Chapter 1-Welcome miss.

 I woke up to the sound of...A girl?No,no...A...women!I slowly opened my eyes to see...

"Lila?!"I said,rubbing my eyes.

"Yes?"She smiled innocently at me.

"Why did you woke me up at-"I paused to see the clock next to me.

"At...7 pm!"I said,while pushing her off of me.I may pushed way to hard causing her to fall of the bed.

"Hey!"She said,no yelled annoyed."You pushed it"I said and covered myself with the bed cover.

"Wake uppp!!!"She cried out."I have a surprise for you."

Suddently,I felt this..You know...excitment?Curiosity?Yes,that.I uncovered my self and looked at her."What surprise?"I asked ."If I tell you,it won't be a surprise."I looked at her."Get up,get dressed and we're off to go!"She smiled and exited the room,as she closed the door she winked at me.Nah...It's probably something in her eye.I got up,and went to the bathroom.That face reflected there was...Ahhhh....It wasn't a face of a human...Most like...A....monkey's...?Yes!A monkey's.I took a quick shower,brushed my hair and teeth and putted on my clothes.I started running down the staires.I tripped on my foot and fell...Perfection...I landed on the floor.Hard.But I quickly got up,and went to the kitchen.I found Lila making breakfast.

"Ready for a healthy breakfast?"Lily asked smiling.

"Don't mind if I say yes."

I sat in the chair.


"So what?"Lila looked at me

"Where are we going?"I said slightly chuckling.

"Oh!That's a surprise young lady!"She said as she wiggled her eyebrows.I laughed at her.

This...Is going to be fun!We had so many years-yes years- to do something,like sister-sister thing.I quickly finished my breakfast and -imatiently-waited Lily to finish hers.

When she finished,I grabbed her hand

"Someone's excited?"

I nodded my head.

We got in the car and started driving.

She didn't talked to me,or didn't even looked at  me.But she was smiling. 

So did I.We finally stopped.As I got out I sow a  big building.Lila grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.The building was huge.People here and there were walking up and down.

All of them dressed in white clothes.All of them beutifull by my opinion.Lily was always teasing me about my first crush.Blonde hair with green and blue eyes.That how they all looked,boys and girls.

"Welcome miss."Lila said with a cheerfull smile.

Hello!How are you today?I am good!I would like to tell you a few things about the story.
This story is not inspired by me.The original is made by LEPalphreyman
You should see her books.They are all amazing.In my story I have added Lila's sister.Every other character isn't mine.So,you guys should check the original story.I believe you will love it!That's by me!I will see you soon!Buy guys...
