Chapter 2-What problem?

 Lila dragged me infront of an office.The girl there placed a robotic smile."How may I help you?"She asked,"we would like to see Cal."My sister replyied.Suddently music started playing out of no where."Will you keep the noise down?!"The girl yelled,almost immidietly the noise stoped."Cal?"My sister reminded her."Yes,of course.".After an intense conversation with that guy Cal and the girl,she finally told us to sit and wait."How's that Cal looking?"I asked."Blonde hair,blue eyes"Seriously?!Everybody in here are like that!Suddently,a young men entered the room.He's looking same as the most of the people in here."Hello Lila,it's a pleasure to see you after all this time."He said."I should introduce you my sister.She's-"He -rudly-interrapted her.

"Her name's Athena Amanda Black."How does he know my name?!?!?!

"How do you-",he smiled at me."I'll explain."He extented me his hand."Cal.","Oh...So...You know my full name and I don't even know your surname."I finished.I don't have one."He said.His hand still waitting for mine.And that smile not leaving his face."I'll explain you."He said.I nodded.He started walking and I followed.I didn't noticed Lila wasn't there.Until,it was too late for regrets.

Third person's point of view.

As Athena and Cal started walking,a weird idea sneaked into Lila's mind.

Cal said that everybody has a match.Could Athena be his?

After some minutes she found herself in the matching room.As she calls it.

She searched for Cal's match...And-wait...what?


Was what it's written with red letters

She also searched Athena's.


With the same big red letters...How can it be uknown?
