*Chapter 2*

Jesse PoV
~2 weeks later~
I awoke to a rather loud and frantic knocking on my door. I groaned before throwing the duvet off me and dragging my butt out the bed. I headed towards my front door before opening it. I glared at Owen as he stood at my door with an innocent smile. "Good morning Jesse."

He kissed my cheek before moving into my home and heading towards the kitchen. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 7:13am.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" I growled, whilst making my way over to the coffee pot.
"Well, I'm waking you up and taking you with me to see me train the girls. You did promise that you'd come today." Owen stated, sipping on a glass of orange juice. "Arsehole." I mumbled before pouring myself a cup of coffee.
"Jesse.... You need to hurry up. I wanna go." Owen whined.

I glared at him before walking into my room and slamming the door. I placed my cup of coffee on my bedside table before moving into my bathroom. I splashed my face with some water and then combed my hair to somewhat tame it.
I threw it up into a messy bun and got changed into my leggings, shirt and jacket. I finished my coffee and emerged back into the kitchen to place the mug in the sink. I the made my way to my front door and grabbed my boots before slipping them on and grabbing my hat.

"Come on then Owen. Let's go!" I heard the scraping of a chair and a little whoop of joy before Owen grabbed my hand and dragged me towards his car.

3rd person PoV

A Pig could be heard squealing which soon appeared running through the raptor enclosure with Blue hot on its trail with Delta, Charlie and Echo following closely behind. The pig managed to escape by running through a door which closed immediately to prevent the raptors from following.
"Woah!" The raptors growled before coming to a halt. "Hey!" The raptors looked up and stared closely at who was talking to them before growing uninterested quickly.

"Okay," Owen used his clicker to gain their attention. "Eyes on me." Owen had requested. Charlie, Echo and Delta looked up instantly but Blue refused and started to make a fuss. "Blue.... Blue!" Owen snapped before Blue finally decided to look at him but gave out an irritated noise. "Watch it!" Owen warned before holding out his hand pointing it at Blue. Charlie then decided to call out. "Charlie. Hey! Don't give me that shit. Delta, lock it up. Good! And we're moving." Owen called out as he had successfully gained the raptors attention.

He moved towards a different railing with a bucket hanging on it, filled with dead rats as a treat for the girls, all the time clicking the clicker to keep the raptors attention on him. "Woah! Okay, that's good. That is damn good." Owen stated before reaching into the bucket to pull out a dead rat. "Very good. See? Charlie, that's what you get." Owen said proudly while throwing the rat at Charlie. "Echo, there you go. Delta."Owen threw the rat and did the same for Delta. Owen then picked out a rat and looked at Blue. "Blue... This ones for you." He threw the rat in that Blue effortlessly caught. Once the Raptors had finished their little snack Owen kept their attention on him. "Hold! Eyes up!" The raptors heads lifted up almost instantly before holding it in that position. "Go." Owen stated proudly before waving his arm down allowing the Raptors to run off.

Jesse PoV

Me and Barry approached Owen with huge smiles on our faces. Owen and Barry did some weird bro hug and I got a high five. "You finally did it man!" Barry stated while laughing gleefully. "Well done Owen! I'm so proud of you" I stated. Owen looked so happy that he finally got the girls to complete that simple training exercise.
"Owen!" We all turned to look and saw Vic Hoskins approach us.
"I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys but damn. You got them eating out of your palm." He states sounding impressed.
"You came on a good day. It's not usually a happy ending." Owen replied whilst shaking hands with Hoskins.
"Is that why you're not settling in your reports."
"We've been busy." Barry stated before having Hoskins reply quickly.
"Too busy to cash your pay cheques?" He said before playfully tapping Barry on the stomach. Owen then looked at me and Barry before turning back to Hoskins.
"What do you need buddy?" Owen asked. I knew he was dreading the answer from the tone of voice he used.
"A field test."
Owen rolled his eyes almost instantly before walking away. Hoskins followed as did I but I kept my distance not wanting to intrude on their conversation.
"Hey, I've just seen they can respond to commands. We need to take the research and get it on its feet."
"They're wild animals Hoskins. Trust me. You don't want them in the field." Owen carried on walking, trying to get away from this conversation.
"I just saw a bond. A real bond. Between man and beast!" Hoskins moved in front of Owen, now seeming desperate.
"You're in my way." Owen stated looking fed up.
"Come on." Hoskins sighed. "We're the same. We are dogs of war. We know that the military needs to reduce casualties. Some people think that robots are the future."
Owen pushed past him not wanting to hear it but Hoskins continues, refusing to give up.
"Look, nature gave us the most effective killing machines 75 million years ago and now we know they can take orders."
Barry over heard the conversation and looked at me. I made my way over to him and stood with him.
"We finally make progress with the raptors." Barry stated and I continued.
"He says make a weapon." I rolled my eyes before chuckling lightly. We then continued to walk.
"Oh come on gents. And lady." He said taking a cautious glance at me. I just glared at him.
"It's grown up time. Droids can't search tunnels and caves. And they're hackable! The minute the real war breaks out all that fancy tech is gonna go dark."
"Yeah but that techs not gonna eat them if they forget to feed it." Owen stated, making both me and Barry snicker, before taking a glance at the raptors and then we were being stopped by Hoskins.
"Look. Just look at these creatures. They've got millions of years of instinct in their cells. Instinct that we can program. Their loyalty can not be bought." Hoskins then began pointing at them.
"These guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, bone buckle and all."
Me and Barry looked at each other.
"What if they decide they wanna be in control?" I asked curiously. Hoskins turned to look at me before looking back at the raptors.
"We terminate the rogues. Promote only loyal bloodlines." Once Hoskins said that, Barry started chuckling and began to walk away.
"What?.... What's so funny?" Hoskins asked. Owen only shrugged and took a glance at me then at Hoskins.
"You come here and you don't learn anything about these animals except what you wanna know... You made them and now you think you own them." Hoskins looked at him and smirked. "We do own them. Extinct animals have no rights." Both me and Owen looked at him before we began to walk off. "They're not extinct anymore Hoskins." I stated and made my way down a set of stairs. Owen followed and grabbed a bucket off one of the workers.
"Exactly. We're sitting on a gold mine! And Masrani is using them to stock a petting zoo." Hoskins then begins to follow us as we continued our decent down the stairs.
"He just wants to teach people humility. He doesn't wanna make weapons."
Hoskins chuckled at what Owen said.
"You think that the 8th richest man in the world is only into telecom and family fun parks? He showed the first part, he doesn't even know what he owns." Me and Owen looked at each other and shook our heads.
"How long has InGen been practicing this pitch?" Owen called, whilst making his way into the cage.
"Since the day we hired you out of the navy. You knew the end game. These animals can replace thousands of troops on the ground. How many lives would that save?" Owen then locked the cage as Hoskins stood next to me and put the bucket away.
"Wars apart of nature. Look around Owen. Every living thing in this jungle is trying to murder the other. Mother natures way of testing her creation. Refining the pecking order. Wars a struggle and struggle breeds greatness. Without that we end up with places like this. Charging 7 bucks a soda." Owen then began to walk over towards us.
"And do you hear yourself when you talk?" Hoskins smirked and looked Owen right in the eye.
"This is gonna happen. With or without you boys. Progress always always wins man."
"Maybe progress should lose for once." I mumbled before I started to walk away.
"What was that sweetheart?" I heard Hoskins voice call from behind me.
"She said, maybe progress should lose for once." Owen stated before we all turned to look inside the raptor paddock as we once again heard a pig squealing.
"Pig loose! Pig loose!" We all looked up and watched in horror as Echo scooped up the pig, catching the pole in the process and pulling the worker over the railing and into the paddock. I gasp, my hands flying to my mouth as I noticed the remaining raptors Blue, Delta and Charlie advanced towards him. Owen looked on shocked before reacting quickly by opening up the gate and diving underneath it.
"Owen no!" I shouted trying to get him to come back but it was too late. Many men stood above the raptors on the walk way ready to shoot.
"Oh no! oh no! Hold your fire! Hold you fire! Do not fire! Put 12 amps in these animals and they'll never trust me again." He ran in front of the raptors and acted as a barrier between them and the worker as he stuck his arms out. Barry then went into the cage and pulled the worker in safety before stopping the gate from opening any further.
"Blue. Blue stand down. Stand down." Owen called but Blue snapped, ready to attack Owen.
"Hey! Hey! What did I just say? Delta.. I see you. Back up." Both raptors watched him while communicating with each other.
"Okay, good. Good. Charlie, stay right there. Good..... Close the gate." Owen called towards Barry.
"Are you crazy?!" Barry called, whilst looking at Owen as if he had two heads.
"Just trust me." The worker then piped up. "Close the gate!" He stated in a rather panicked and terrified tone of voice. Poor kid. Barry hesitated before he began to close the gate. Owen started to back up slowly with the raptors advancing forwards. At the last minute, Owen moved quickly and rolled underneath the gate, into safety, just before it shut completely. I ran into the caged area as Barry helped Owen up before I grabbed Owen and pulled him into a tight embrace.
"Don't you dare scare me like that again! I can't lose my best friend!" I felt Owens chest vibrate as he chuckled, holding me just as tightly.
"Don't worry Jesse. I'm not going anywhere." He kissed the top of my head before we both released each other. Owen then turned towards the worker.
"You're the new guy right?" He questioned. The worker only nodded.
"Yeah." He replied breathlessly. Owen nodded as I looked up at him and saw a glint in his eye.
"You ever wonder why there was a job opening?" Owen asked attempting to scare the kid. I believe it worked as his face turned to a look of horror as realisation dawned on him. "Yeah, don't ever turn you back to the cage." Me and Owen then began to walk away. I turned to look back and saw one of the girls trying to get at him before giving up and moving away. I feel so bad for him right now. I then looked to see why Owen had stopped walking and saw Hoskins smirk and nod slightly before walking away.
"I really don't like that guy." I stated whilst turning to look at Owen. Owen nodded before placing his arm around my shoulders in a friendly manner.
"Trust me, I don't either." My stomach soon interrupted us as it made a call for food. Owen chuckled as he opened the gate to the cage, to allow the worker and us to leave.
"Can we please go and get some food? I'm starving!" I asked as Owen locked the gate. He chuckled again as his arm resumed its position around my shoulders.
"Of course we can Jess. Of course we can."
