing exactly what her best friends would like.

"Who's that for?" Shawn questioned

Karrah cocked a brow "What?"

"The jacket you dummy." Gavin chimed in "It's obviously too big for who's the guy?"

Karrah's eyes widened as she briefly choked on the water she'd been sipping. Karrah hadn't told her friends about Michael, she saw no reason to. She never thought she'd ever see the man again so what would have been the point of bringing him up? But she had seen him again. She offered him coffee cake and he'd given her a lift and he'd lent her his jacket. He was at least worth mentioning now.

"There is no guy-I mean there is a guy but not the type of guy you're thinking of. We're just friends; acquaintances actually, I barely know him."

"So where did you meet this acquaintance that you barely know?" Aria asked with a prominent smirk. A waiter came by and placed their food on the table. "Thank you."

"I met him at work, we talked, that's all-"

"So why'd he give you his jacket?" Gavin smirked as well.

"I over slept and missed the bus and this stupid pigeon pooed on my shoulder. He just happened to be driving by and gave me a lift here-"

"You still haven't told us why he gave you the jacket." Shawn popped a hash brown into his mouth,

"Let me finish you idiot! As I was saying...he gave me a lift here and offered me his jacket to hide the poo. I'll give it back tomorrow night."

"So do you like him?" they asked in unison

Karrah groaned with a roll of her eyes "Seriously dudes he's like thirty-six or something."

"Ew..." Aria cringed "So he's like a paedophile?"

For some reason unknown to Karrah, Aria's choice of words offended her. Aria had no right to make such accusations when she hadn't even met Michael. She hadn't the slightest clue what he was like! Not that she knew him all that well but Aria shouldn't've been so quick to judge. Karrah fisted her hand, glaring at her friend.

"Michael isn't anything like that, Aria! And that was very one-dimensional of you to make such a haste judgment about someone you haven't even met! And what are you trying to say about me; that I would spend time with someone as disgusting as a paedophile?"

Aria opened her mouth to respond when Shawn put a hand over her mouth. He gave her a stern look and shook his head. Aria rolled her eyes, folded her arms over her chest and stayed quiet.

"Calm down, Karrah." Shawn cooed "You know Aria doesn't think before she opens her mouth sometimes. I'm sure this Michael guy isn't that bad if he was kind enough to help you like he did."

Karrah leaned back in her chair and began to poke at her food. Sigh "Can we just change the subject? I'm kind of over it."

Shawn nodded and went on to start a debate on who was the better Batman villain between Joker and Bane. Karrah kept out of the conversation and chose to dwell on the question her friends had earlier asked. Did she like Michael? Well of course she did; she loved talking to him, he was good company. But did she like him more than she thought she did?
