*Chapter 3*

Jesse's PoV

I was sitting in Owen's bungalow when I heard a loud clatter of metal and a groan. I signed before standing up and walking outside to see Owen working on his motorcycle.
"What was that loud clatter?" I asked whilst studying the scene before me.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it. Hey, do me a favour and pass me that wrench." Owen requested whilst pointing in the direction of the tool box. I nodded and made my way over to it and picked up a spanner looking thing.
"This the one?" I called over, getting Owens attention. He quickly nodded before sticking his hand out.
"Gimme!" I laughed and passed it to him.
I then sat down by the stairs, observing him as I did so. I hate to admit it but Owen is a rather attractive man and I may have the tiniest crush on him. The way his shirt clung to his body showing off his muscles. The way his hands moved swiftly across the bike. The way he had a little bit of scruff on his chin. All these things just made him more attractive to me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard an engine and gravel moving underneath tyres. I turned to look and saw one of the park cars. Out stepped the one and only Claire Dearing wearing her usual business type outfits. Her appearance just screamed power.
"What do they want now?" Owen groaned. I shrugged. "I dunno. I guess we'll find out."
Claire made her way over to us. "Mr Grady, Miss Jones." I gave Owen a questioning glance before turning back to Claire. "We need you two to come take a look at something." She stated, before stopping in front of the steps I was sitting on.
"Why are you calling me Mr Grady?" Owen asked. "Owen, Jesse." She corrected herself. "If you're not too busy." Owen took a sip of his coca cola whilst glancing at me. "We're pretty busy." I stated whilst walking over to where Owen was currently sat. "We have an attraction." Claire said before being cut off by Owen. "That's not what you said the last time I saw you." Owen said standing up and began to wipe his hands on a dirty rag.
"I'm talking about the dinosaurs, Mr Grady."
"Owen." He said while walking towards Claire. I chuckled at his reaction.
"A new species has been made." She said while trying to swat a flying insect away from her. Owen reached over and effortlessly caught it.
"You just went and made a new dinosaur?" He questioned and took a quick glance at me.
"Yeah, it's kind of what we do here... The exhibit opens in 3 weeks to the public. Mr Masrani wanted me to consult with the both of you." Owen glanced at Claire and smirked. "You wanna consult here or in my bungalow?" He questioned with a cheeky smile and glancing my way. I shook my head and smiled slightly at his antics.
"That's not funny." Claire said with a repulsed look on her face. Owen laughed and moved up the steps to the side of the bungalow. "It's a little funny." I muttered whilst chuckling to myself.
"We need you to evaluate the paddock for vulnerabilities." Claire said, changing the subject quickly.
"Why us?" I asked as Owen disappeared towards the back of the bungalow. Claire looked at me and moved up the steps to be in hearing range of both me and Owen.
"I guess Mr Masrani thinks that as you work with the current biggest attraction in the park and you can control the raptors-" Claire began explaining but Owen cut her off instantly. "It's all about control with you. I don't control the raptors. It's a relationship, based on mutual respect. That's why me and you never had a second date." Owen stated before moving past her and then past me. I started giggling as I saw Claire's facial expression. Shots fired. "Excuse me! I never wanted a second date."
"Who prints out an itinerary for a night out?"
"I'm an organised person."
"What kind of diet doesn't allow tequila?"
"All of them actually." Claire attempted at defending herself. I sat giggling for a bit before calming down.
"And what kind of man turns up to a date in board shorts?" I shooked my head before answering for Owen.
"It's Central America. It's hot."
"Okay, okay. Can we just focus on the asset please?" Claire asked, wanting the subject of conversation to change.
"The asset?" I asked as Owen stood up again.
"Look, I get it. You're in charge out here. You gotta make a lot of tough decisions, it's probably easier to pretend these animals are just numbers on a spreadsheet. But they're not. They're alive." Owen stated and once again wiped his hands on the dirty rag.
"I'm fully aware they're alive." Claire said looking confused as to what Owens point was.
"You might have made them in a test tube, but they don't know that." I chipped in as I moved to stand next to Owen.
"They're thinking; I gotta eat, I gotta hunt, I gotta..." Owen then made little punching motions with his fist to refer to sexual activities. "You can relate to at least one of those things right?"
Claire looked fed up at she made her way towards us. "I'll be in the car... You might wanna change your shirt. They're very sensitive to smell." She stated before walking off towards her car. I looked at Owen and burst out into laughter.
"Damn! She needs to get laid!" I said before tapping Owen on the shoulder and walking towards the car.

We quickly got out of the car and observed the area around us. Construction workers were moving around and adding what looked like extensions to the walls.
"We've been pre-booking tickets for months." Claire stated as we moved away from the car. "The park needs a new attraction every few years in order to invigorate the publics interest. Kind of like the space program. Corporate felt genetic modification would up the wow factor." Claire said before leading us up a staircase.
"They're dinosaurs. Wow enough." Owen stated looking rather bored. I chuckled as I followed behind him.
"Not according to out focus groups. The Indominus Rex makes us relevant again." Owen let a throaty laugh escape.
"The Indominus Rex." I shook my head and laughed a little bit.
"We needed something scary and easy to pronounce. You should hear a 4 year old try to say Archaeornithomimus." Claire then disappeared through a door as Owen and I glanced at each other. "You should hear you try to say it." I mumbled, earning a chuckle from Owen. Owen and I followed her into the room and walked towards the huge glass window.
"So what's this thing made of?" Owen asked as we looked out the window trying to see anything. "The base gene is a T-Rex. The rest is classified." I looked at her before looking back out the window. "You made a new dinosaur but you don't even know what it is?" I asked.
"The lab delivers us finished assets and we show them to the public. Can we drop a steer please." Claire requested. The security guy nodded and tapped a few things on a screen.
"How long has the animal been in here?" I asked, still trying to locate the dinosaur within the paddock.
"All its life." Claire answered simply.
"Has it ever seen anything outside of these walls?" Owen asked.
"We can't exactly walk it." Claire said, almost as if it was obvious.
"And you feed it with that? I questioned as a chunk of meat was lowered into the paddock. "Is there a problem?" Claire asked, obviously confused as to why we were being negative towards the treatment of the dinosaur.
"Animals raised in isolation aren't always the most functional." Owen stated looking out the window.
"Your raptors were born in captivity."
Owen looked at Claire and left my side to stand in front of her.
"With siblings. They learnt social skills. And I imprint on them when they're born. There's trust. The only positive relationship this animal has is with that crane. At least she knows that means food." He said pointing towards the crane holding the piece of meat.
"So she needs a friend? We should schedule play dates. That sort of thing?" Claire asked sarcastically.
"Probably not a good idea." I said while walking around the room. Claire then tapped repeatedly on the window. "Where is it?" She whispered, almost confused.
"Is it in the basement? Or downstairs? Maybe it's in the rec room." Owen said sarcastically getting his own back from her previous comment. I shook my head before turning to Claire. "It was just here. We were just here." She said before walking to some kind of tablet. She types some things before alerts came up. 'No thermal radiation detected' I read. What kind of dino is this Indominus Rex? I turned around and looked out one of the windows.
"Oh sugar honey iced tea." I whispered and glanced at Owen and Claire.
"This doesn't make any sense. These doors haven't opened in weeks." The guard said confused. I then decided to pipe up.
"Were those claw marks always there?" I asked as Claire and Owen walked towards me to see for themselves.
"You think it.... Oh god! She has an implant in her back. I can track it from the control room." Claire rushed out in a panicked manner before swiftly leaving the room. Me and Owen both looked at the claw marks before deciding to go in and check it out.

Me, Owen and the guard slowly and cautiously entered the paddock and walked towards the claw marks where a worker was already stood investigating it. Owen reached out and dragged his fingers along one of the marks before pulling away and looking up.
"That walls 40 feet high. You really think she could have climbed out?" The guard asked.
"Depends." Owen answered briefly.
"On what?"
"What kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab." I said getting a closer look at the marks. The guards radio soon interrupted me from continuing as it produced a lot of static as someone tried to communicate.
"Paddock 11! Do you copy?" We soon heard clearly.
"Okay, what's your problem?"
"It's in the cage! It's in there with you!"
My face instantly fell into a panicked look as I made eye contact with Owen.
We all ran for the door we entered in but were cut short as the infamous Indominus Rex appeared in front of us, and damn it was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. I quickly turned and ran the other way where I saw the guard opening up the bigger gate with Owen and the worker quickly following behind me. I was running as fast as I could until I heard the screams and the sickening sound of bones crunching behind me. Owen grabbed my hand and pulled me, urging me to run faster. I picked up the pace as I noticed the gate was beginning to close. "Shit! Jesse come on!" Owen shouted as he tugged on my arm. We made it through the gate just in time but it unfortunately didn't stop the Rex as it managed to break through. Owen quickly slid and rolled underneath a vehicle pulling me down with him. Owen held me close to him as we watched the Rex advance towards one of the vehicles. My eyes widened as I noticed the guard was sitting in front of it. I watched in horror as the Rex threw the van in our direction causing me to cover my head with my arms from the glass flying everywhere. It also caused Owen to hold me closer but not that I minded. We then watched as the Rex devoured the guard. I gasped and buried my head into Owens chest.
"Shhh! Just stay quiet." Owen whispered before moving us so we were on our backs.
"Close your eyes and mouth Jess." I nodded as I watched him grab hold of the fuel wire. I quickly closed my eyes and mouth as he sliced it open and covered us with the gasoline masking our scent. We stopped moving and I tried to slow my laboured breathing as the Rex moved closer to us. The snout of the Rex was dangerously close as it smelt the strong scent of the fuel. Owens grip on me tightened as it let out a growl before moving on and venturing into the jungle. Me and Owen relaxed a bit, relieved that we were still alive.
"We gotta get to the control room." Owen said breathlessly as he rolled out from underneath the vehicle. I followed his lead before noticing a car with the door wide open. I ran over to the drivers side and noticed the keys were in the ignition. Well isn't that lucky.
"Owen! Come on! Let's go!" I called over to him before climbing into the drivers side and bringing the car to life. Owen ran over and jumped into the passenger seat before stopping to look at me. He smiled as did I as we both high fived each other.
"I can't believe we just survived that!" I said completely shocked by the whole situation.
"Yeah, neither can I. We better get going before it comes back." Owen stated and put his seatbelt on. I copied his actions before putting the car in drive and driving as fast as I could towards the control room.
