The Love Of A Lion


Once I was done picking out his clothes, I had him try on a pair of boat shorts that I didn't think would fit him.

And man was I right! It wouldn't even he past his big butt!

So w are going to the mall!!

"We need to get you some new shorts!" I said trying to pull up the shorts he was trying on.

"Yeah let's go!" he said taking off the shorts and sliding on the ones he had on before.

"Let me change real quick then we can go." I said running to change out of my pj's

"Hey maybe we could get some surf boards while we are there." I said smiling throwing my hair in a messy bun.

"Yeah that would be so cool!" he said smiling.

I quickly got changed and about 5 minutes later we were heading to the car.

I was currently wearing a Born A Lion hoodie since it was kinda cold. I put on a pair of shorts and my favourite Galaxy Vans.

I got into the drivers seat an looked over to see that Nathan was wearing the same pair of Vans as me.

"Cute shoes babe!" I said winking at him.

"Thanks babe, I like yours too!" he said winking back.

I laughed at his cuteness as I put the car in drive. I pulled out of the driveway and started our half hour drive to the mall.

On our way I plugged in my iPhone to the radio and put on me and Nathan's favourite band, Green Day.

We sang every song that on until we pulled into the parking lot.

I unplugged my phone and we walked into the mall, hand in hand.

Girls giving me evil looks. Every girl has been jealous. It seems like every girl likes to hate me because he's mine.

Let's face it he is a man dime!

Every girl wants him. I'm glad he's mine. All mine.

Until he finds another girl and I'll just be another girl and I'll just be another nothing to him.

I think he noticed how worried I was cause he stopped me in the middle of the mall and planted a kiss on my lips.

People around us looking.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked hugging me.

"I'm afraid your gonna leave me." I said frowning.

" As long as you love me with all you have, I will continue to love you." he said smiling at me.

"I love you." I said smiling at him.

"I love you too." he said smiling, kissing me one last time.

"Have you noticed how much of a teenager we look?" I said quietly.

"Yah I know." he said chuckling.

It's true Nathan looks 18 or 19 he's actually 28.

I look 17 or 18 I'm actually 27. weird right haha.

"Now let's go get you some shorts." I said smiling, grabbing his hand again, dragging him into a store called 'Wet Dog'

"Try these on." I said handing him a pair of black shorts.

"Okay I'll be right back." he said going to the dressing room.

"Keep your shirt on I'm the only one aloud to stare at your abs." I said giggling.

"Yeah and they are only for you so it's okay." he said laughing at me.

"It fits babe, lets get these ones." he said from the dressing room.

"Okay hurry up so we can get a board!" I said full of enthusiasm.

He came out shortly after and grabbed my hand.

We walked over and picked out boards.

I got a burnt orange and blue one, him just a blue.

We walked up to the cashier and he rang up our stuff and we left.
