The Love Of A Lion



Once I got the text and read it I jumped up from the position I was in on the couch.

Sliding on my shoes and running out the door.

I can't believe that Jackass messed this up! I know exactly how he has been acting since he moved here, Lauren has told me everything.

When I got there her door was locked. I looked in the window and saw her crying on the corner of the living room.

She had her knees up to her chest, her face red and tear stained.

I knocked on the window and she looked up, startled to see my face.

She got up from the floor, making her way over to the door and unlocked it.

I opened the door in gulping her in a hug.

She completely melted in my arms.

"Oh Lauren, come on babe." I said leading her to the couch.

"How did you know something was wrong?" she asked sniffling.

"Nathan texted me and told me" I said as I sat on the couch pulling her into my lap.

"Ugh Nathan, I hate him so much!!" she growls, tears falling again.

"Hey, hey." I said wiping the tears on her cheeks.

"Scott thank you for being here! you have no idea how mic that means to me!" she said her voice cracking at the end.

She snuggled into my chest and cried.

"You Welcome Lauren." I said kissing the top of her head.

"Hey do you want to watch a movie?" I asked smiling.

"Please?" she asked looking up.

Lauren got off of my lap and I put in The Blind Side.

I love watching movies with her cause she likes to cuddle. I love holding her when no one else will.

I love that she looks to me for that kind of support.

So once I put it in I went back to the couch.

Lauren sat on my lap and snuggled into my chest.

I draped my arms around her like I have done many times before. But this time it was different, she was single and I didn't feel wrong about it.

A few minutes had passed and she was out so I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room.

I placed her head down on the pillow and placed the sheets over her body. I went to walk out when I hear a small voice.

"Big Cat.... will you sleep in here with me?" she asked sleepily.

"I can sleep on the couch if you would like." I said walking over to her.

"No right here." she said pointing at the place beside her.

"Um..... okay." I said climbing in beside her.

She snuggled close to me. She rested her head on my chest and I draped my arm around her.

Within minutes we were both out.
