Chapter 7

Jesse PoV
"I really hate to break this cute moment up but we really need to head back to the park and fast." Claire stated, already heading off into the direction of the park. I let go of Owen's hand and stood up, blushing furiously. I held my hand out and pulled Owen up.
"I guess we should go after her." I said, feeling awkward and shy around Owen for the first time since I'd know him.
"That would be a wise idea. Come on Jess." He said before walking off, leaving me to follow behind him.

We soon arrived back at the park in a restricted area where members of staff were running around frantically. Claire had just gotten a phone call off of Zara I believe as Owen went to find a vehicle.
"Hello?.... Okay, okay, stay right there. I'm on my way. Stay right with them." I heard as Owen suddenly appeared on a quad bike.
"Hey! Get on!" He called us both over. We both ran and jumped on, me behind Owen and Claire behind me, only just being able to fit. I gripped onto Owens waist tightly as Claire did the same with me as we began the short journey to the main park.
As we arrived there, we discovered a rather chaotic scene. As soon as we got of the quad, me and Owen were instantly passed guns by a group of men running into the scene. Owen started following them expecting us to follow him.
"Jesse! Claire! Come on!" Me and Claire ran after him and into the action to see pterosaurs attacking people. I looked around and copied Owen's actions of shooting down the lethal reptiles. I kept shooting, covering Claire mostly as she stood on top of a table looking around frantically.
"Zach! Gray!" Claire shouted over and over again, looking out for her nephews. I stopped shooting as did Owen as we spotted two kids running in our direction.
"Aunt Claire! Aunt Claire!" I instantly knew it was Claire's nephews and just as I was about to tell her, Owen fell to the ground with a pteranodon on his back. I gasped and froze, not knowing what to do. As Owen started to wrestle with the angry reptile, I hit it with the gun I was using to knock it off him before shooting it repeatedly to make sure it was down. I stood breathing heavily as Claire helped Owen up.
Owen moved closer to me, whilst making eye contact, before pulling me into the kiss I have always wanted. Maybe not the right circumstances but still, I'll take what I can get. I melted into the kiss as his lips moulded against mine. It was the most perfect feeling ever as butterflies erupted in my stomach.
We both pulled away as Claire started running.
"It's them! Zach! Gray! Oh my God! Thank God, thank God! What happened? What is this? Are you okay? Where did you go? Why didn't you come back? I was so worried about you!" Me and Owen both watched from a distance as Claire fussed over the two. I turned to look at Owen to see him already looking at me. I smiled slight before nodding in the direction of the doors and then the pterosaurs.
"We gotta go. You wanna go break Claire and the kids up?" I asked as we took a step forward. The kid I believe to be Zach spoke up.
"Whose that?" He asked pointing towards both me and Owen. Claire turned to look at us before looking back at him.
"We work together." Before she could start fussing over them again I nudged Owen.
"Hey, we gotta go." He said, nodding his head in the direction of where we're going whilst grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together. I looked down and smiled at the simply gesture.
"Okay, come on." Claire then began ushering the kids in the direction of a staff only door with me and Owen following quickly behind. As we walked, Claire rang someone on her phone.
"Lowery, we're on our way back to you.... What do you mean use the raptors?" Owen looked at Claire before his grip tightened on my hand.
"Son of a bitch."
"You shouldn't say bitch." Gray piped up. I chuckled slightly before stopping myself. The large gates then began move as people tried to open them from the outside.
"Take the kids. Get them some place safe." Owen said before a flood of people came charging through the gates. We turned and ran towards a rather conveniently placed jeep. We climbed in, with Claire up front with Owen and me in the back with the kids. Owen put the car in reverse and put the car back while the kids shouted at him to drive. Owen then parked in a little gap, shelter from the flood of people as they ran.
"This does not feel safe." Zach stated, looking out the windscreen and noticing the mass of people as I did.
"Can we stay with you?" Grey asked, sounding rather hyped up.
"I am never leaving you as long as you live." Claire replied being dead serious.
"No! No! These two." Both the kids exclaimed, Gray pointing at Owen and Zach grabbing onto my arm to prove the point. I chuckled slightly as Claire sat back defeated.
"Yeah, definitely these two." Gray cleared up. We all sat back before I caught Owens eye in the rear view mirror.
"We need to go. We gotta get to the raptors before Hoskins sets them loose." I stated, remembering Claire's phone call with Lowery. Owen nodded and as soon as the last person went passed us, he put the car in drive and raced towards the raptor paddock.
