*Chapter 4*

Jesse PoV

Owen and I jumped out of the car and ran through the visitor centre towards the control room. We entered an elevator for employees only and waited for the doors to open. "This animal is gonna cause destruction." I muttered whilst grabbing onto one of Owen's clenched fists. "Owen just calm down. Once we've spoken to them they will handle it. It won't cause too much damage." I attempted at reassuring both of us but failed as we both knew everything would be anything other than fine.
The elevator door opened as I released Owen's hand. We stepped into the room only to be stopped by a security guard.
"I'm gonna need to see a badge." Owen and I ignored him as we walked past him and into view of Claire.
"Sir, ma'am. Sir-" the guard tried to speak up before Owen cut him off.
"What the hell happened out there? There are thermal camera all over that paddock! She did not just disappear!" Owen exclaimed as he was held back by the guard to prevent him from moving any further. I took my eyes off him and turned to Claire, awaiting her explanation.
"It must of been some kind of technical malfunction." She said turning to look towards us. Brilliant excuse. Wonder how long it took her to think of that. I became annoyed quickly at the excuse she gave us. Innocent people died and it could have easily been avoided if that's the case.
"Were you not watching? She marked up that wall as a distraction! She wanted us to think she escaped!" I said, my voice raising towards the end of my little outburst. Owen was then released from the guards grip.
"Hold on. We're talking about an animal here." Claire stated as she approached me and Owen who now stood next to me.
"A highly intelligent animal!" Owen stated before shaking his head. I stood completely astounded at how stupid she was to underestimate this creatures ability.
"400 metres from the beacon." A young women who I believe goes by the name of Vivian chirped up. Claire turned around and stood between Lowery, who I've only just noticed, and Vivian. I heard over the radio within the control room about a kayak group in midstream, which was venturing to close towards the location of the Indominius Rex. Me and Owen then turned to look at the screen which showed two cars moving through the jungle terrain towards the Indominius. That must be ACU (asset containment unit). We watched as they quickly got out of their cars and started to move further into the jungle. I took a good look at the weapons they were using before realising they wouldn't be able to stop the Rex.
"They're going after it with non-lethals?!" I exclaimed.
"We have $26 million invested in the asset. We can't just kill it." Mr Masrani pointed out to me as if I was stupid. Pfff I'm the stupid one? Yeah right.
"Those men are gonna die." Owen stated in a calmer tone of voice compared to before.
"300 metres to the beacon." Vivian piped up. I took my attention off of Owen and Claire to look at the screen.
"You need to call off this mission right now." Owen raised his voice meaning he was serious.
"They're right on top of it." Lowery said in the background sticking up for Claire and typing things into the screen on his desk, which was littered with toy dinosaurs.
"Call it off right now."
I took a quick glance at Claire before turning my attention back to the screen. She looked as if she was about to explode.
"You are not in control here!" She exclaimed before turning to watch the screen as we noticed ACU had stopped.
I watched intently as the leader of the unit, Hamada, stopped and approached a chunk of flesh on the ground. He slowly knelt down and picked it up before turning it over. Buried inside the flesh was the tracker.
I gasped inwardly as I finally realised just how clever she truly was.
"Bloods not clotted yet. She's close." Hamada said before standing up.
"What on earth is that?" Mr Masrani asked, sounding utterly repulsed and disgusted by the sight of it.
"That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out." I stated, moving towards Owen but keeping my attention on the screen.
"How would it know to do that?" Claire asked confused by it.
"She remembered where they put it in." Owen answered also realising her potential. Everyone's focus turned to the screen as the sound of leaves rustling and the breaking of twigs filled the room.
"It can camouflage!" Hamada shouted to alert the others before he was picked up by the Rex.
We watched as the whole of ACU started shooting at the animal but it caused no effect as she threw Hamada to the ground and stood on him. I looked at the heart monitors as Hamada's went flat.
That was only one of the many lives lost.
The Rex began to pick off the members of the unit and we watched helplessly as the heart monitor lines went flat indicating they were in fact dead.
The whole room was silent as we either sat or stood in shock at what we had just witnessed.
"Evacuate the island." Owen practically whispered beside me, looking at Claire waiting for her response.
"We'd never reopen." She stated, a look of disbelief written across her face. It was at that moment I realised these people were in fact stupid. The events that occurred 22 years ago on this island were repeating and all she cares about is if they will reopen!
"You made a genetic hybrid. Raised it in captivity. She is seeing all of this for the first time, and she doesn't even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves." Owen said firmly with a stern look on his face.
"You think the animal is contemplating it's whole existence?" Mr Masrani asked. I moved into view and took a quick glance at everyone.
"Shes learning where she fits in the food chain and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out." I stated while waiting for someone to come up with a solution.
"Asset containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M1-34 in your armoury! Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" Owen exclaimed, raising his voice to make sure everyone heard.
"We have families here. I'm not about to turn this place into some kind of war zone." Claire spoke up.
"You already have. The events that occurred 22 years ago on this island are happening again! Like you said, you have families here and a whole lot of them are gonna die if you don't evacuate the island. But feel free not to if you're okay with the idea of being responsible for thousands of innocent people's death. I know I wouldn't want all that blood on my hands." I spat, furious they haven't listened.
"Mr Grady, Miss Jones. If you're not going to help then there is no reason for you to be in here." Claire said in a calm manner.
Owen lost his cool and wiped all the plastic dinosaurs on Lowery's desk to the floor, earning a sigh from him. Owen and I then made an exit to the elevator but Owen stopped next to Mr Masrani.
"I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there.... That's no dinosaur." Owen then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the waiting elevator.
I gave his a hand a gentle squeeze, attempting to calm him down.
"Owen, please calm down. It'll be fine."
Owen ripped his hand from mine and glared at me.
"No Jesse! It won't be fine! Just like you said before, that thing is gonna cause destruction on this little rampage it's on! A lot of innocent people are gonna die and they aren't doing a damn thing to stop that from happening!" Owen snapped at me.
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! I'm not the one putting thousands of lives at risk and I'm sure as hell ain't the one that bloody created a genetic hybrid! Never talk to me like that again!" I said raising my voice as well. I watched as his features softened and pulled me into a hug.
"You're right. I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you." He sighed as his grip tightened around my waist.
"You won't loose me. I promise. I'll stay right with you the entire time." I hugged him back, returning the tight embrace. I buried my head into his chest before deciding that was a bad idea and moving my head else where.
"You reek of gasoline." I mumbled earning a chuckle from Owen.
"As do you Jess." He said before kissing the top of my head. I sometimes wish he'd grow the balls to kiss me. I just want to be able to call him mine and vice versa. The elevator doors opened so we both pulled away.
"Come on, let's just take a walk." I said before grabbing Owens hand and pulling him out of the visitor centre.
