Chapter VIII


"Aria, wait!" Karrah called as she broke into a small jog to catch up to her friend.

Aria turned to see who it was calling her name surprised to see that it was Karrah. What could she possibly want? Karrah had made it terribly clear that Aria's presence bothered her these days. She stopped and waited for Karrah to reach her, bottom lip held between her teeth. Once Karrah finally stood in front of Aria she bent over to catch her breath. Aria couldn't help but crack a small smile at her friend. She was never known for her athletic prowess.

"Are you alright?" Aria chuckled

"I'm" Karrah stood up straight "Fine. I need to speak with you."

"Alright. I'm just glad you're even looking at me right now."

"That's what I need to talk to you about. I'm so sorry for the way I've been treating you lately. I know you didn't really mean that comment you made about Michael and I know I over reacted. Forgive me best friend?"

Aria smiled and pulled Karrah into a tight embrace.

"Of course I forgive you! I should be the one asking for your forgiveness." She pulled away "I was such an idiot for saying that. I don't know what came over me."

"You are one hell of an idiot." Karrah laughed as Aria nudged her shoulder "But you're my little idiot."

"Oh shut it! But since we're talking again, you wanna hang out tonight?"

Karrah winced and let out a sigh. "I can't tonight Ari...I have a date with Michael."

Aria's smile dropped as she adjusted the strap of her backpack

"But I can cancel-"

Aria laughed "Don't be silly! I'm only frowning because I just imagined the outfit you might pick out and it made me cringe."

Karrah slapped her shoulder "Aria!"

"Karrah you have great taste when it comes to casual dress but if he's taking you out somewhere classy, I'm afraid you're going to need my help."

"Shut up and let's go!"

And with that Karrah took hold of Aria's hand and dragged her to the bus stop. She was happy they were talking again and even more so that Aria offered to help with something involving Michael. Maybe she'd introduce them one day. She'd introduce everyone that she cared about to him. As silly as it may sound, Karrah had a feeling that he was the one.

~ ~

Michael leaned against his Range Rover as he waited outside Karrah's building. This would be the first time he'd be taking her out and he was a tad nervous. He constantly peered down at his wrist watch to make sure they hadn't missed their reservation. There was still plenty of time but he couldn't stop himself from worrying. He wanted this night to be perfect. And that's the part he just couldn't wrap his head around. Why did he care so much for this girl that he barely knew? He'd been in plenty of relationships before but never had he felt the need to be perfect in any of them. But Karrah, this young, beautiful girl who could probably have any man she wanted, she made him want to be perfect.

A light buzz in Michael's pocket yanked him out of his thoughts. He pulled out his phone and looked down at the name flashing on the screen. He clenched his jaw, irritated at the fact that he was getting a call from this particular person now of all times.

"What do you want, Joey?" He spoke through clenched teeth.

"You don't sound too happy to be hearing from your old friend Joey." Joey chuckled on the other end of the call.

"That's the thing Joey; we aren't friends. Now what do you want?"

"Your words touch me deeply, Michael. But I'll get right to it. A new shipment just came in and seeing as you're one of my most loyal customers, I thought I'd let you know. Maybe I could drop by and I could-"

"No! Not tonight. I have plans..."

Joey laughed "She must be important if you're cancelling on me."

"How did you-"

"We've been doing business for years Michael and not once have you ever refused to meet with me if I had something for you...she must be a keeper."

Just then, Michael spotted Karrah walking towards him.

"We'll talk tomorrow. I have to go."

Quickly Michael cut the call and shoved his phone back in his pocket. He pushed himself forward and took hold of Karrah's hand.

"You look stunning." He gave a lazy smirk "Much too beautiful to be seen with someone like me."

Karrah donned a tight, black, long sleeved dress that stopped mid-thigh; her dark hair just grazing her shoulders. It was simple but absolutely breath-taking in Michael's eyes.

"Thank you." She blushed "I had some help."

"Shall we?"

~ ~

"This place is beautiful, Michael." Karrah glanced down at the menu in her hand. "It's quite expensive. You don't have to spend this kind of money on me."

"Don't worry. Not to brag but you are talking to the man who drives a Range Rover." He smirked

"Show off!"

As Karrah looked around the fine establishment, she couldn't help but notice two older women seated a few tables away whispering to each other while giving her irritated looks. At another table sat an elderly couple who also gave her disdainful looks.

"Look at her she's way too young for him." Someone whispered

"She must be a gold-digger." Said another

"It's disappointing to see such a young girl throw her life away."

Karrah was beginning to feel uncomfortable; all these people staring at her. What right did they have to judge her?

"I think we should leave..."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I-I don't feel comfortable eating here anymore."

Michael slowly took hold of Karrah's hand, squeezing it tight. He looked her in the eyes, face soft but serious.

"Look at me. You have no reason to feel uncomfortable. Don't pay any mind to these assholes. What's important is that we're here together to spend time with each other. I'm yours and you're mine... Nothing anybody says will change that."

Sorry for the wait guys. I apologize if the chapter is crapy but I had to get back into the swing of things. Things have been a bit up and down in my life of late. I would have updated this passed Saturday but I was kinda depressed. I had to say goodbye to my best friend who's gone to study in China. I miss him terribly already but you don't want to hear any of that. But If you haven't already noticed TOG has a new cover that I love very much. I would like to thank @TechnicallySingal for taking the time to make it for me. You can also thank her for this update. But I hope you enjoy and i'll try not to take too long to update this time.
