The Love Of A Lion


Scott's P.O.V.

We all pilled into the meeting room to discuss what we were gonna do at the party.

"Well, Big Cat what does she like? We wanna make her feel as comfortable as we can here." Rob said sitting down.
Everyone focused on me as I began to talk.

"Well she was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader for 8 years, she's the longest to ever serve her term as a Cheerleader. Um...." I was about to say more when Chanel got really excited.

"Oh that girl is dope!! She is freaking amazing! She's been in so many Maxim photo shoots, she's been named sexiest cheerleader 7 years in a row, she's gorgeous!!" she said almost jumping out of her chair.

"You know about her?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Totally! She's so talented! Not only with cheerleading. She's a fantastic gymnast too!" she smiled.

"That's awesome!" Rob said getting excited.

"Well not really gymnast! More like tumbler. She's also really flexible. She's like made of rubber!" she said, using her hands to explain.

"Big Cat that could be useful!" Rob said elbowing my arm.

"!" I said putting my head in my hands.
Everyone started laughing and Rob, being Rob, went into hysterics.

"Okay so maybe we can set up a few mats somewhere and then we can teach her how to skate!" Rob said after he calmed down a bit.

"Yeah, I think she would like that!" I said smiling at myself.

"Plus I need to practice." Chanel laughed out.

"Okay, well I'll have Jeremy help me and we'll make a few calls to get some mats in here early then maybe you can bring her earlier." Rob said smiling a bit.

"Okay, well I have to get a few things then go back to Lauren so I'm gonna go." I said shuffling out of the room.

Once I was by my office I called Lauren to tell her what was going on. Of course I didn't tell her what we were doing, just that we might come earlier and that we can bring Lady with us to meet everyone.

So with that, I collected my things my work and headed over to Lauren's. I got in my car and drove over. When I got there I was greeted by Lady. The beautiful little puppy that stole Lauren's heart!
Then I hear the faint footsteps of Lauren. then I feel the soft lips of her.

"Hey babe." I smile.

"Hello cuteness." she smiled.

I put all my stuff down before taking off my shoes. I grabbed the papers I needed and took it over to the island connecting the kitchen and living room.
I sat on the empty chair and looked through the papers. On the other side Lauren was cooking.

"Whatcha doin?" she asked getting close to me.

"Well, it's for my clothing line, I've been looking for a new girl to represent my line.I have about 87 applications to go through." I sad taking my SnapBack off and running my hands through my hair quickly.

"Well you don't have to freak out! I can help you!" she smiled sitting beside me.

"No kitten your busy, I don want to make you stop what your doing for me." I said putting my SnapBack back on my head.

"No! I can help. I was gonna cook something but I can wait on that." she smiled taking off her apron.

I gave her an unsure look which she took notice of.
"Fine! what about I help you and once we're done you can help me cook." she said putting the apron down and sat beside me.

"Okay" I said, a smile growing on my face.

God I'm so lucky
