The Love Of Lion


The ride back home was the same as the ride there.

It was fun and defiantly not quiet!

I put on my music and we sang at the top of our lungs the whole time.

Which probably didn't sound good!

But it is loads of fun!

We got home around 4:00 so as soon as I got home I washed Nathan's shorts

I went in the living room after I threw them in the wash and sat beside Nathan.

"What do you want to do babe?" Nathan asked.

"What about a movie?" I asked, throwing my legs over his.

"And what movie would that be?" he asked, poking my nose.

"I don't know." I said in the same tone, poking his nose back.

We'll how about a scary movie?" he asked chuckling.

"You know I hate scary movies!!" I whined.

"Yeah I know." he said smirking.

"You know how scared I get!" I whined a little more.

"Yeah and you snuggle into me more too!!" he said, laughing at his comment.

"Fine I guess you will just have to snuggle a little closer tonight!" I said giving him a serious look.

That's something I can do." he said smirking.

I let him put a movie in and when he sat back down I threw my legs back over his.

Some commercial came on and then the words 'Insidious' came across the TV screen.

Just the words and the sound of the music made me jump.

Nathan just put his arm around me, pulling me closer.

The movie started and I hid my face but peeked through the hole I created in my hand.

But half way through I got up and went to the kitchen.

"What are you doing babe? Are you that scared?" he asked, pausing the TV and entering the kitchen with me.

"No I just want popcorn." I said getting into the pantry.

I put it into the microwave and pressed popcorn.

I stood in front of the microwave, waiting for it to get done.

Nathan came up, wrapping his arms around me, making me jump.

"Baby it's okay." he said kissing my shoulder and up my neck and landing one last kiss on my cheek.

"I know." I said turning around to hug him.

The microwave started beeping and I jumped in his arms.

"Baby do you want to change it?" he asked holding me closer.

"No, we don't have to, I can keep watching it if you want to!" I said looking up at him.

"You are scared to death! Come on let's go watch something else." he said, trying to pull me back to the couch.

"Wait let me get the popcorn and the phone." I said grabbing what I needed.

"Why the phone?" He asked pulling me on the couch.

"I need to call the realtor an ask when our flight is tomorrow." I said smiling at him.

"Okay well hurry I want to cuddle." he said laying on the couch.

I called his number and he answered the first ring.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Yes sir hello. I was wondering when when our flight takes off." I said in the phone.

"Noon." he stated simply.

"Okay thank you I'll see you there, bye." I said.

"Bye." he said as I hung up.

I put the phone back and then laid next to Nathan.

I turned the movie on again and cuddled close.

" When does it take off and why did you turn the movie back on?" he asked looking at me with a puzzled look.

"Well one I'm going to bed, and at noon." I said getting up and walking away.

"Well then I guess I should he too." he said turning the TV off and running up stairs.

I turned off the lights then walked up stairs and went in the closet and got some clothes.

"I'm getting in the shower I'll be right back." I said running to the bathroom.






10 minutes past and I went and laid down next to Nathan.

I turned off the light and Nathan grabbed me snuggling me. We both were asleep in minutes.
