Chapter 7-What do you mean?

Third person's Point Of View.
Weeks past by...And nobody seemed to get close to Lila.Instead of Athena.This new kid Nick is quite close to her.They are best friends.
Cal kept waiting for someone different . suspicious.But nothing.No one unusual.Cal reterned back to the Matchmaking service.Untl he got another letter saying...
"You still don't get it do you?
Sometimes the solution is infront of our eyes.You have the solution to the problem,but you keep trying to solve the problem"and then he realised.

They aren't chasing Lila.

And today he was going to tell them.
He rushed to school.Then he found Lila talking with Athena.He quickly walked to their side.

Athena's Point Of View.
In the corner of my eye I sow Cal rushing over us.
"Hey " I said.
Cal catched his breathe saying.
I asked what's wrong.
Out of breath he handed me a letter.
My eyes scanned the paper.
"I don't get it."
Cal out of breath exclaimed " They aren't chasing Lila,but you!"
To be continued...
