Chapter4-The arrow

Hello guys!How are you...;Well.I hope you are alright!I have a course later...😢😢😢I am kidding...I love courses...kind of....Anyway....This story,is an entry for the Cupid's Match competition.But I also like writting this story.Just keep on mind that I maybe change some things.I hope you are enjoying this story so far.And I would like to apologise for my grammar spelling mistakes.English isn't my mother language...So...sorry if my grammar spelling mistakes made you hate me😂😢.So this is the next chapter.Enjoy...

"We're in trouble Cal said.
"What kind of trouble?"I asked.
Lila seemed to understand more than I did.I asked again this time more impetienetly(???It means without patience.In case I wrote it...You a mess?)
"What kind of trouble?"
"Lila,may I talk to you for a second?"Cal said.My sister nodded her haid and they started to talk with each other in a more private area.
Lila's Point Of View.
"What's wrong?"
"Look.There are some cupids that have been 'left out'of the company.Because of there behaviour."
I nodded.
"They are now team with the  jinies"


"And then there will be consequences,what we know for sure it's that we're for sure in trouble.They want revenge.And they'll do enything about getting it"

Cal looks panicked.More that every other time.

"What are we going to do?"I ask.

"I don't know...I-"He's being interupted by Charlie.

She's holding a packege,a kind of big one

"This is for Cal it says"She said as she gave it to him.

He raised an eyebrow,as he started to open the packege.

The packege was big.Inside of it was a bow,a  gold big bow with a slightly pink colour on the edges.

It isn't familiar to me.

Cal's eyes wide as he sow the arrow.

"What is it?"I ask.He tries to speak but words don't come out of his mouth.I turn to see Athena kind of impetiently at us.She raises an eyebrow at me.Seconds later she shook(sorry if I just made your eyes bleed)

her head and slightly laughed at herself.She pulled out a notebook,a pen and she started writting.

She seemed concetrated on what she was doing.

Cal handed me the arrow and I looked at it.Perfectly desgined,perfect shape.Everything perfect.

A whitte piece of paper was in the bottom of the box.

Cal's eyes widen as he read the letter.

This isn't definetly good.
